Everyone is connected by an invisible thread from birth, which is called destiny.

In the worldview dominated by gods, human beings cannot control their own destiny, they can only choose to accept it. Therefore, those who wish to rebel against their own destiny can only place this wish on another existence.


Although in this era, the gods have already become history, but human beings have carried the banner of the gods on their own initiative, and all kinds of guys who claim to be "servants of the gods" walk on this road.

The age of gods has passed, and the chaos that belongs to mankind has just arrived. In such a bad era, any behavior that goes against the gods is sin.

The worst of these is magic.

Among the various spells collectively referred to as black magic, including alchemy, there is a kind of magic of the advent system that was very popular with humans living in darkness at that time.

This is a kind of magic that entrusts hopes and wishes, and can summon distant existences from the back of the world to this land through sacrifices and spells.

After countless attempts to summon gods failed, this magic has been judged as an evil magic that can only summon demons.

But precisely because of this, those wishes that cannot be realized by the gods are realized by people using this kind of advent magic.


As one of the small lords in this chaotic era, Scarlet, like many unknown small families, has survived in his small territory by relying on the shadow of his ancestors.

If there is anything special about this family, it would probably be that they have a special bloodline.

It was an evil bloodline that would lead to perdition once it was exposed. With a trace of the bloodline of the Grand Duke of Wallachia, they distinguished themselves from ordinary humans from the bottom of their bones.

It's a pity that after several generations of inheritance, the power in the blood has been diluted to the point where it is almost impossible to estimate. The unwilling Scarlet family had to pin their last hope on magic.

Almost exhausting the wealth accumulated by the Scarlet family over the years, they put the treasures and spells on the altar, along with the newly born Scarlet's child.

She was carefully selected, and even today with the decline of her bloodline, there are still special cases that can awaken the possibility of that evil bloodline.

The Scarlet family had been preparing for this ceremony for several years, but the result was completely unexpected.

Success—maybe it can be said that the Scarlet family finally awakened the vampire blood they had dreamed of, but what came with them was the symbol of the devil, the frightening bat wing.

Although he got a child of vampire blood, the characteristics of the devil doomed this child to not be able to appear on the stage as the heir of the Scarlet family in a fair manner. After all, only one person could not fight against the group of fanatics in the church.

Remilia Scarlet.

The new-born vampire is given such a name, and the dungeon beneath the castle becomes her lifelong residence.

She was considered a failure because the bat wings that could not be freely retracted meant that she could not hide the identity of the devil.

But simply abandoning or killing Remilia made the Scarlet family feel too pity, so they had to lock her in a dark dungeon most of the time like raising a wild animal, only some He would only release her in a shameful act.

Over time, the Scarlet family began to regard Remilia as a sharp dagger and a dangerous tool.

Probably due to the double blood of demons and vampires. Although no one has taught Remilia for several years, she has grown in an unimaginable way.

Not only physically, but also mentally, she has a very extreme tendency.

The collar around her neck and the chains of the dungeon restrained her freedom, and the Scarlet family, which created all of these, including herself, became the most hated existence in her heart.

She wanted to escape from this devil's prison countless times, but she couldn't.

The Scarlett family has terrific supervision over her. Apart from restraining herself with powerful spells, even if she is chained in a dungeon, there are bound to be more than three knights guarding her.

It is impossible to escape.

Disappointed, Remilia could only accept the mercy of the Scarlet family indifferently while slowly increasing her power.

The day and night confinement in the cell made her have a vague concept of time. It was not until the day when she accepted the mission to attack a caravan passing through the territory that she learned from the accompanying knights that she came to this place. The world has been five years old.

Led by the knight with the chain connected to the collar, they lurked in the woods on the roadside, quietly watching the progress of the caravan.

"Hey, is that really an ordinary caravan?" Looking at the burly caravan leader, one of Scarlet's knights couldn't help but said, "That big guy doesn't look like an ordinary businessman at all. "

"If it's really an ordinary caravan, how could we be responsible," another knight said indifferently, "and we still have this monster in our hands."

As he said that, he tugged the chain around Remilia's neck, as if hoping to hear her response, but that insignificant hand force directly tripped her to the ground, and the knight showed a mocking smile.

The expressions of the people accompanying her varied, but no one was willing to stand up and say something for Remilia.

If she were to be treated so roughly in normal times, although Remilia could not directly resist in action, she would not choose to accept it silently.

But this time, she didn't respond at all.

Even after being dragged to the ground, her eyes never left the caravan. To be precise, it was the ordinary carriage in the middle of the caravan. There seemed to be something on the car that was attracting Remilia's attention.

It was a feeling she had never felt before, as if there was some incredible thread pulling her, making her unable to look away. She didn't even notice the humiliation of the people around her.

The knight holding the chain couldn't wait for the monster's grinning resistance, and his interest gradually disappeared. He curled his lips and watched the caravan halfway through, then immediately put away his joking expression and half-raised a hand.


The other knights slowly put on their helmets and drew out the swords at their waists, waiting for his order: "Action!"

With roars, the knights rushed out of the woods on both sides and headed straight for the caravan. The knight holding Remilia loosened the chains and put the sword against her cheek. one side.

"Kill the leader." The knight's order was cold and full of threats. As the knight responsible for controlling Remilia, he himself had great strength.

The chill on the blade brought Remilia back to her senses. She looked at the knight with cold eyes. Soon, she lowered her head silently as if retreating.


Urged by the knight, Remilia flew out like a bow and arrow, but her target was not the leader of the caravan, but the carriage that attracted her.

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