Struggle in Russia

Chapter 465 Surprised (Part 2)

Of course, traditional landlords could not imagine how much wealth the industrial revolution could create. Wallachia can only be regarded as a small handicraft workshop at best. The wealth produced by industrialization is enough to beat the landlords who planed food in the soil. One can imagine what kind of monster a behemoth like Russia would become if it was fully industrialized.

It’s just that traditional landlords like Elizaveta or Count Uvarov can never imagine such a grand occasion. They only have the most traditional methods of exploitation in their eyes, and they only know how to squeeze those poor muddy legs. To be honest, Very unworthy of the stage!

"Are the numbers credible?"

Lizaveta was skeptical at the first moment, because this figure was too outrageous. In her opinion, how could such a poor and remote area like Wallachia have such a good harvest.

The local snake hesitated for a moment and replied: "Part of it is estimated, and the other part is what I found out."

Ye Lizaveta just wanted to say that I knew it was unreliable, but who would have thought that the local snake immediately added: "But this figure is definitely underestimated, not overestimated. From my understanding, if there are not enough benefits, It is impossible for the Governor-General to make the nobles of the entire Wallachia basically submit!"

Lizaveta was stunned, because this reason is indeed quite sufficient, and the performance of the Wallachia nobles is the last word. Before that, her brother also tried to win over a group of Wallachian nobles to cause trouble for Alexei, but very few were willing to respond. In the end, only a few three-legged cats were brought in.

Most of them are small characters like the local snake in front of her, which are of no great use at all. And this is enough to explain Alexei's success in Wallachia. It is a skill to be able to govern this country submissively.

Even if they are in a state of hostility, Lizaveta admits this, because it is an objective fact that does not change according to their will.

Since this is an objective fact, what the local snake just said is naturally more credible. But in this way, the huge income conflicted with Lizaveta's cognition, because in her opinion, it was absolutely impossible!

For a while, she was conflicted, not knowing whether she should believe these figures, but at this moment, Alexei's voice came from next to her ear: "Welcome, esteemed Marquis, I can see you from St. Petersburg in a foreign country." This, my old friend, is very delightful!"

Elizaveta hurriedly threw those miscellaneous thoughts out of her mind, and replied with a smile: "You are too kind, Earl, indeed, it feels good to see old friends in a foreign country!"

After a slight pause, she continued to smile and said, "By the way, how long has it been since we met, Earl? I can hardly remember the last time we met.

Seems like a century! "

Aleksey criticized in his heart, knowing that the woman in front of him must not be underestimated, so he quickly pulled himself together and said, "Has it been that long? I always feel that yesterday in St. Petersburg is always yesterday. Those things Those people are always in front of my eyes. It is those beautiful pasts that inspire me to fight in Wallachia and give me endless motivation!"

Yelizaveta's complexion also changed slightly. It's not that she hasn't dealt with Alexei before, but in St. Petersburg Alexei belonged to the existence that was hanged and beaten by her, and she was always bullied speechless He said, and sometimes he had to rely on the help of Prince Gorchakov's kid to save the scene.

And now someone actually told her that these past events were still vivid in his memory and inspired him to fight. Isn't this a face-to-face challenge!

Ye Lizaveta also raised her vigilance, and felt more and more that this time there was no good feast. Of course, she remained calm on the surface, and replied very calmly: "Really? I don't remember those things. , There are too many similar small facts, if no one mentions it, I really don't want to remember it!"

Alexei let out a chuckle in his heart, and he could also feel that Yelizaveta's counterattack was very sharp, and pushed him back effortlessly. But he is not Wuxia Amon anymore, and stabbed again with a smile:

"Really? Then you are really a noble person who forgets things too much. There is no way for a hard-working life like me. I can only remember everything clearly, so as not to forget it when I settle accounts in the future. Don't you think so! "

The word settlement was a harsh word, and Lizaveta knew exactly what Alexei wanted to settle with her. The only thing that surprised her was that Alexei actually told her clearly about the carriages and horses. What does this mean?

Yelizaveta's mind was spinning fast, and the purpose of her trip was naturally to test Alexei, to see if Alexei was the culprit behind her brother's two or three missed attempts. In her opinion, if Alexei is the culprit, then he should hide his hatred for the Uvarov family well, slowly accumulate strength and wait for an opportunity to retaliate. It is best to cover up as harmless as possible. good.

But now Alexei obviously didn't mean that. Not only did he talk about the previous hatred with her when he came up, but he also threatened her inside and outside the words, as if he couldn't wait to get revenge.

That's too childish for Elizaveta, yes, you Alexei are something in Wallachia, but what is Wallachia? Putting it in Russia is just a state, and you, the governor, are at best a high-ranking official. What capital do you have in front of the Uvarov family at the top of the pyramid?

This kind of behavior is ridiculously naive, like a jealous teenager, without any city mansion, what can this do?

Lizaveta felt that she had a little high opinion of Alexei and Wallachia. If the other party was at this level, it would have nothing to do with the culprit behind the scenes.

However, Lizaveta did not immediately relax her vigilance. Count Uvarov once told her that some of the most dangerous insects are best at disguising, and disguising is not only weak, but also very powerful. The way you want to see it.

And this kind of bug is particularly dangerous, and it is also the most difficult to deal with. As for whether Alexei is this kind of bug, Yelizaveta thinks it remains to be seen, and it is best not to rush to conclusions.

"Really?" Yelizaveta smiled slightly, and said ironically, "Then you are a bit vengeful, but isn't it tiring to memorize such a pen clearly? And it is very likely that you will never be able to settle accounts for the rest of your life? Doesn't that make you Is it more painful?"

These words are also heart-wrenching, almost saying that Alexei will never be able to get revenge in his life. So did Alexei get angry? Of course there is a little bit, but he is no longer the immature him he was back then, and this kind of trash talk can't hurt him...

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