My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 347 347 Everything comes back to the starting point (1)

At FOX Bar, Lu Mingfei was sitting in a booth by the window, drinking a cocktail slowly, wearing a black evening dress. During this period, a hospitable man passing by came to strike up a conversation. She just smiled kindly and said that she was waiting for someone and a friend would come over soon, and declined politely.

Yesterday was the anniversary of Shilan Middle School, and it coincided with the summer vacation. All the high school classmates from that year returned to their hometowns, and together they decided to have the class reunion date today.

Their favorite gathering place back then was Pizza Hut. Everyone ordered the pizza with the most cheese on the salad buffet. The drinks must be Coke, milk, and various sodas. They sat together and told stories about various societies. So and so was so awesome to learn from. After learning kendo, someone is taking the TOEFL test.

A place like a bar is naturally not associated with a group of high school students. Although they all like lively places, FOX is the most luxurious bar in the area. It is on a high floor in the CBD area and has an amazing view outside the window. Of course, it is impossible to accommodate minors. .

Lu Mingfei was the first person to arrive for the appointment tonight. When she came to the bar, she was stunned for a moment because when she made the appointment, she only gave the address and did not mention the bar. Now that she thought about it, she realized that after all these years, Those classmates from back then really haven't changed at all. They don't like elegant high-end restaurants. They have to go to a bustling place to talk about everything.

It turns out that no one has changed much, but she is a little unsuited to this world. If I were to tell those classmates half-jokingly, "Hey sisters, I am now the one who puts a pistol under the pillow. I have to travel by helicopter and fly all over the world." If you go to kill monsters, everyone will definitely laugh it off and say, Lu Mingfei, you are still the same talkative girl you were back then, and you haven’t changed at all.

"Hi, Ming Fei," someone said at the table.

It was such a familiar name. Only one person would call her that. Lu Mingfei turned around and saw the white cotton skirt in her memory. To be honest, not many girls would wear this when they came to the bar, but for Chen Wenwen It seems that without that white cotton skirt, she would not be the literary girl Chen Wenwen everyone remembers.

Chen Wenwen was surrounded by Liu Miaomiao and Su Xiaoqiang. At that time, the boys in the class were divided into three groups. One group dominated Chen Wenwen, and it was said that the literary girl was the best. The other faction occupies Liu Miaomiao, the piano beauty is the king, and the rest are all on Su Xiaoqiang's side, claiming to be a domineering little fox

It is the greatest treasure in the world.

Speaking of which, these three girls should have been difficult to deal with at the beginning. After all, everyone was beautiful, but there was only one title of school beauty. If she could go back to high school and kill Lu Mingfei, she would not believe that these three people could reach this level. Go together.

"Go inside and give me a seat!" Su Xiaoqiang sat down next to Lu Mingfei, supported her with his shoulders and asked her to sit inside. There were four people in pairs in a circle near the window, which was really unacceptable. It was considered a good place for a party. Lu Mingfei didn't know why she chose this kind of place, but now seeing Su Xiaoqiang and Liu Miaomiao wearing their high school uniforms, it was obvious that they were prepared. School uniforms and formal wear were definitely not a problem. It was Su Xiaoqiang who encouraged him.

"Aren't you considering adding a seat? What if other people come later?" Lu Mingfei expressed her hidden worries.

"Is there anyone else? There are only four of us today, women's club!" Su Xiaoqiang waved, and the handsome waiter came over with an iPad. Su Xiaoqiang reported a series of wine names like a treasure trove, including French red wine, Belgian beer, and German beer. The amount of ice wine... was far more than four people, but she still didn't stop, and she had the momentum to make sure that she won't get drunk tonight.

Chen Wenwen and Liu Miaomiao couldn't even understand Su Xiaoqiang's name. Lu Mingfei could understand it, but she didn't care at all. The party should be unscrupulous, and she would do anything as long as she was happy.

It’s not like she hasn’t understood everyone’s situation over the years. With Chen Wenwen and Zhao Menghua together, Peking University alumni must be doing well now. Liu Miaomiao went to study at the Vienna Conservatory of Music. The predecessor of that place was the famous Austrian university that was the target of failed students. When she heard the news, Lu Miaomiao was even worried that if Liu Miaomiao failed, she would work hard for a hundred days and die if she failed. Akbar.

Su Xiaoqiang was even more awesome. Back then, her family was the real owner of the mines, and the local minerals were basically monopolized by her family. Last year, the Su family's father suddenly had a stroke and went to the hospital. He was still alive and ill, so Su Xiaoqiang had to He dropped out of college and came back to take over the family business, so as not to let his envious relatives take advantage of him. Nowadays, the name Su Xiaoqiang is already known to everyone in the local area. The vice president of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the heiress of a mining company, and the mayor have to take care of him when he eats with him. After all, he is the top local taxpayer.

It’s only been a few years, and they still like to come to places like this to gather, but they have changed and become a bit unrecognizable. It turns out that this is what growing up is like, even if you have already reached heaven. In the underworld, if you are unhappy, you can still make a big fuss in heaven, but your favorite thing is to swing on the water curtain cave in Huaguo Mountain and throw a few fruits to entertain the children.

In this way, Lu Mingfei seems a bit unqualified to sit at the same table with all the fairies... Back then, all the ladies were famous figures on campus. At that time, she was just an unknown person with long braids and black-rimmed glasses. Only a few years have passed, and I am actually qualified to drink with the big guys at the same table. I am really flattered!

"Why did you think of asking me to come drink with you? I thought this was really a class reunion." Lu Mingfei couldn't help but ask.

"Who says that four people can't be a class reunion? You can't say it to everyone. You all said it's a girls' party." Su Xiaoqiang raised his wine glass with a bossy look on his face, "I'll take the first glass. Come first, you can do whatever you want."

These words always make people feel murderous... But it's hard to ask directly, so Lu Mingfei can only drink silently, using the wine glass as a shield to prevent accidents.

It was Su Xiaoqiang who could liven up the atmosphere at the table. She held the wine glass and said you're welcome, just drink today, I'll cover it all. Chen Wenwen said, why don't we just stick with AA? Su Xiaoqiang said goodbye with a smile. If you go to other places and say AA, I would really like to give you this opportunity, but it won't work here. This is all my father's wine savings.

Liu Miaomiao said that your father is a frequent visitor here? Su Xiaoqiang shrugged and said why do you think he had a stroke? The old man drank too much. He used to call my mother and tell me that when he came home late, he would study Buddhism with a Buddhist master. There were so many things in the house that made it look like the real thing.

When someone started talking, the girl with a calm personality stopped hiding it. After not seeing each other for a long time, everyone started talking about the recent events around them. Chen Wenwen expressed her bitterness and said that she and Zhao Menghua were supposed to be talking about marriage, but recently they always felt that it was a bit difficult to get along with each other. Zhao Menghua seemed to be always looking for excuses to keep to herself, and she had to ask him to go shopping and watch movies many days in advance. , suspected that he was dating someone else, and asked someone to inquire. It turned out that this guy clearly promised to go to a cram school, but in fact secretly went to the court to play basketball with a group of good buddies.

Lu Mingfei said, are you pushing too hard? When it comes to love, it doesn’t mean that just because we are boyfriend and girlfriend, we have the right to control everything about each other. Everyone has their own private life. He can’t give all his time to you, and he also has what he wants to do. thing. You can't play basketball with them, right? If Zhao Menghua wants to play, he still has to contact his gang of friends. This is how men communicate their feelings! If he only spends his free time with you all day long, he won't even be able to find a same-sex friend next to him.

Chen Wenwen asked curiously: What about you? How are you and Chu Zihang doing? I heard you guys have been together since college at Kassel College!

Lu Mingfei smiled and said that he and I just get along like that. I never care about what he does or where he goes, and I don’t need him to accompany me every day. He has to report when I go out. As long as I need him, he will It's enough to show up, and in turn it's the same for me, and this is our platonic love.

Liu Miaomiao's eyes were full of envy. She said to herself that she actually wanted to fall in love, but she couldn't accept foreign men very well. Her family had always been very traditional, which led to her own outlook on life and other things being very traditional. Anna did not get along with the Europeans at all. The problem is that she can't find a few international students from China around her. Although being there is really helpful for her music career, if this trend continues, there is a high probability that she will remain single at least until graduation.

Su Xiaoqiang said that your love for children is nothing. If you want to complain, I haven’t said anything yet. Since I stopped my studies and came back to take over the family business, it has become a piece of delicious fat, and everyone wants to take a bite of me. My relative, Uncle Zhao, came over every three days to check on me. He was such a nice guy that he asked me for an extra 4 million yuan to build a conveyor belt when I was bidding. There is an endless stream of people who want to borrow money, but they are easy to deal with, and the ones with 100,000 or 200,000 can be spent. The most important thing is those who are busy introducing partners every day. Printing out the list is like the school rankings every semester. You can imagine the number of blind dates.

Liu Miaomiao asked if there were any high-quality ones among them, please introduce them to me. Su Xiaoqiang hummed disdainfully and said that there must be high-quality ones, but I'm afraid that with your level, girl, you will be manipulated by others. Do you think they are sincere? Do you really want to introduce someone to me? Big mistake! These are the most cruel things. As long as you get married to me, it will be equivalent to eating up all our family's property. I am an only child. This year, I have almost met all the heroes in this city. All over!

Chen Wenwen said, why don't you just reject them all? Liu Miaomiao said how could you? The uncle Yang and Aunt Xie who introduced me to the target, as well as this Director An and Secretary Xiao, are all related households. With them, we Only then can the family's business be smooth sailing. The business world is all about human relations. No matter what, I had to take the time to meet with the person who introduced me. I would just say that I didn't like him and just put it off.

In front of old classmates, everyone dared to speak freely and talk about the recent difficulties around them. Some people said that life is such a thing, you can either enjoy it well or be willing to be raped. Compared with the sophistication of the girls in front of him, Lu Mingfei suddenly had the illusion that her own problem was not a problem at all. Although the myth of conquering Odin sounded grand and awesome, at least her purpose was very clear. , and also know what to do. People like Liu Miaomiao and Su Xiaoqiang who can't stand the moment but have to accept it are the biggest troubles.

"Hey girl, why don't you kick Chu Zihang and follow me?" Su Xiaoqiang suddenly hugged Lu Mingfei and breathed out a breath of alcohol, "I think those men who come here for money are annoying! It won't be long before we I can’t hide my big tail and it’s revealed, you’re the most pleasing to the eye! Follow me and you’ll have a good time!”

"You're drunk!" Lu Mingfei quickly excused herself to show her innocence, "Besides, how could I possibly go with you? I'm as straight as spaghetti, okay?"

Su Xiaoqiang curled his lips, it's okay, who doesn't know your name at Shilan Middle School, Lu Mingfei, the King of Magnetism! We were blind and didn't notice it back then. Only after we graduated did we realize that you are the best-hidden big-tailed wolf in Shilan Middle School. It's amazing how you pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger! Otherwise I would invite you here today?

Lu Mingfei was inexplicably shocked. Now she realized that this was not a class reunion but a Hongmen banquet. The leader had done it deliberately, but she had no place to escape in her seat. She could only fold her arms with her chest as if she were a weak woman who was about to be violated. She watched helplessly. Seeing Su Xiaoqiang's drunken face getting closer and closer...

"Ha!" Su Xiaoqiang was happy. He blew out a breath of alcohol towards Lu Mingfei and pushed her away. "I'll scare you! Let me tell you, how could a girl who has coveted Chu Zihang for so long be... Where is the King of Females?”

"When did I covet him?" Lu Mingfei always felt that these words sounded harsh.

"Really? I remember that before I graduated, the way you looked at Chu Zihang was wrong! Others only had peach blossoms in their eyes, but you pretended to be looking at Ximen Qing with love in your eyes!" Su Xiaoqiang poked Lu Mingfei. His forehead is full of pride that you, a little girl, want to hide it from me.

Ah? Is that so? Lu Mingfei always felt that her love for Chu Zihang started from that letter. At that time, she had just experienced rejection from numerous American universities. Only Chu Zihang offered an olive branch from Kassel. Of course she was grateful. Dead-set. But now why does it sound like from the eyes of others that she has been secretly in love with her for a long time? Could this be the so-called "obsession with the authorities"? Before she recognized herself, she was actually just like those ordinary girls, and her eyes could only hold a few special shadows.

(Tomorrow is August 1st, which is both my birthday and the beginning of the new year. I will take a day off, and the server of Cala Picchu will be launched on August 3rd! If my ideas flow smoothly, I will write the manuscript for that day first, otherwise I will spend the whole day scratching it. Crazy. This book has indeed begun to come to an end. There are many dissatisfaction points, so let’s leave it to the closing remarks. I will write a part of the story of the girl-turned-Chu Zihang in the extra chapter, and then start a new book.)

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