My name is Lu Mingfei, not Lu Mingfei!

Chapter 152 151 Cicada, mantis, and oriole (1)

Chapter 152 151. Cicada, mantis, and oriole (1)

The morning sun shines on the stone slabs of Liulichang Street, and a human-powered three-wheeler is running happily. There are retro blue brick buildings on both sides, and "Baocui Hall" and "Chongwen Mansion" are hung in front of each door. This kind of signboard with gold letters on a black background.

“During the Qing Dynasty, this was the place where candidates who were rushing to take exams lived, and the most popular ones were paper and ink shops. Dai Yuexuan’s Hu brushes, Li Fushou’s brushes, Qingmi Pavilion’s Nanzhi, and Yide Pavilion’s ink were all century-old brands. There are also many antique shops, and this street is full of treasures. I have been walking here since I was a child. In the 1980s and 1990s, you could find Song porcelain on the stalls here..." Uncle Sanlun said. He hummed as he boarded the car, his face full of energy and spitting foam flying in the air.

"The main thing now is to fool foreign silly old haters, right?" the guest in the back seat said slowly. He saw some foreign tourists on the roadside, holding exquisitely shaped jars. The boss's flattering eyes were full of other things. He was so fierce in letting this big fish go.

"You look like a knowledgeable person now!" Uncle Miwa slapped his leg, "We're here!"

The young guest got out of the car calmly. He was wearing a blue Chinese-style shirt, one-inch wide white sleeves, casual pants, and a pair of old BJ shoes. With such an outfit, golden hair, and eyes as blue as the sea, he looked like a silly old man coming to be ripped off, and several shops were immediately eager to try it. Without even looking at them, Caesar slapped open a white paper fan with the words "A man who cannot reach the Great Wall is not a hero" and strolled into the deep alley where sunlight could not enter.

The aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alley. The bright decoration on the street outside shows that most of the places with high-end consumption are newly opened stores, mainly used to attract tourists who want to buy souvenirs. Those who really have something have to be in these small alleys. There are still shops in these old alleys. Without some bottom-of-the-box items and connections, they should have packed up and left long ago. Any family can take it. Produce some rare treasures that no one else can get, and only leave them to the discerning customers.

The signboard of "Fenglong Hall" was a bit shabby, but at a glance, he knew that this place was probably older than he was. Caesar opened the curtain, and the bells on the curtain jingled.

There are countless tiny dust particles floating in the air. The large and small things in the room are all from the past, probably from the Republic of China. Most of them are common things in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as an old-fashioned thread-bound book, inkstone, and pen washer. They have it all, it seems like this store sells everything.

The boss poked his head out from behind the counter, holding a bowl of noodle soup in his hand. It looked like he was squatting behind the counter eating breakfast when Caesar came in.

"Mr. Caesar Gattuso?" asked the boss.

"Mr. Lin Fenglong." Caesar nodded.

It sounds like an authentic Chinese name, but this Chinese-speaking old man looks like a proper European, with gray hair and iron-grey eyes, and his youthful handsomeness can still be seen on his thin cheeks.

The boss led Caesar to sit down, and he quickly boiled water and made tea. A set of celadon tea sets flew up and down in the hands of this old European man, dazzling like magic. When pouring water, he could hold the teapot at half arm height and accurately transfer the heat. All the water rushed into the celadon cup, but not a drop was spilled.

"It seems that you have been in China for many years and have integrated here, turning into a Chinese with a foreign face." Caesar commented on Lin Fenglong's skillful tea art.

"It's been so long that even I have forgotten the specific number." Lin Fenglong smiled, "When you become a person of my age in the future, you will understand that time is really something that can easily slip away from your hands. Yesterday you still Drink tea in your own manor in Europe, and say hello to your mother when you go home in the evening. Today you are already sitting in a small alley in Liulichang, guarding a pile of things older than you, waiting to die."

"Don't say that, you look healthy."

"It's just that he is healthy on the surface, thanks to the dragon's blood." Lin Fenglong shook his head and coughed lowly. It was hard to tell whether he was acting just right, or whether he was really having an attack unconsciously.

Caesar and Lin Fenglong met on the hunter website. After Dragon King Fenrir woke up, some people were excited to slay the dragon, some were busy organizing an army, and of course some wanted to sell the information they had in a hurry. Fortunately, this group of dragons Get a share of the feast.

As the heir to the Gattuso family, Caesar does not need to get involved in such chaotic places, but he also has his own account on the hunter website to observe the dark side of the world in the hunter forum, and has even taken over a few Tasks are used to test your own growth.

Lin Fenglong was one of the guys who was active on the hunter website after the information about the Dragon King's awakening was announced. There are many people like him, all claiming that they have information about Fenrir in their hands, and whoever gets it first can get it. Find the Dragon King before anyone else.

Most of these people were scammers, but no one could be sure that some of them were genuine. Caesar connected with Lin Fenglong on the forum. Some of this guy's words moved him, and the two made an appointment to do offline transactions.

Caesar placed a heavy paper bag in front of his boss, "Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to buy the news you mentioned."

"Among the hunters, there are people like you who spend money like water." Lin Fenglong squinted his eyes and smiled, "With such a bold move, aren't you afraid that you won't find anything after getting the news, or that others will beat you to it?"

"The rest is my own business, just tell me what you treasure." Caesar flapped the folding fan in his hand, "Whether you can get it or not, you just want to spend money to have fun and have fun. "

Lin Fenglong nodded, "Not far from here, there is a glorious alley next to the Palace of Nationalities. In the Ming Dynasty, it was a place where firearms and explosives were manufactured. At that time, it had another name."

"Wang Gong Factory." Caesar slowly sipped tea. "At nine o'clock in the morning on May 30, 1626, a big explosion occurred in the Wang Gong Factory at that time, covering an area of ​​more than two square kilometers and killing 20,000 people. Emperor Zhu Youxiao had no choice but to issue a "Edict of Sin", believing that his actions had offended God. So far, the Wanggongchang explosion still cannot be explained by normal logic. It is similar to the Death Hill in India and the Tunguska explosion in Russia. The explosion was named one of the three most mysterious explosions in history."

"We are all people with the blood of dragons. There is no need to beat around the bush. We all know that dragons are behind most of the events in history that cannot be explained by science," Lin Fenglong said. "The Tunguska explosion was caused by Yanling Rhine. .

"You want to say that the explosion at Wang Gong Factory was caused by the Dragon Clan?"

"According to records at the time, the huge shock wave threw a stone lion weighing five thousand kilograms into the Xuanwu Gate one kilometer away. Many people's clothes were torn and they were naked. Iron slag the size of rice grains fell from the black clouds. It was like an iron rain. It was an unprecedentedly huge area, covering two square kilometers. Everything inside the area was destroyed, while outside the area was affected." Lin Fenglong dipped his fingers in water and drew on the table. Drawing a simple map, "Wang Gongchang is where gunpowder is stored, but the gunpowder there is not enough to cause an explosion of this scale. The iron slag in the rising black cloud is the black gunpowder at that time. Don't you think it's strange? Once The earth-shattering explosion caused even the ancient black gunpowder itself to be blown to pieces and had no time to ignite, indicating that there was no high temperature at all, and the force of the impact was strong enough to directly destroy the black gunpowder."

"Then it can't be called an explosion at all," Caesar defined. "There is no heat, only the outer impact is generated, and the interior is directly destroyed. It sounds like some kind of star destroyer cannon in science fiction novels, directly The concept of matter has been evaporated."

"Fenrir, the King of the Earth and Mountains." Lin Fenglong whispered that great name. "His power is the supreme power, which can easily destroy the balance point of things. In the ancient Chinese martial arts, this is called the eye. The most fragile place in all things. Whether the object is mountains, rivers, tall buildings, or some kind of life, as long as the king of the earth and mountains releases his power into this eye, everything will be shattered into pieces without leaving a trace, because even the composition is like this Any tissue part of the thing was also destroyed, and of course there would be no explosion or high temperature with such force."

"According to you, the King of Earth and Mountains awakened nearly 400 years ago, but during these 400 years, no hybrids around the world have heard from him?" Caesar thought this idea was too incredible.

"Because his awakening is incomplete!" Lin Fenglong said seriously, "400 years is not worth mentioning to the long life and powerful power of the Dragon Clan. If you have lived in this city in recent years, you will know that this place There have been a lot of weird urban legends recently. For example, someone has seen a rat larger than a human in a subway tunnel. Its tail alone is as thick as an adult man’s waist. There are also data from the Earthquake Monitoring Bureau that are completely different from those decades ago. Different, the earthquake phenomenon is very frequent but the amplitude is not large. What if there is a dragon with the earth element deep underground moving secretly?"

"If the only things you tell me are these speculations, then I have to say that this is not worth two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This is completely different from what you swore to me in the forum." Caesar said slowly, he is the buyer , holds more power in their hands and is qualified to be picky. To be honest, Lin Fenglong, an old and shabby shop, really couldn't catch the eye of Caesar. This guy must be one of those people who doesn't open for three years and eats for three years, and Caesar is not a foreign silly old man who is easy to fool.

"You can go out on the street to make up lies. Any young clerk can do it better than me. I can't compare with them." Lin Fenglong smiled mysteriously, took out a card from his pocket and put it on the table. "So I just speak with facts."

Caesar glanced at it. It was a golden card with Municipal Card written on it.

"A subway card?" Caesar laughed dumbly.

"Please don't underestimate this subway card." Lin Fenglong looked serious, "It can help you reach hidden stations."

"The Dragon King's lair?" Caesar picked up the subway card and looked at it. It was hard to imagine that this kind of thing would open the door to another world, but when he held this thing in his hand, there was indeed something strange. feelings. The gold color on this card was not painted with some kind of mechanical spray paint by Lin Fenglong. Its gold color is a bit like the dragon pupil that is most common among mixed races. It was probably just a card produced this year, but it makes people feel that it comes from a mysterious place. Eternal.

"I can assure you of the validity of this card, but there is one thing to note: it needs to be used on rainy days to be effective." Lin Fenglong took out a daily newspaper, and the weather forecast for the past seven days was written in the cracks. Weather conditions, the last rainy day was three days later.

"Why does it have to be a rainy day?" Caesar's suspicion wavered between trust and determination that this was a liar's trick.

"Have you ever heard of the Nibelungs?" Lin Fenglong looked mysterious.

"The world of the Dragon King, the kingdom of the dead that alchemists dream of." Caesar nodded slightly. Of course he had heard of it, and even plans based on this name had opened his arms to him, but he refused.

“It’s impossible for a dragon to live underground in a city for 400 years without being discovered, but if he lives in his own Nibelung, it makes sense, because the Nibelung It is based on the reflection of the real world, but it is separate from the real world. The Dragon King is free between these two worlds, and no one will notice that there is an ancient dragon hovering under their feet." Lin Fenglong pointed to the card, "Each Nibelung has different rules, which are the constraints set by the founder, and the Nibelung under this city is the subway. Use this subway card to cross the turnstile on a rainy night, and you will Arrive at the Dragon King’s lair.”

"I almost believed this urban legend." Caesar expressed his denial of these lies with the cheerful smile of a noble prince bathing in the sun.

Lin Fenglong stood up angrily, clenching his fingers into fists. At first glance, he looked like he was angry and about to hit someone. But he suddenly turned around and opened his clothes, revealing the scars on his back.

From the left shoulder to the right side of the lower back, three side-by-side lacerations were shocking. Even though the wounds had healed, they still left light brown marks, like being hit by a poisonous palm in some martial arts novel. Without an antidote, the world would No matter how skilled a surgeon is, he cannot recover.

"Have you seen that dragon!" Caesar suddenly became alarmed.

"Yes, I have seen it. It was a coincidence. That day I went around and took the subway. When I passed the gate for the last time, the subway card turned into gold." Lin Fenglong put on his clothes again. After sitting down in his clothes, his temperament suddenly changed. He was an old antique before, but now he looks like a young soldier ready to go. "That is definitely an ancient king, but his way of survival is a bit awkward. He can live in front of that kind of thing." It's a blessing to come down. Mr. Caesar Gattuso, I have to remind you that if you really plan to slay the dragon, then you'd better bring an army with you."

"If that is really the King of the Earth and Mountains, the moment he touches you, the supreme power will shatter your eyes." Caesar stared coldly into Lin Fenglong's eyes, "You will never May live till now.”

"So I say that I am only superficially healthy." Lin Fenglong smiled bitterly and coughed lowly, "Thanks to Tu Yanling, I did not die from that fatal tear, but that power still remains in me today. As time goes by, I will eventually grow old and no longer be able to compete with it. At that time, maybe I will suddenly turn into a ball of ashes and fly away while chatting and laughing with a customer."

Caesar was silent for a long time, "Mr. Lin Fenglong, you said that you have lived here for many years. You can't even remember it when you are old, but you have the spirit of speech that can survive fatal injuries. And you know Rhine, but the name Rhine was completely settled when the periodic table of spirits was established in 1972. If you are just an old antique huddled in this alley, I am afraid it was once a very valuable thing."

"Old Antique's fate is to be shattered by those who hate him with those unknown past events. At least this person will not be you." Lin Fenglong looked directly into Caesar's eyes. What he said was even a bit provocative, but he No fear.

Caesar didn't say much. He had no intention of being an enemy of this kind of person. Moreover, Lin Fenglong had already proven that what he provided was worth so much money. This was a ticket to the dragon's lair worth US$250,000.

"Just to be on the safe side," Caesar pressed the subway card on the table and pushed the bag containing the money towards Lin Fenglong, "I have to ask if this is the only ticket you have."

"Don't you want others to get there first?" Lin Fenglong understood Caesar's intention as soon as he heard it, and smiled calmly, "Don't worry, this is really the only one."

Caesar nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he had gained an advantage in the competition with Chu Zihang's team. This is your way, many things can be solved with money, so you don't have to run around the streets and alleys of this city like a boy, making yourself miserable, and in the end you still get nothing. I think that at this time, Chu Zihang was still staring at his set of earthquake data, trying to study some thunder and earth fire from it, but Caesar had successfully obtained the admission tickets and could take Xia Mi and Nono in advance. Open the champagne.

He lowered his head and planned to put the card away and complete the transaction, but found that the subway card at hand was missing. He glared at Lin Fenglong angrily. This was the first time in his life that someone actually planned to play a trick on the heir of the Gattuso family and took the money without intending to deliver the goods! Does this old guy think that his death-saving speech spirit can escape Caesar's wrath? Caesar, who was born in that mafia family, has always been a violent person who would retaliate tenfold!

But Caesar was suddenly stunned, because Lin Fenglong was looking behind him blankly.

"Only $250,000 for such a valuable ticket? The Gattuso family's second-in-command turned out to be a poor man with very little money in his pocket." A Chinese that was so bad that it sounded like a second-rate dealer, mixed with unpleasant words In a joke, someone pressed heavily on Caesar's shoulder, forcing him back when he was about to stand up and slap his ear, "I'll pay you $2.5 million for this subway card!"

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