Military Technology

Chapter 3265 Yes, we are colonizing the moon!

When this word was spoken in Wu Hao's mouth, it seemed to have a magical power, instantly igniting the enthusiasm of everyone present. Moon city, what a distant and tempting concept!

Everyone's eyes shone with excitement and anticipation, as if they had already seen the scene of the future moon city. Wu Hao smiled, knowing that he had successfully aroused the interest and curiosity of these people.

"Yes, a lunar city." Wu Hao nodded affirmatively and continued: "After the completion of the third phase of the project, the Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station has basically met all the necessary conditions for humans to live permanently on the moon. It has a city. It has all the attributes, so calling it a lunar city is actually not an exaggeration.”

Wu Hao's words seemed to open up a whole new world, shocking everyone present. While many countries and companies are still trying their best to send their astronauts to space and the moon, Haoyu Aerospace is already at the forefront and has begun to build a permanent base on the moon, and is even planning its own A city on the moon, how can this not shock everyone?

"Mr. Wu, do you have any specific plans for this lunar city?" a guest asked impatiently, obviously attracted by Wu Hao's vision.

Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Of course, we already have a preliminary plan.

First, we will build a complete scientific research and living facilities to ensure that scientific researchers and residents can live and work comfortably on the moon. This includes various laboratories, living areas, ecological farms, medical facilities, basic support facilities, etc.

Secondly, you will actively explore the development of resources on the moon and provide new possibilities for the future development of mankind. That includes the mineral resources of the moon, such as helium-8, which is well known to you, various minerals under the moon, copper, iron, titanium, manganese, and the water resources that you humans rely on for survival under the moon, etc.

The rest, like solar resources and so on. The moon has a small atmosphere, so it is very poorly exposed to sunlight. Therefore, building a small solar power station under the moon can make full use of solar energy resources.

Of course, solar energy cannot be used to generate electricity, nor can it be used to smelt ore, etc.

But ten thousand people can never support the development of a city, and that also means that the colonial era of the moon has officially begun. "


That is the real moon city!

As for Ernst \u0026 Young, it slides a transparent folding tablet and displays a rendering photo on the screen under the transparent window in the lounge.

Having said that, Ernst paused for a moment, and then continued: "First of all, you will also work hard to develop tourism on the moon, so that fewer people will have the opportunity to experience the charm of the moon in person.

“Before the eighth phase of the Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station is completed, you will verify the feasibility of operating a small lunar city based on its overall operation.

Faced with such doubts and corrections, Wu Hao did not immediately refute or slow down, but said with a smile.

As for Wu Hao, seeing the tense atmosphere in the scene, he decided to add fuel to the fire, so he said.

The word colonization is more aggressive. It usually refers to the control and rule of a region or even a country. The methods of colonization should be diverse. They cannot be military invasion and rule, resource plunder, capital export, financial export, or even cultural export, network colonization, etc.

In fact, in summary, the difference between colonization and immigration is not the rejection of the master. What is rejected by the master is called immigration, and what is rejected by the master and retreats forcefully is not colonization.

This is true even under the earth, let alone under the moon, so the issues involved are simpler.

Hearing the word "colonial", few of the leaders present frowned.

There is a famous saying in Andy Weir's science fiction novel and its adaptation of the movie "The Martian" of the same name: "If he grows crops in a place, it is his colony."

People at the scene burst out laughing after hearing this. Wu Hao's narration is like a magnificent picture unfolding before everyone's eyes, leaving us shocked and yearning for it.

The resources and energy produced will also be used for the continued expansion and development of scientific research stations and even lunar cities. "

And in the urban agglomeration, there is no straight line connecting a nearby UFO-shaped building. Is this a shipyard for spacecrafts to take off and land? Yes, I should say the space terminal.

You settled under the moon, did not have your own ecological farm, and also exploited the resources under the moon. This is not a form of colonization in itself.

Wu Hao now uses the word "colonial" to describe the life of immigrants on the moon, which naturally makes few people feel uncomfortable, and no one even immediately raised questions and corrected me.

Apart from this, there are no factories, laboratories, or even small patches of farmland or orchards.

Perhaps in the future, the first seven-star hotel under the moon will be born under your hands. "

You will build various tourist facilities under the moon so that tourists can spend an unforgettable vacation under the moon.

That kind of colonial method is something we would rather see.

Therefore, you need to use the fully completed Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station to verify the possibility of building a small city on the moon.

The eight glass bubble protective covers form a Z-shaped division, with glass corridors between them. There are eight bubble cities surrounded by a small circle, thus forming a huge urban agglomeration.

As for your stay on the moon, the moon is a planet with an owner, so it naturally has the ability to make decisions.

The word "immigration" is more neutral and is usually criticized for its worthlessness. It refers to people who leave their place of origin and move to a new place to live for a long time.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, there was a burst of laughter and applause. Some leaders who were still frowning just after the meeting had their wrinkles dissipated and were replaced by hearty laughter.

You know that running a city is very simple and involves all aspects of problems. Especially when the population is small, it is easier to manage.

Has the colonial era officially begun?

Everyone looked at the picture and sighed.

“Actually, there is not much difference in the nature of colonization and immigration, but they are the same without value judgment.

If it proves feasible, you will then plan to consider building a new small lunar city community under the moon that cannot accommodate 10,000 people.

As for you, if you break into the moon, build settlements and ecological farms under the moon, live and settle there for a long time, and develop lunar resources, you will, to a certain extent, plunder the next resource.

Because that word is indeed very sensitive and very evil. Your country has suffered from the abuse of that word for a long time, so naturally you like that word very much and are more sensitive to it.

The background of the photo is the moon, and the most eye-catching thing is the eight bubble-like buildings in the middle of the water photo. Within each bubble, there are various very science fiction building facilities, which are low-rise buildings without all kinds of science fiction colors. There are many buildings, but there are also some garden houses. There are not even roads, heavy rails, traffic lights or zebra crossings, sports fields, schools, shopping malls, etc.

A thousand people can at least be considered a population settlement, a village, or a town.


You are wrong, you are colonizing the moon! "

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