Chapter 2188 Small talk

ps: ??Thank you to classmate "Zhang Xiaozhong" for your valuable monthly vote. ?. .

The battle ended quickly. In less than half a minute, all the Kree in the entire bridge were suppressed.

"Agent Brenda, this is Ms. Marvel, please answer if you hear me." Carol, who had completed the suppression work, reached out and pressed the small communicator plugged in her ear and sent out a communication message.

During this process, Ito Cheng and Tony walked to the console of the battleship system. Ito turned his palm and took out a book of elves with top intelligence.

"What is this?" Tony asked with the mask on his face raised.

"A tool that can be used to record the data in this battleship." Ito Cheng, who put the Book of Elf on the console, explained, then turned to Tony and continued, "Help me, use what Captain Marvel gave me before." The port you opened helped me open a backdoor on the Kree battleship's system."

"Easy to say." Tony said easily, then stepped forward to the operating table and started operating.

It didn't take long for Tony to figure out the system.

"Okay." Tony said.

Ito Cheng nodded, activated the Book of Spirits, and began to steal the data buried in the entire Kree Empire's battleship system. "What are you doing?" At this time, Carol, who had finished contacting Agent Brenda on the ground, came over and asked.

"Exploring the battleship's database." Ito Cheng replied quietly.

"What are you going to do?" Carol asked in a cautious tone.

"Of course I will prepare a copy for the exam and then take it back to study." Ito Cheng glanced at Carol as if he was looking at an idiot and replied.

"You can't do this." Carol quickly stepped forward and reached out to grab the Book of Elf.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked confused.

Although he seems to be doing nothing now, secretly, Tony, like Ito Cheng, is also using Jarvis to prepare the system data on the Kree Empire battleship, preparing to take it back and study it after the incident is over.

After all, for a top scientist to crack alien technology. The temptation to find his own needs and inspiration was so great that he couldn't refuse it. Even if Damocles hadn't been taken away by Ito Cheng last time, he would have really wanted to find someone. Take the opportunity to invade S.H.I.E.L.D. and take a good look at all the information stored in the Damocles system.

"From now on, this spacecraft is owned by SHIELD. You have no right to conduct any purposeful spying on this spacecraft. Otherwise, I have the right to stop your actions." Carol said sternly. "Come on. Carol, don't forget, the three of us shot down this spaceship. Before it is officially received by SHIELD, it is our trophy first, and we have the right to do anything to it." Tony stated in an exaggerated tone.

"Right, Chen?" Then, Tony said to Ito Cheng, who had done this kind of thing before.

"That's right." Ito Cheng nodded and confirmed, "We are not agents of SHIELD. We have no obligation to follow their orders."

"Look." Tony said proudly after finding the 'accomplice', "So for the sake of our friendship, Carol, just turn a blind eye."

"..." On one side is SHIELD, which he works for, and on the other side is Tony, the superhero he identifies with. Caught in the middle, he really doesn't know what to do. Carol looked at the two people's goings-on with a tangled look on his face. It can be said that It's an act of spying on state secrets. I'm speechless.

"Don't worry. We are just doing our own research. No one will get the data about this ship except us. So to the outside world, he is still top secret." Tony, who seemed to know Carol's concerns, spoke again.

"Well, I didn't see it, I don't know anything." Carol, who muttered like a self-hypnosis, turned around and said.

"Thanks, Carol." Tony thanked with a smile on his face.

"Thank you." Ito Cheng agreed.

Then the two stopped talking and began copying various data and intelligence in the Crane battleship at an accelerated pace.

"I'm going to take a look elsewhere." Carol, who was preparing to be out of sight and out of mind, opened her mouth and said, without waiting for the two of them to reply, she walked towards the bridge and disappeared into the metal passage after a while.

"Have you heard about the Super Human Registration Act?" There was silence for a moment. Tony, who felt a little bored just standing there, suddenly turned to Ito and asked.

"Yeah." Ito Cheng nodded and admitted.

"What do you think of it?" Tony asked meaningfully.

"How else can I watch it? It's just boring stuff. I really don't know what the upper echelons of the US government are thinking before they introduce this bill. Are they not afraid of causing chaos?" Ito Cheng said with a sarcastic face.

"So, you won't accept registration?" Tony said with an incomprehensible expression.

"I'm not a U.S. citizen, so I don't have to accept the legal stripes it establishes." Ito Cheng curled his lips.

"What? Are you ready to accept it?" Then, seeing Tony's complicated expression, Ito Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I'm not alone like you. I have Stark Industries in my hands, and there are a lot of people below who need to rely on me for food, so I can't object at all." Tony sighed helplessly.

Ito Cheng didn't speak, but reached out and patted Tony on the shoulder with sympathy.

"What do the people in Avengers mean?" Ito Cheng then took back his hand and asked again.

"I haven't told them yet, but I guess no one except the captain will accept it." Tony shook his head slightly.

However, Ito Cheng, who is aware of the general development of the Marvel world, knows that Captain America, the man Tony placed his hope on, did not agree at all. Instead, he left the Avengers and formed another team to fight against the government, which triggered the The largest civil war and melee among the entire group of super heroes, and several superheroes died as a result.

Of course, this refers to the real Captain America. As for the current ‘Captain America’, Ito Achievement is not sure what he is thinking. Who knows what fucked-up things he will do in order to weaken the superhero?

Then the two changed the subject and talked about other things...

Then about ten minutes later, a group of shuttles with S.H.I.E.D. printed on the side of their fuselage appeared in the universe and flew towards the Krei Empire battleship at a very fast speed.

"The people are here. How are you doing over there?" Ito Cheng turned to look at Tony Stark and asked.

"It's almost done, what about you?" Tony asked.

"The copy has been completed." Ito Cheng picked up the elf book that shimmered slightly on the instrument. Put it away.

"That book of elves of yours is really good, how about you lend it to me to study it for two days?" Tony glanced at Ito Cheng's empty palm and said mischievously.

"Do you know magic?" Ito Cheng asked with a smile.

"No, what's wrong?" Tony said somewhat confused.

"Then there's no other way. The Book of Elves is a product of the combination of technology and magic. Since you don't know magic, even if it were handed over to you, you wouldn't be able to figure out how it works. What's more, its production system is completely in line with current technology. It's different, so let's wait and see when you can reach Kang's level." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"Kang!? it that exaggerated?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"It's that exaggerated." Ito Cheng nodded and confirmed. Then he turned his head, looked at the bridge in front of him and said regretfully, "It's a pity that this ship has to be handed over to SHIELD. Otherwise, I really want to take it back and dismantle it and study it."...

"Come on, you already have a Damocles. If you take this ship away again this time, SHIELD will definitely not tolerate you anymore, and will definitely want to use a weapon to kill you. So. Eliminate your potential threat to the United States." Tony said angrily.

"Do you think those high-level officials in the U.S. government don't want to kill me now?" Ito Cheng asked with a half-smile.

"...Okay, I didn't say anything." Tony was speechless.

Just as Ito Cheng said, if there is a chance, the US government would definitely not mind erasing this high-risk element from the earth, even if it means using nuclear bombs...

"I'll leave the wrangling with SHIELD to you, I'm leaving." Ito Cheng looked at Tony and smiled.

The words fell. Without waiting for Tony to react, he dodged away from the Kree Empire's spaceship and used his space capabilities to return to Earth. Appeared in Emma's apartment in New York City, USA.

Then the figure flashed again, entering the Rubik's Cube world, and appeared in front of the imprisoned Captain Marvel.

Ito Cheng, who was standing next to Captain Marvel, stretched out his finger and shot out a ray of clear light, which entered Captain Marvel's body... Captain Marvel's eyelids immediately moved slightly after receiving the clear light, and he woke up from his coma.

"Where is this place?" Captain Marvel sat up and looked at the surrounding metal partitions and energy shield doors.

"A special prison specially designed to hold valuable criminals like you." Ito Chengxin said to Hu Zou. But that's not entirely true. At least this is a prison, it's just a special prison for those with super powers who have committed crimes. And the location is in the Rubik's Cube world. Rather than the Marvel world Earth that Captain Marvel subconsciously implies.

"I have convinced the supreme intelligence that the earth is just a harmless planet with some special existences that can be used for research and observation. But your actions have ruined all this. Next, Crane will definitely use all his strength to Against you, the Earth can't stop Kerry's attack at all, and the Earth is finished." Captain Marvel sighed softly.

"I know, so we need your help." Ito Cheng said falsely.

"I can't help you with anything anymore." Captain Marvel shook his head slightly.

"No, you can." Ito Chengdeni said, "The knowledge you have can help us improve our technological level, allowing me to grow up at a faster speed and have hope of fighting against Crane."

Having said this, Ito Cheng turned his palm, changed a book of elves with an intermediate intelligent program into his hand, stuffed it into the energy light barrier in front of him, and handed it to Captain Marvel in the cell.

"This is the Book of Elves, which is equivalent to a miniaturized supercomputer. It has an intermediate intelligent program as the core. You can use it to record the knowledge in your mind." Ito Cheng continued.

"So what if I help you? The Kerry's strength covers hundreds of galaxies, and you only have one Earth. You still can't resist the Kerry's attack." Captain Marvel did not immediately pick up the Book of Elf, but looked up. Said to Ito Cheng who was standing outside the barrier door.

"So you don't understand the earth. Maybe we are not as good as your Kerry in terms of technology, but in other aspects, we are very strong, even you Kerry can't compare. But you don't need to pay attention to these, you just Just state all the knowledge you have in your mind." Ito Cheng said quietly.

Then, Ito Cheng moved an instrument similar to a recliner to his side with another thought.

"Of course, if you think dictation is too troublesome, you can also use this brainwave imaging device to directly transmit the memories in your mind through brainwave transmission." Dong Nian sent the brainwave imaging device to Said Ito Cheng who entered Captain Marvel's cell.

"If you need anything else, just tell the Book of Elves and it will contact the outside world and give you what you need."

After saying that, Ito Shige ignored Captain Marvel, turned around and left the cell, activated his power and returned to the city. After a long day's rest, he returned to the outside world of Marvel.

A few days later, a shocking news reached Ito Cheng's ears through special channels.

Tony Stark officially accepted the invitation of the U.S. government to become the new Secretary of Defense and the new commander of SHIELD, the U.S. Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Department, followed by the former acting commander Maria Hill. Take charge of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

And not long after that, news of the disbandment of the Avengers also came out. Then, Captain America stood up just like in the original work and expressed his disagreement with Tony Stark's choice. He believed that the government had no right to use laws and regulations to restrict heroic heroes, and became the representative of the so-called liberals. A large number of superheroes began to unite around them to oppose the superhuman registration bill.

Tony Stark also used money, power and other temptations to recruit a group of superheroes who were greedy for power and gathered around him. They formed a new team and, in accordance with official requirements, began to capture This group of opponents is led by Captain America.

Then that night, Ito received a long-lost call from Tony Stark.

"How should I call you? Mr. Secretary of Defense, Commander Stark, or Iron Man?" Ito Cheng put his arm around Emma's waist, enjoying her service in a leisurely manner while smiling at him. He joked on the phone.

"Stop joking, Chen, just call me Tony as before.")

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