He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(50)

It was the ebb and flow of the ocean, the roar of the tides, and a thousand years of dusk, sun and moon. The mountains and rivers have not lost their color, and the stories told among them are still full of endless flowers.

Jiang Mian was completely fascinated. He listened with rapt attention. He didn't understand the mermaid's language and writing, but there were some things in common, such as sincere emotions and Rapace's gentle eyes.

"What is it about?" Jiang Mian asked softly.

Rapace replied: "This is a collection of stories."

"A collection of stories?" Jiang Mian came back to his senses and was a little dumbfounded, "It's... what is the story about?"

"From ancient times to the present, there are legends born from the combination of strange beings and their partners." Rapace said, "The ruler of the ice sea carries his followers; at the end of the ocean, there is a person with a face and a snake body. The fierce god, and his priests; also, in the deepest part of the magma in the core of the earth, there are four-hooved demon horses wandering, and the people who save them... and so on."

Rapace concluded: "The ancient legends and fables, what you call bedtime stories, are the slate books."

Jiang Mian: "...What."

Jiang Mian: "What?!"

Is that all? Is it just a bedtime story, just a legend, instead of recording some major events in the history of mermaids, group secrets, or even other ulterior secrets?

Even though he knew that there was no distinction between high and low in research, when he thought of Jiang Pingyang and Shi Banshu, who had been fighting for more than ten years but still couldn't find a solution, Jiang Mian felt that there were all kinds of feelings in his heart, which were really complicated and difficult to describe.

Rapace asked confusedly: "What?"

"No, I mean, what I mean is..." Jiang Mian's lips seemed to be knotted, "Ms. Hong looked serious after seeing the slate book, just because... this is tidal writing, which can only be used by the royal family. ?"

"I think..." Rapace rarely hesitated, "Yes?"

The male mermaid searched Jiang Mian's expression: "This is an enlightenment book specially designed for newborn cubs to be placed in infancy."

Your adoptive father was able to get it precisely because it was placed in your cradle. This is your text, your book. Did you remember anything, Pearl?

Jiang Mian sighed.

Forget it, death is like a lamp going out. Even if there are any profound secrets recorded on the slate, what use would it be to Jiang Pingyang?

Although the combination of the two words "infancy" and "enlightenment" brought a familiar sense of strangeness to Jiang Mian, he did not delve into it. He just smiled bitterly and said: "You know, over the years, my adoptive father and the research institute have worked hard to decipher the slate. Books, a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested. It’s just that the more they insist on it, the more they can’t ask for it, and the more they can’t ask for it, the more they think that the content of the slate book must be something extremely important.”

Rapace pouted at his partner, "Bedtime stories, that's important too."

"Of course." Jiang Mian comforted him, "Even if it's a bedtime story, it's a mermaid's bedtime story, but...are they all based on real creations?"

Jiang Mian was confused. The ruler of the ice sea, the fierce god with a human face and a snake body, the devil horse... This sounds much more fantasy than the mermaid. Are all the bedtime stories of deep sea mermaids in this style?

"Not necessarily," Rapace gave an ambiguous answer, "Just like, humans also thought that we were fake before."

Jiang Mian still didn't care about the term "we". He raised a pen and paper with great interest: "Excuse me, what are the specific plots of them?"

Oh oh, Rapace turned his tail fin and twisted his tail fins in many unpredictable ways underwater. He will never forget it. Pearl has never heard these familiar cub stories. He was stolen by humans. If he now If you ask for belated baby time, Rapace will follow this order as a law and truth.

"Okay, okay." The male mermaid hummed happily, and the waves swayed. He was like a ship, completely floating on the water. The water poured down, and soon his scales were completely exposed, as well as dry, shiny skin.

Jiang Mian looked on dumbfounded. The mermaid's ability to control water was undoubtedly incredible. Just as he was about to say something about it, Rapace stretched out his strong arms and gently touched Jiang Mian's long-coveted big claws from under his armpits. Passing through, like picking up a cat, she eagerly held him to her chest.

"Oops!" Jiang Mian shouted. He seemed to have turned into a small spoon, so inseparable that it was firmly attached to the big spoon behind him. The mermaid hugged him happily. For the first time, Jiang Mian intuitively realized the size difference between the two parties - he sat on Rapace's chest and abdomen, and his legs were draped on the winding fish tail. Only his toes could barely reach it. Next to the water.

This looks very much like a cradle, except that it must be the hottest, most fitting, and most precious cradle in the world.

Jiang Mian couldn't sit still, even though they were separated by clothing, he was almost cooked by the heat of each other. His face was red, he was stammering, and his tongue was almost tied in eighteen knots in his lips: "I, I, you, no..."

Rapace's arms were tightly embedded in him, and his shoulders were trembling with joy. He carefully shook Jiang Mian and murmured, "If you want to listen to a bedtime story, then I'm the bed."

Jiang Mian bit his lip. For some reason, his heart was noisy and his stomach seemed to be filled with a group of excited butterflies.

Oh my god, this is so silly, ridiculous, and adorable. Can anyone believe that Rapace is actually this big, sweet marshmallow mermaid?

"Lie down..." Rapace sniffed his partner's soft black hair, his two hearts roared alternately, and his pupils dilated. He moved the angle of the fish's tail to prevent the scales that stood up due to excitement from scratching Jiang Mian's calves, and continued to coax him with a sweet voice, "Lie down."

Jiang Mian decided to give up the struggle.

As soon as he lay on his chest, the mermaid's breath surrounded him, and the heat radiated towards him. It was quiet and cool under the water, while above the water there was a burning ocean kingdom.

"A long time ago, the ancient ice sea was inhabited by ancient gods and people..." Rapace said, if the sound can be collected in a bottle, then the mermaid's voice must be the clearest and mellowest wine, which Jiang Mian drank. One sip will keep you drunk until next spring.

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