Around Mao Ada's house, three thousand households and four worshippers have been searching for it for two days. on the desk.

There are three pieces in total, the largest piece is two fingers thick and three inches long.

The other two are only the size of the little finger.

Although Shaying is precious, these three are already valuable enough to refine four or more fifth-order instruments, or ten precious elixir, but they are far from their expectations:

Nine months ago, there was a magic tide at the foot of Wuwang Mountain, and a total of 190 people were turned into monsters. After Chaotian Si quelled the tide of magic, he found eleven evil spirits.

It is said that this time the magic tide is larger, and it seems that there are two kinds of evil spirits superimposed, so the number of Shaying should be more.

But hundreds of people searched for two days, just three little ones?

There are seven big bosses present, and one for each is not enough...

The four elders with the highest level of cultivation, headed by the old man, he snorted coldly: "These little guys are too lazy, you adults should give more encouragement to make them work diligently!"

It must be the people below who don't care.

There are also differences between the three thousand households. Up to now, the Chaotian Division has too many positions in the thousand and one hundred households, and it depends on who has the real power. The three thousand households were headed by Ge Yao, and he had eight hundred captains, the largest number. He brought half of the people who surrounded the village of the dead this time.

Ge Yao frowned, staring at the three Shaying and thinking: "I'm afraid it is not that simple. According to past experience, the place where Shaying is most likely to appear, this officer personally supervises the work, has repeatedly searched for it many times. ."

Another Baihu also nodded: "Either it is this magic tide, which is actually not as terrible as Yun Nianying said, so there are not many Shaying gathered; or we have found the wrong place."

No one was willing to accept the first possibility, Ge Yao pressed the desktop hard: "Expand the search range..."

However, the area of ​​​​the village is not small, and the surrounding water system is dense, the strength of hundreds of people, it is impossible to search this area in a short time.

The seven have been secretly disappointed. This time, most of the errands have been lost. Expanding the search range is just a last attempt.

After the magic tide, there will be a large number of evil spirits appearing, which is well known. They not only paid a huge price for this errand, but also made some "promises" that could not be reneged on - just relying on these three small points, why Possibly back?

The Organ Dao soldiers saw the messengers of the Chaotian Division running, and the captains who had been digging in the village to find them complained and began to expand their scope.

The school lieutenants were not very motivated, so they found Shaying, who belonged to the officers, and they couldn't drink a sip of soup. The workload of such excavation is very large, and because Shaying cannot be found, he must be scolded every day, which is naturally full of complaints.

The organ soldiers saw a team of captains, carrying shovels and hoes, walking towards the muddy water river and slowly sinking back into the water.

So far, the water is still safe. When the captains first came, they tried to go into the water. As a result, the gloomy and cold water in the water left a terrible impression on them. And in the end, these captains were chased ashore by the fierce fish.

No one went into the water after that.

The iron cards they wear to avoid evil can prevent them from being infected by evil, but the cold is still there, and the water is even more terrifying.

There were several damages to the organs and the soldiers, and the saber was also damaged. In the river, they could only walk slowly. A five-foot-long vicious fish attacked from behind it and bit it fiercely on its neck.

Organ Dao soldiers backhand - if it is in an intact state, it can easily pull the ominous fish down, but now, after trying a few times, the ominous fish can't be reached...

Forget it, leave it alone. Anyway, there are armors on the neck, and the fierce fish can't bite.

The vicious fish gave it two stern words, his teeth were about to collapse, but he had no choice but to give up with a flick of his tail to leave.

The organ Dao soldier stretched out his hand, grabbed it, squeezed it hard, and the head of the fierce fish burst.

The organ Dao soldier felt that something was not right in his hand, and spread it out: the river washed away the broken bones and flesh, leaving a chubby crystal cluster in the palm of his hand!

Not as long as the previous one, but as thick as a child's arm!

Just this one is several times more than the seven big bosses of Chaotian Division who used it privately and searched for all the gains for two days.

If they found out, wouldn't they be able to vomit blood?

Sun Changming was also very surprised: such good luck?

But it quickly became clear that this was because the Shaying condensed by the magic tide this time was mainly in the water.

Captain Chaotian didn't dare to go into the water, so he just rummaged on the ground, and the natural harvest was limited.

He doesn't go to the troopers anymore, this guy is walking in the water - really walking, not walking because it hasn't been repaired, it's just too slow.

The people from Chaotian Division expanded their search scope, and the dignified cultivators made holes everywhere—these school captains were on errands on weekdays, and they were sent out to meet the general county magistrate, who was also a Shangguan! The past few days have been really miserable.

In the evening, there was finally good news. In one afternoon, two evil spirits were dug up!

Although they are only the size of a finger, half a day is almost as good as the harvest of the previous two days. The seven bosses are refreshed, and they feel that God takes pity on us and will not let us lose everything.

In half an afternoon, the Organ Dao soldiers found another three pieces of evil spirits - from this point of view, the scale of this magic wave is very large, and there are indeed many evil spirits.

One piece was found from a mussel, only the size of a palm; the other piece was in the root of an old tree with a crooked neck growing on a certain river island.

There's another piece... it's walking, and it feels like something slaps its feet.

If God really takes pity on someone, it must be the injured organ soldiers, not Ge Qianhu and the others.

On Sun Changming's side, before resting at night, Hanmei forced her to go to the Taoist temple kitchen and stole a bag of corn for her.

There is no one else in the Taoist temple. Their daily food is also brought in by the county government. In the kitchen of the Taoist temple, there are some reserves of the original Taoist priests. On the first night, my sister was hungry. Sun Changming looked around and found that I got some corn and made her popcorn on a whim.

So I found something for myself. Every night when the time came, Hanmei looked at her brother with saliva and said pitifully, "Brother, I'm hungry."

After eating a lot of popcorn today, Sun Changyan finally fell asleep. Sun Changming took a shot and started to build a five-toothed ship.

The progress in the past two days was a bit slow because of the lack of spiritual fire.

Under Sun Changming's warm support, the spirit fire seeds recovered very slowly. Without the second brother to hang up, Sun Changming's progress in various practices was too slow for him to accept.

Tonight, when the gourd was released, the gourd spit out a small flame, and Sun Changming shook his head and sighed: "That's not good."

He got up and quietly left the Taoist temple.

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