Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 693 The beginning of the advancement of the Zerg Overlord is the beginning of its death

Aburame Tetsumaru's thinking is unified, but it is not shared equally, but coordinated with the main body of Aburame Tetsumaru in the ninja world as the core.

The main body is like the server of the network, timing, calibrating, rechecking and enhancing each piece of information to ensure the accuracy of the information.

This requires the participation of every Aburame Tetsumaru's thinking core and consumes a certain amount of computing power and physical strength.

For each thinking core, this consumption is not large, but the main consumption of coordinating all this will be huge beyond imagination.

At the same time, coordinating information takes a little time.

It also takes time for information to cross distances, and the speed of information transmission between Aburame Tetsumaru is beyond imagination, with almost no delay within a month and a week.

But in the absence of wormholes, it takes a lot of time to transmit information across two universes with time differences.

The unification of Aburame Tetsumaru's thoughts within a universe is instantaneous, almost equivalent to thinking alone.

But the overall unity is at one o'clock in the morning in the ninja world, and all other thinking cores cooperate.

In the interstellar universe, Aburame Tetsumaru unified all the information two days later, confirmed that there was no problem with the action plan, and began the final discussion.

In the original plan, Marines Aburame Tetsumaru and Uchiha Itachi would find ways to facilitate the human race's "final defense line" to conquer the Overlord, attracting most of the Overlord's attention away, so that they could explore some unexplored blank places in the Overlord's body. Plant the bomb.

The Lord of these places is observing them all the time. Several of Aburame Tetsumaru's thinking cores are planted here, so they are judged to be the Lord's vital points, and even the Lord's fatal vital points are hidden in them.

But the wisdom of the Overlords should not be underestimated. After the Cerebrates were killed, they were able to successfully take over and serve as the decision-making intelligence of the swarm. Not only did they keep the swarm in good condition, they also fought back the gods and withstood the attacks of the humans. Wait until the total collapse of human order.

Such an intelligent body would never leave such obvious flaws.

Even if no one has tried to invade the master's body in the past, they will still make many traps to pretend to be vital points and cover their real fatal weakness with the cunning gained through genetic plunder.

Under the observation of the master, Aburame Tetsumaru had no chance to sneak in to investigate, and there was no way to drop the bomb.

In the era when the Gods were hidden, only when humans invaded the Overlord's "final line of defense" and directly threatened the Overlord's life, could it temporarily shift its attention to the battlefield and create an opportunity for Aburame Tetsumaru to sneak in.

As a result, the plan was made, but something went wrong again.

Just a few days ago, Aburame Tetsumaru, disguised as a flying snake, found the core of the master's mind.

It was a biological structure of unimaginable size, a huge gray-white brain and a memory storage body like a dark purple bunch of grapes.

Two fragile structures composed of complete neurons are intertwined, tightly bound together by connective tissue, and supported by a huge bony structure, hidden on one side of the body.

The overall height of the master's thinking core reaches more than one thousand meters, which is almost as high as Mount Tai.

Unfortunately, this brain may be within the killing range of a vacuum implosion bomb.

The location of the bomb was not in the center of the Overlord's body, and it was indeed not the Overlord's brain there six years ago, and there was no bug or the Overlord's will to pay attention at all times, so Aburame Tetsumaru could drop a bomb there.

Who would have thought that six years later, the master would quietly move his mind.

Aburame Tetsumaru decided to launch the plan. When he counted the bombs for the last time, he discovered that there was an unknowingly restricted area here.

It was a place that could be approached at will, but now there is no way to approach it.

As a restricted area, it was indeed impossible to get close, but the energy consumption and the amount of incoming and outgoing signals were difficult to conceal. It was soon confirmed by Aburame Tetsumaru that it was its brain.

After confirming the location of the brain, there were several anti-matter bombs near this absolute vital point, which in turn made Aburame Tetsumaru suffer.

It took Aburame Tetsumaru several years to complete, burying four thousand 500,000-ton vacuum implosion bombs in unimportant parts of the Overlord's body in order to destroy most of its body, but she did not want to harm the Overlord's body. brain.

You must know that Aburame Tetsumaru has been lurking in the insect swarm for so long and sacrificed so many external thinking cores, not to replace the master, but to obtain the genetic data of the insect swarm.

This information related to all the secrets of the Zerg race is most likely stored in the master's mind. How can it be blown up?

But there is no way to take it out now.

Although the coordinates of the bomb were recorded very clearly, the Overlord itself was alive, and its body changed greatly during the promotion process.

In the last six years alone, the size of the Overlord has increased by more than 600 kilometers in diameter.

Physical development brings such big changes that it is normal for a buried bomb to move several hundred meters.

What's more, the master hollowed out the body structure here and transferred his brain. At this time, Aburame Tetsumaru had no clue where the bomb was.

But none of the above is the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is the biggest hidden danger of six years.

When the resources of the dominant body were used to create vacuum implosion bombs, many resources were pieced together, and the stability and durability were not enough.

The bombs that troubled Aburame Tetsumaru were the first batch of bombs dropped, and they were also among the handicrafts of the least reliable quality.

Not to mention the safety factor, their power is not even stable, which is really embarrassing.

This is the fundamental reason why the Aburame Iron Pill must be activated immediately.

To be honest, for a behemoth with a body diameter of two thousand kilometers, the power of four thousand vacuum implosion bombs is obviously not enough.

But there is really no time, and the unstable bomb may explode on its own at any time.

As long as one explodes out of control, it will arouse the master's greatest fear, and it will immediately abandon the frontline war and divert all its attention back.

No matter how fierce the war was, it still happened several galaxies away. The anti-matter bomb exploded in the body, which was more terrifying than any artillery fire.

The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Even if he was unlucky and the power of the explosion enveloped the master's brain, and even the entire thinking center was completely turned into fly ash, Aburame Tetsumaru's years of hard work would not be in vain.

You can get something from the minced meat residue, which is better than destroying all the thinking cores and getting nothing.

But Aburame Tetsumaru still didn't give up, he was hesitating whether to hold on for a few more days.

"If you have more patience, we have now built an automated bomb factory that can produce twenty vacuum implosion bombs every day. In one month, we can add a full six hundred bombs, which is a very impressive number. ah."

"A month is actually not something that cannot be considered."

"Perhaps three months is better. Uchiha Itachi's position is still not high enough. It will take time to promote the attack on the planet No. 19-82-3."

"It's definitely not possible for three months. The probability of something happening is already 10%. The risk is too high."

"Isn't it okay to strive for two months? Two months can increase the total equivalent by at least 30%."

Aburame Tetsumaru hesitated, this idea was too convincing.

The Overlord is a life with extremely tenacious vitality. Even if it is a little worse than the original brainworm, it cannot be killed casually with mushrooms.

If you want to really hurt the master and make it lose its will due to the injury, the best way is of course to attack the master's vitals.

But the master's vital point was clearly visible to it, and Aburame Tetsumaru was temporarily unable to attack, so he could only attack from another angle.

That is to destroy all the master's body except the vital parts.

The vital parts were fatal, but the destruction of most of the body was also a fatal injury.

However, Aburame Tetsumaru was not completely sure whether the power of four thousand anti-matter bombs could achieve this goal.

The current ruler's body rises and falls like a continent, covering an area of ​​about four million square kilometers. It has as many as thirty body structures with a height of more than two thousand meters, and is rooted more than one thousand meters into the earth's crust. It is a veritable behemoth.

Facing such a behemoth, even with internal blasting, a total of two billion tons of mushrooms is a bit too small.

Just when Aburame Tetsumaru and the others were communicating at the speed of light and discussing how to deal with it, a change occurred.

The master's body began to tremble, starting from its central peak, and the tremors quickly spread throughout the body.

At this time, the master's body and the planet were deeply bound, and the tremors caused the entire planet to vibrate. Planet-level earthquakes broke out and spread continuously.

Countless thoughts clashed fiercely among Aburame Tetsumaru's four thinking cores, quickly guessing and judging sudden changes.

"Does the Lord want to be promoted?"

"It's possible, but instead of eventually becoming a brain worm, it digests the independent thoughts it swallowed before and begins to expand its body and will carrier."

"In other words, it may become energetic and discover our bomb?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. No, it should be said that it is very possible."

Aburame Tetsumaru, the first Marine to arrive, made a decisive decision: "All plans are cancelled, and we will decide immediately whether to launch."

"As the oldest member in the interstellar universe, I will express my position first."

Marine Aburame Tetsumaru said firmly: "My opinion is to launch immediately, blow up the master, and plunder its memory and thinking."

The three Aburame Tetsumaru from within the Zerg quickly made their own judgment.



"I agree, I will prepare to detonate it, and you two will evacuate immediately!"

As Aburame Tetsumaru, all the core of his thinking had no twitchy character, and the three insects of the swarm began to run wildly towards the periphery of the dominant body.

"It would be great if I had chakra. A Flying Thunder God Technique can be in place instantly."

"The Gods don't know where they are hiding, otherwise they would have the opportunity to learn psionic energy transition. In this universe, this is definitely the best way to travel."

"Don't think so much, speed up!"

The last thought belongs to the vacuum implosion bomb that serves as the detonator as he rushes towards the new work.

This bomb is hidden in the body of an Euglena. The inside of the bomb is filled with a full six kilograms of negative protons. Titanium is used as the bomb shell to maintain absolute vacuum and vacuum collapse pressure.

In order to break through the solid titanium shell, it is tightly wrapped with a powerful total nitrogen bomb.

The bomb is enough to explode the solid shell and break the constraints of space collapse. The anionic proton powder will come into contact with the air sucked in by the vacuum, triggering the first round of annihilation of matter and antimatter, resulting in the first explosion.

The explosion blows away the negative proton powder, and whatever it comes into contact with will be annihilated, violently releasing energy, resulting in a terrifying big explosion.

Annihilation of matter and antimatter is the most efficient mass-energy reaction. After one kilogram of uranium is fissured, the mass lost is only about ten grams, and after one kilogram of hydrogen is fused, the mass converted into energy is only twenty-nine grams.

But after the annihilation of six kilograms of negative protons, a full twelve kilograms of mass are lost, which is a 200% conversion of their own mass into energy.

Large-scale production, the long-awaited vacuum implosion bomb is filled with 60 grams of anion protons, which is equivalent to the reaction effect of four kilograms of deuterium fusion. It is a standard strategic-level hydrogen bomb, and the energy released is equivalent to the equivalent of 500,000 tons of TNT.

This special vacuum implosion bomb has a shelf life of only one year, but its power is definitely impressive.

And hidden in the body of the Euglena, it uses an air explosion method, which is powerful enough to cover the entire body of the Overlord and detonate the four thousand vacuum implosion bombs buried in its body.

At the same time, such huge damage can destroy a large number of the Overlord's organs, especially its warehouse for collecting and storing antimatter, which is given special attention and will inevitably lead to corresponding explosions.

The Aburame Iron Pills disguised as insects sighed and began to count the size of the insect swarms under their control, ordering them to hide immediately to defend against the coming impact.

Because the plan could not keep up with the changes, the power of this big explosion was much smaller than the ideal state. It could not completely destroy the body of the master, nor could it completely eliminate the insect swarm and guards in its body.

Next, Aburame Tetsumaru will inevitably face a battle. Only after annihilating the severely damaged Dominator Guards can he enter the brain area and plunder the Dominator's data and memories.

The memory and genes of the insect swarm owned by the Zerg master are the biggest goal of Zhou civilization, which is also a Zerg civilization, and it is far more coveted than the human technology.

For this reason, Aburame Tetsumaru endured many external deaths, each time giving him a real and realistic death experience.

That kind of silence that quickly or slowly subsided, and all interactions with the world were stripped away, and he returned to the state of floating in the void between the sea of ​​souls, which made Aburame Tetsumaru feel deeply afraid.

There is great terror between life and death, and Aburame Tetsumaru understands this very deeply.

Especially before the final death, the body's biology and instinct trigger all abilities to resist death, making his body completely crazy.

A huge amount of adrenaline was released, causing Aburame Tetsumaru to instantly twist her mouth and eyes, twitch her whole body, tremble her hands and feet, and her face could be distorted to the point of not being human, which can be described as humiliating.

Fortunately, he could still barely control some of his muscles to prevent excrement from flowing out. Otherwise, he would rather find a small dark room by himself than let Kaguya Otsutsuki take care of him.

It's so embarrassing.

But this kind of horrific death is ultimately the feeling of death, not the real death.

Especially the moment of complete silence means that the feeling of death from the core of the mind ends. This gives Aburame Tetsumaru the courage to persist and endure more death experiences.

For the next development of Zhou Wenming, in order to find the inspiration to unlock the secret of chakra particles, he is willing to endure more horrors.

Disguised as a flying snake, Aburame Teimaru flapped his wings and flew high into the air, hitting the body of the eyeworm controlled by him at the fastest speed, and detonating the total nitrogen explosive without hesitation.

This time the death was so swift and violent, it was over in an instant. Aburame Tetsumaru's main body didn't even have time to twitch, and everything was over.

But he knew that this was just the beginning. He turned to Kaguya Otsutsuki and said: "Thinking Core No. 58 is over, okay. But it won't be so easy next time. I'll leave it to you."

Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded, said nothing, and stared at his man nervously.

This is a long-planned adventure, and it is also the last adventure for a long time. Regardless of the harvest, Aburame Tetsumaru must concentrate on preparing for the war of the Otsutsuki clan.

Kaguya knew very well that Aburame Tetsumaru would try his best not to leave any regrets in anything like this last chance matter.

He will be more inclined to take risks, so the death experience he will endure will be doubled.

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