Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 650 The Ninja World in the Past Two Years

However, these victories are all tactical, and the strategic initiative in war is always in the hands of the side that can win in the field.

The Battle of Konoha Village, with the Salvation Army's hands tied, is still advancing slowly but surely, moving in the direction expected by the Salvation Society, unshakable.

After more than two months of fierce fighting, the Salvation Society finally surrounded Konoha Village, using intensive firepower to create a charred battlefield thirty kilometers wide.

When the strategic intention is achieved, all the former tactical advantages will be reversed, and now the armies of various countries surrounded by Konoha Village need to attack.

At the same time, the width of the battlefield is enough. The Salvation Army's pursuit will stop at the center line of the battlefield, or it may pursue them all the way to the edge of the battlefield, which greatly increases their flexibility.

As a result, the coalition forces of various countries lost all their advantages. It didn't take long for them to be impatient and fought several battles of annihilation. The morale of the army was shattered.

The Salvation Society, which had fully taken the initiative, kept its promise. They did not attack Konoha Village, but used more material and military resources for reinforcements.

They have established many underground fortifications in the northern part of the Country of Fire as support for defense and as material storage warehouses for continued attacks.

The Salvation Society even had the energy to replenish trees on the previous battlefield, and they actually used Wood Release Ninjas.

This is simply a mockery. The Wooden Ninja is synonymous with the strongest on the battlefield today. Its status is equivalent to a strategic weapon, far higher than the Great Black Sky Insect that was once used to destroy the fortress of Iwagakure Village.

The name of Wood Release was first made famous by the first Hokage, but later it was destroyed by the operations of Shimura Danzo and others, as well as the large-scale appearance of Bai Zetsu.

There are many and weak, it is extremely difficult to obtain, and there is great danger in mastering it. The Mudun is a blood inheritance limit that no one wants.

But as the resurrected Senju Hashirama became the descendant, this stupid guy with no research talent actually developed a series of insects with the characteristics of the sacred tree.

These special insects of the sacred tree species, which are called wood escape insects, are all activated wood escape creations. They all have powerful bodies and can come and go freely in today's artillery fire.

Even the weakest wooden dragon is not a monster that can be destroyed by hundreds of bombardments.

The most powerful Thousand-Handed Buddha Insect is a monster that can instantly change the shape of the battlefield and re-plan the map.

Fortunately, it is very difficult to control such insects. If you don't have the identity of a descendant, you can only use the Wood Release Chakra to integrate yourself into the Wood Release Bugs and replace their will.

The ability to successfully replace the insect's will depends entirely on how strong the ninja's will is, and the amount of chakra affects the duration of the control.

Therefore, the Wooden Ninja has become a strategic unit. As ninjas, they naturally have many bonds, can communicate well, and have very high obedience.

They can also receive training effectively and gain higher combat capabilities. The combination of Wooden Ninja and Wooden Insect completely replaced the former tailed beasts.

In the early days of the war, the wooden dragons controlled by the Wooden Ninjas stole the show. For a long time, the war was a confrontation between the wooden dragons, and other ninjas could only fight.

This mode of war has caused extremely horrific damage. Almost every battle will destroy hundreds of kilometers and spread to a larger area, causing quite serious secondary disasters.

In just over three months, nearly one-fifth of the once-prosperous Forest Country has returned to a desert state.

With the destruction of the Water Diversion Project in the Land of Rain, the Land of Forests has irreversibly transformed into desertification.

Fortunately, the nature of the Wooden Ninjas does not like war. Those who can control freedom eventually gathered in the Salvation Society and did not fall under the control of various countries.

As the war progressed, the inevitable losses of wood dragon insects increased. Some died fighting each other, and some died from being hit by too much artillery fire, and the damage accumulated to an unbearable level.

Countries are gradually becoming more conservative in their use of wood escape ninjas.

More importantly, the Salvation Society bred its first wood dragon insect a year later, and it was successfully controlled by a wood escape ninja.

As the most self-disciplined political power, the Salvation Society suddenly began to exert force after gaining control of an overwhelming number of wooden dragons.

The Salvation Society publicly displayed a hundred wooden dragons and four wooden figures.

When all the countries were shocked to the point of despair, Namikaze Naruto announced: The Salvation Society will not use the Wood Release Insect first, but no matter who uses it, they will use the Wood Release Insect to destroy all countries at the same time.

At the same time, the strategic deterrence was destroyed, which completely ended the dominance of the Wooden ninja on the battlefield, and somewhat alleviated the damage suffered by the ninja world.

However, the Salvation Society was completely exposed and was hostile to all countries. From then on, it began to resist the siege of the entire ninja world alone.

Because the Salvation Society publicly stated from the beginning that they were the ones who asked Zhou Wenming to release the resource supply, they were met with widespread hostility.

During the nearly five-year period of chaos, the Salvation Church had the same status as an underground organization or a cult.

The members at that time were in embarrassment because of this, and many had fallen out with their families. Many even felt regretful after seeing the chaos in the ninja world.

Before quitting completely, the number of members of the Salvation Society was reduced to just over a hundred due to someone withdrawing from the membership.

There are more than a hundred people, and even if everyone is an elite and versatile person, the Salvation Society will not be able to compete for a rich place.

In addition, their reputation is terrible, and no one is willing to cooperate with them. On the contrary, people are actively attacking them everywhere.

Namikaze Naruto chose the Country of Tea as the foothold of the Salvation Society by referring to Zhou Wenming's journey of starting up.

Under the rule of the Zhou civilization, the Kingdom of Tea was once a land of dragon prosperity that was far more prosperous than the Kingdom of Fire, and second only to the Kingdom of Iron in the ninja world.

But with the retreat of Zhou Wenming, the population of the Kingdom of Tea was relocated by Zhou Wenming as his own people, and together with the population of the Kingdom of Iron, they were transferred to Purple Thunder Star for redevelopment.

After losing its population, the country of tea quickly declined.

It's not that the surrounding population is unwilling to migrate here, but that the level of construction in the Country of Tea is too high, so high that it can't be used by the population with insufficient level.

During the great retreat, even if the descendants of Zhou Civilization were willing to hand over to the new arrivals, they could not operate it well and soon the Kingdom of Tea collapsed and turned into an abandoned land.

The disappointed tired bird and the housekeeper gave up this meaningless operation, sealed up a complete industrial system, and handed it over to Namikaze Naruto.

In the Country of Tea, the Salvation Society got a chance to breathe, and high-end infrastructure was what the Salvation Society wanted. With just over a hundred people, they restored one third of the southern end of the Country of Tea to its original appearance.

Then the Salvation Society will have a massive amount of supplies, a massive amount of food, and everything is ready, except for the population.

The population was forced over by the war-torn countries.

For the various regimes in the war, they are in a period of absolute incremental development. The ninja world is full of wealth, force and resources. As long as you boldly grab them, you can quickly expand your strength.

Compared with other resources, human resources are too troublesome. They have to provide food and drink, and they also have to take care of their emotions.

But from another perspective, people are the cheapest resource. As long as their mood is not taken into consideration, they can be made efficiently.

So the careerists chose to survey the controlled population, extract force, technicians and high-quality labor, and then drive away the remaining old, weak and young.

The first wave of refugees was artificially created, which was also the largest death stage for the ninja world's population.

Except for some who entered the deserted tea country and were accepted by the Salvation Society and survived, most of them died on the wandering road after a month or two.

To be honest, this wave of population increase is just a burden for the Salvation Society. It has not obtained high-quality labor force, and it has not even been able to organize an armed force.

But this acceptance changed the reputation of the Salvation Society, and people began to come to the Country of Tea with their families.

These people are the middle class in the industrial system, the actual backbone of the elite, and the absolute backbone.

But in the eyes of people who don’t know enough about the industrial system, it’s hard to see them. These guys, who are one level above ordinary workers, can easily be ignored.

Being ignored will lead to theft of interests, which is corruption.

And this is human nature, it cannot exist, and can only be suppressed and controlled through other methods.

Before that, it was laws and systems that balanced corrupt impulses, but now they have disappeared with the departure of Zhou Wenming.

In just a few months, corruption quickly developed out of control.

The top leaders of the new country did not notice it at all, because corruption actually made them feel comfortable at the beginning.

Except for the great men or saints who can truly see through time, or those who can bask in the glory of the great era, no one can automatically and consciously break away from the comfort zone.

The key is that in this comfort zone, it is definitely not purely physical enjoyment, but more about the pleasure of rapidly advancing your career, and the spiritual enjoyment of being united as one with divine help.

It is really not something that ordinary people can do to get rid of spiritual enjoyment independently.

If you can't get rid of it, you will naturally sink into it. This whirlpool of desire is like a quagmire, and the sinking person can only sink slowly without struggling.

The fundamental problem with Zhou Wenming's retreat from the ninja world is that it was forcibly dragged from the feudal era to ultra-modern times, skipping too many humanistic stages.

The workers at the bottom don't know how to restrain the rulers, and the corrupt rulers don't know how to restrain their desires.

The corruption in the newly born countries is not the kind of corruption that everyone in the system has to do as a last resort.

This kind of corruption is full of weird vitality and terrifying madness.

They had to indulge their greed crazily, and each one of them had to open their mouths wide and tear out the flesh and blood that could be eaten without any scruples. They had no regard for whether they could survive after the prey was eaten up.

Because if the speed of devouring flesh and blood is slow, then one step is slower and the next step is slower, and it is very likely that the next moment one will become the target of a predator that becomes stronger quickly.

In this crazy race for survival that is full of barbaric atmosphere, there is no doubt that the workers at the bottom have the greatest losses.

Under the control of Zhou Wenming, these people were once enviable workers, the real middle class, the largest output class of leaders, the most promising, ideal and energetic class.

But now, they are the fattest lambs, being bitten crazily.

In just a few months, workers have gone from being able to raise three to five children and eating meat every meal, to a situation where the whole family has no food to eat.

Fortunately, the new country is very immature and has not developed a strong legal network. The ninja world does not have the tradition of the household registration system, so social mobility still exists.

As long as they were not stubborn, as long as they were not completely unable to leave, they all made their own choices with their feet. They all flowed to the Country of Tea, which accepted the first wave of refugees.

It is a pity that of the 60 million industrial workers when Zhou Wenming retreated, only less than 3 million were able to enter the country of tea, and this was already the vast majority of those who survived.

The speed of industrial collapse was too fast. When the top management sensed the danger, went through the process of investigation and confirmation, and began to exert efforts to protect, there were less than one million workers left.

If this number of people is divided between the four major countries and dozens of small and chaotic countries, no one will have much.

With the large-scale disappearance of the working class and the complete paralysis of the remaining industrial system, the workers who have been rescued can barely maintain the most urgent needs, which is military production.

As we all know, the military industry is the flower of the industrial system, but it requires all-round support from the basic industrial system. If we only maintain the operation of the military industry system, we will inevitably face a gradual shrinkage.

But even such a tense situation has not changed the status of workers, let alone their increasingly difficult lives.

The top management is willing to help workers to stimulate their enthusiasm, but the middle managers are not willing. They also want these benefits.

Therefore, various worker protection, encouragement, and reward policies formulated by various countries have become waste paper, and workers have not received any benefits.

But from the perspective of senior management, they should reap more output if they invest their profits.

Middle managers invariably choose to enslave workers, use harsh punishments to strengthen management, and use fear and death to force workers to work crazy.

It took three months to go from a comfortable life to a life of poverty, and it only took three months to go from a life of poverty to a factory concentration camp.

As expected, there was new growth in military production. Leaders continued to command the army to display their war talents. The new generation of powerful people lived the wealthy life they dreamed of.

Everything looks so prosperous.

Contrary to other countries, the Salvation Society used its own efforts to attract more workers, but it made itself miserable.

More than three million workers joined the workforce one after another, which led to rapid growth in productivity, but also brought about a huge crisis.

Because workers all bring their families with them, along with the three million industrial workers, there is a population of more than 15 million.

Population migration on this scale is not a problem in a certain rabbit country, but it would be a huge disaster in any other country. It is even more tragic in the ninja world where the war has been going on for several months.

Thanks to their previous experience, the Salvation Society mobilized a large number of insect swarms, provided food, water and accommodation along the way, and ensured smooth roads, so that such a large-scale population migration could be completed.

Moreover, this round of population includes a large number of young people. It is inevitable that some will be malicious because of despair. The Salvation Society will have to use manpower to maintain law and order.

Hygiene must also be ensured to prevent large-scale plagues.

Not to mention whether the broken industrial system of the Country of Tea can withstand such sudden pressure, the manpower of the Salvation Society cannot bear it in the first place.

As a last resort, Namikaze Naruto had no choice but to relax the Salvation Society's membership standards. They first accepted the eldest children among the first batch of refugees, and then accepted a large number of workers on the road.

The Salvation Society expanded from less than 200 people to 20,000 people in only eighteen days.

Such expansion ensured larger-scale production and better order maintenance, but it also diluted the original pure idealism of the Salvation Society.

What follows is confusion in thinking and weakening in execution.

This is an inevitable problem when any organization grows. Fortunately, Namikaze Naruto held on and completed the ideological transformation of these 20,000 people, thus uniting 16 million people in the Kingdom of Tea.

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