Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 611 The chaotic noble army

There was a bit of fear and yearning on the face of the Archmage of Nagrand. He said: "What really surprised us is that there is no magic involved in everything here."

"And we actually got two explosive elements at once that don't require any magic power at all."

"No, there are three types." Archmage Ent corrected Nagrand, "The white powder brought by Zoyas was also pushed out."

"But I have no idea how it is made, and I can't even get any hints. It seems that this is the existence with the highest technical level."

"That's not necessarily true. There is more than one place on this weapon where there is no information at all. The only thing that is certain is that the other party did not use magic power at all during the production process."

"So, this is definitely not a riot by untouchables. There is a terrifying magical civilization behind them, a magical civilization that far exceeds our level."

"Hehe, hey, the magicians are in trouble this time. They couldn't solve the abyss demon for three years, and as a result, another super magic civilization appeared."

"The problem is that we are also in trouble. This time they have not noticed the key problem, but next time they will definitely let us manufacture weapons on a large scale. This is simply impossible."

"Well, wait a minute. Don't worry. If we are pushed to the head, we will just deal with it casually and make as many as we can. Anyway, we are doing our best."

"I think this is a good thing. They can let us contribute to making weapons, but they have to come up with enough mithril and fine gold. With such good materials, I will definitely be willing to contribute to making weapons."

Hearing such words, the magicians were stunned for a moment, then laughed happily, exchanging tacit glances with each other.

If it is commissioned, it is normal to suffer 30% less wear and tear.

With such high remuneration, the great magicians feel that hard work is justifiable.

It's a pity that the lords, grand dukes and kings are not stupid. They are unwilling to take treasures from their own families to fill the hole unless forced to do so.

The fourteen lords of the Red River Valley were willing, but even the four lucky ones who escaped outside became paupers, with nothing left except their identities and dozens of subordinates.

Some who still have small territories outside the valley bottom can still maintain the last team, but those whose entire territory is in the rebel area can't even maintain the knights who follow him.

In fact, these lords could not even save their own lives.

Such a large area of ​​fertile land, a family with undisputed ownership, but the current situation is that their family wealth has been exhausted and their strength has fallen to the bottom. This is the reason why they must die.

Now, the four "lucky" lords are controlled by their neighbors and will serve as the guides of the four legions, walking at the forefront of the army and the first to enter the Chihe River Valley.

The nobles have gathered an army of 170,000 people. I heard that the rebels in the Chi River Valley have also increased to 40,000 people. The scale of the war has exceeded the 200,000 that can only be achieved by the war of gods.

The only war that was larger than this war was the Abyss Encirclement and Suppression launched by the Allied Forces of the Gods. During the second Abyss Encirclement and Suppression, the gods gathered more than 500,000 soldiers, and the strongest dragon knights numbered more than 4,000.

It is said that on the battlefield of the decisive battle, soldiers covered the ground and dragon wings blocked the sun. It was a war that even gods would be amazed by.

In such a large-scale war, the mortality rate is very exaggerated, especially the vanguard and guides of the army are the most dangerous, their mortality rate is close to 100%.

As the nobles who were neighbors of the Chihe River Valley, they arranged for the lord of the Chihe River Valley to be their guide, and their murderous intentions were openly expressed.

Do you really think that the world of aristocrats is about rules?

What the nobles emphasize often means they lack something.

In fact, if the rebellion in the Chihe River Valley could be suppressed during the encirclement and suppression, these lords would definitely be "killed" by the rebels even if they survived the battle.

It is also possible that after seeing the destruction of his family, he was so sad that he was so heartbroken that he could not bear to live. He pulled out a knife and stabbed dozens of times in the back and committed suicide.

On the contrary, if this encirclement and suppression failed miserably and the nearby lords were greatly damaged in strength, the lords of the Chihe River Valley would be safe.

Of course, the premise is that as the guides of this army, they will not be killed in the battle first, nor will they be caught by the rebellious redcoats in the rout.

By July, the hottest month, the total number of the noble coalition troops reached 190,000. This was the limit of the nobles' organizational capabilities.

Although they camped near a river, the hot climate still caused plague, the most common disease being dysentery and diarrhea.

Due to lack of water and excretion management, a dysentery epidemic killed more than 4,000 people in just the past June.

The bigger crisis is the insufficient supply of food. Even with the help of river-assisted transportation, it cannot bring enough food to the army.

Among them, the two major kingdoms and the four major principalities were highly organized. Although there were corruption problems, they were able to maintain supplies and the soldiers would not go hungry.

The small-scale lords were in misfortune, because they did not establish an administrative system, and the chaotic organizational capabilities of the traditional aristocrats showed their worst side.

One hundred kilograms of grain was collected from his own territory, and after long-distance transportation, only twenty kilograms were delivered to the frontline lords. The loss could be as high as 80%.

The poor lords were even deceived by their relatives. They accepted the information that only forty kilograms of grain were collected due to the resistance of unruly people during the collection.

Not all the lords were deceived, but they knew there was nothing they could do.

His territory was hundreds of miles away, and the lord could do nothing but stare. He could only urge his relatives to work harder. There was really not enough food.

But the army cannot be reasonable and cannot feed the soldiers. They are ferocious beasts about to explode, and even the lord's own life is in danger.

For the safety of his own life, the lord could only spend real money, silver, and even various expensive gems to buy the grain sold by the merchants.

At the very least, the soldiers must be kept hydrated twice a day.

Even if these grains purchased at high prices were probably produced in his territory, he could only grit his teeth and spend the money to buy them.

In these days when money was flowing like water, the lords were naturally restless.

They came here in response to the call of the high-ranking nobles, not for the damn noble glory, they just wanted to make money, make big money!

The abyss siege has been carried out twice, and each time it can be said that the entire army was annihilated. Except for the flying dragon knights, only a few knights were able to escape the pursuit of the devil dogs.

Such a loss is devastating to every family, but the nobles, including the two kings, can only bite the bullet.

There is no way, God is watching from the sky, and for the nobles who dare to disobey the oracle, angels will naturally come and destroy the entire family.

The angel's hand is cruel, and it will easily affect many neighbors. No one dares to resist the gods, so they can only spread their anger on the blasphemer who rebelled against God and killed all their relatives.

Which lord dares to resist the oracle now does not need the gods to send down angels, or even the priests of the divine court to punish them.

Neighbors around him, and even relatives in his family, would take action as soon as they knew about it, poisoning and assassinating him in every possible way, desperately trying to kill this blasphemer.

Only in this way can the interests of the family be protected to the greatest extent.

The lords have now accepted their fate. As long as they are lords, they will enjoy themselves as much as possible and then die in an epic war.

However, the losses caused by the abyss siege are real.

After such a disaster, if the nobles want to maintain the family inheritance, they need to have more sons to inherit the title and territory.

If you want to maintain your status as a noble, you need to restore the family's armed forces as soon as possible.

Hiring knights, raising soldiers, and purchasing weapons and equipment all require money.

For a lord with his own army, the fastest way to make money is of course robbery.

Therefore, hundreds of thousands of noble troops gathered together with the same purpose, which was to seize the Chihe River Valley before the abyss siege, plunder this rich territory, and make a fortune.

Save more funds for restarting for yourself and your family.

I am definitely not here to make money.

The reality is that the nobles' pockets are bleeding, and they urgently need to launch an attack as soon as possible. Even the king and the duke cannot object to this request, otherwise the nobles will run away.

So from July 10th to July 20th, the noble armies set off one after another.

The vanguard of the army are the lords around the Chihe River Valley, and they are also the most urgent group of nobles.

If the suffering of other nobles is the loss of wealth, the disaster they face is the loss of their families.

The coalition of nobles is stationed in their territory, and the best land for camping is of course leveled farmland.

Hundreds of thousands of people came and went, horses galloping, and the sown farmland was trampled into hard barren land. Today's harvest was completely gone.

Moreover, the military discipline of the nobles is very questionable. There are numerous vicious crimes in the entire territory. Robbery, murder, rape and other evil crimes cannot be dealt with at all, and no one dares to deal with them.

These unlucky lords are eager to let these plague gods leave, and are eager to restore blood through robbery. Otherwise, the number of troops they send in next year's abyss siege may not reach the standard, which will be a more serious disaster.

The war started in such a mess.

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the intelligence with a dumbfounded look. Such a chaotic attack by the noble army was not as great a threat as the previous fourteen Akago Valley coalition forces.

At a loss, I mobilized a total of 40,000 people. What a waste of manpower.

According to the historical war records in his memory, such an army does not need to fight a battle or a decisive battle at all. As long as they defeat their forwards, they will destroy themselves.

There is a gap of ten days between the four attacks. He can even directly use the time difference to defeat the four enemies one by one without arranging blocking troops.

You must know that in the process of digging canals, the Red Army has leveled out simple roads in the Chihe River Valley. The crisscrossing road network ensures their inside advantage.

Listening to Aburame Tetsumaru's intelligence analysis, the senior officers of the Red Army became excited, and they all asked for a fight.

"Sir, let's attack with our entire army and destroy the nobles one by one!"

"Please let me be the vanguard. I promise to defeat the enemy's vanguard within an hour!"

"I should be the one taking the lead this time!"

Among the original selection criteria for senior officers of the Red Army, bravery was a mandatory requirement after obedience, so their performance was naturally full of courage.

But Aburame Tetsumaru smiled and said: "It is appropriate for the entire army to attack, but my plan is to divide the troops into two groups and attack the enemies in two directions at the same time."

"With 20,000 red-coated troops killing 40,000 to 50,000 noble troops, do you have the confidence?"

Everyone shut up, because the confidence Aburame Tetsumaru was talking about pointed to leading an army independently and defeating the enemy without a leader.

For officers who had been serfs just five months ago, this was a daunting request.

As elites selected from tens of thousands of people, they have no shortage of courage, but none of them have such strong self-confidence in commanding an army of 20,000 people.

Despite repeated encouragement, no one dared to stand up and take such responsibility, even if Aburame Tetsumaru said he would send shadow clones to assist.

Several of the boldest officers smiled bitterly and explained: "Sir, no matter how difficult other tasks are, with the help of your avatar, we dare to give it a try. Because if we make mistakes, we have the opportunity to correct them, but if the war command makes mistakes, there is no chance at all. Save.”

In the end, the commanding work after the division of the troops could only be undertaken by Aburame Tetsumaru. At this time, it was really possible to see that the shadow clone technique was a god-like ninjutsu.

Aburame Tetsumaru did not choose to attack the noble army when they walked out of the valley. He waited patiently for two days, waiting for the kingdom and principality troops walking behind to enter the valley.

He was not worried about the nobles walking in front breaking through first and plundering the Chi River Valley where the harvest was about to begin.

While the Red Army was repairing the canal, Aburame Tetsumaru hired a large number of manpower to clear the fields at four road exits.

Moreover, the cleanup area designated by Aburame Tetsumaru is not large, only one kilometer wide.

After cleaning up, people dug large and small holes in the flat ground according to his plan, and filled the land with water through ditches.

Aburame Tetsumaru also specifically requested that the soil dug out when digging the hole should not be transported away, but should be piled on the edge of the hole.

After irrigation, the water and floating soil combine to form mud, which naturally flattens the dug holes and forms an artificial swamp.

A one-kilometer-wide muddy pond is nothing to an individual and can be crossed in two hours at most, but for an army fully armed and carrying baggage, it is a natural chasm.

The water must be diverted away and the holes filled up so that the army can pass through in an orderly manner.

This work was very troublesome. Tens of thousands of noble troops worked in a chaotic manner, and it took two full days to pave a road.

Aburame Tetsumaru was very satisfied with this result. His goal was to complete the initial assembly of the sparse noble army.

In war, we fight for materials and national strength, but on the battlefield, we fight for morale and courage.

Of course, Aburame Tetsumaru understands the principle of going strong in one go, then failing again, and finally exhausting yourself in three attempts.

What impressed him most about the aristocratic army was that it was poorly organized. Thirty thousand people marching on the mountain road could be dragged into a team of thirty kilometers long.

The situation of the 50,000 noble troops can only get worse. In addition, they are not familiar with each other at all, which will inevitably drag out a longer team.

Fighting against such an enemy is likely to result in a day's victory, and another day's pursuit of the enemy, only to find that the enemy's main force has not been encountered at all.

Aburame Tetsumaru must avoid this bad situation. He must help the enemies gather. Only when the enemies gather can they be defeated in one battle, and then all the enemies can be eliminated through pursuit.

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