Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 606 Experience the descendants who created the new regime

All kinds of chaos will occur at the beginning of any political power, and the new political power in the Chihe River Valley will naturally not be able to avoid such results.

Even with Aburame Tetsumaru, who is proficient in political power management, and his hundreds of shadow clones directly managing, in the end, it is only his unilateral output, and the managed serfs cannot give appropriate response.

Fortunately, the serfs who had received clear benefits were able to cooperate hard and work very hard. This is already a great result, at least it does not cause chaos.

With Aburame Tetsumaru feeling stumbling and the inexperienced awakened people dealing with panic, this year's spring plowing and sowing work was completed in four days.

The managers of the new regime finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they all felt that they had just failed, and Aburame Tetsumaru organized a review and re-learning.

First, Aburame Tetsumaru asked questions one after another, and then the people in charge discussed in groups and summarized experiences and lessons.

Each group reported the results to Aburame Tetsumaru or his shadow clone, and received praise or secondary criticism. Then they discussed and reported again until they passed.

Aburame Tetsumaru made the final conclusion: "Now everyone should know how well they did. In my opinion, it is definitely not good, and only a small part can barely meet the standards."

"However, don't be discouraged. It's your first time doing this kind of work. Being able to complete the work is the greatest victory."

"So, the completion of spring plowing is a matter worth celebrating. Everyone can applaud and applaud your own achievements."

After the excited awakeners calmed down, Aburame Tetsumaru continued: "However, after one thing is done, there will be the next one, so you can't rest."

People asked all kinds of questions: "Excuse me, sir, what do we need to do next?"

Aburame Tetsumaru hadn't actually thought about it. It was only then that he began to think about it temporarily. Fortunately, he was not thinking alone.

At this time, far away in the ninja world of another world, in the Star Sea Hall of the Sea of ​​Spirits, interested descendants formed a huge staff group and were making suggestions for Aburame Tetsumaru.

Especially those who have missed the initial period of civilization. Except for Kakuzu, a guy who is obsessed with money, everyone is actively making suggestions.

The results of the discussion soon came out. Various processes were compared, and the two most urgent tasks that could be parallelized among the four major tasks of building houses, building troops, building roads, and building canals were selected.

Aburame Tetsumaru of the New World seemed to only think for three seconds before he raised two fingers and said to the awakened ones: "The next thing to do is to build a house and recruit soldiers."

"Build houses and recruit soldiers?"

"Yes." Aburame Tetsumaru explained, "I'm building a house for you, for everyone. Do you still live in a grass house like before?"

"Build a house. Build a house for each family. It should have three rooms, a yard and a fence. You can raise some animals in the yard so that you can eat meat once in the winter."

After hearing Aburame Tetsumaru's description, the awakened people couldn't imagine what the new house would be like, but this did not prevent them from feeling in a good mood, and they all grinned.

Aburame Tetsumaru waited for them to laugh for a while, then said with an evil smile: "Recruiting is easier to understand. Although I destroyed four main roads, in a few days, the lords will be able to clear the roads and lead The army returned."

"How will the lord who doesn't treat us as human beings treat us and all the serfs?"

The awakened people were suddenly not in a beautiful mood. They knew deeply how the lord viewed them. The serfs who had rebelled had only one fate, death.

The lords would kill all the serfs, leaving no one behind, and then repopulate their farmland with people through purchase or plunder.

Although no one answered, Aburame Tetsumaru knew what they were thinking, so he continued: "So, we need a strong army to defeat the lord's army with our army, so that we can save our lives and everyone lives and save our new house and new life."

With no objections, the plan was finalized.

Aburame Tetsumaru's very unsatisfactory work results looked like a miracle to the captured stewards, and their jaws were already frightened.

The spring plowing and sowing work in the Chishui River Valley has always taken more than ten or even twenty days, but these untouchable rebels actually completed it in four days.

Why don't those untouchables be lazy, why do they work hard, and why are they different from when we control them?

The stewards were absolutely pissed off.

But the stewards and guards of these lords were even more angry at this time: why should they be allowed to plow the fields and sow seeds?

Are you still being unreasonable?

Even the servants of the gods are forced to perform menial tasks. It's almost like the sky is falling.

The priests muttered curses, but under the threat of whips and swords, no one dared to complain loudly, and no one dared to refuse.

Especially after Aburame Tetsumaru recruited eight thousand serfs as soldiers in one go and formed a sizable army, the middle-class people of the old era shut up.

They only dared to watch with voyeuristic eyes, envious of the serfs in the past who wore neat and handsome red military uniforms, laughed at them for standing still or walking around stupidly, and envied them for eating meat once every three days.

As the bodies in red military uniforms grew taller and taller day by day, their queues became more orderly and their footsteps became sonorous and powerful. The unprecedented military might shut them up and made them fearful.

Not to mention ridicule and mischief, these people don't even dare to be jealous, and are only filled with fear and envy.

The Flame Magic Wand was the name given by Aburame Tetsumaru when he explained it to the recruited soldiers. Its real name should be called the magazine-type rotating back-pull locking bolt rifle.

Yes, it is the most classic rifle. Mauser 98K, Mosin Nagant, and Lee Enfield are the most classic representatives of this type of weapon.

Although it is a rather backward weapon, this thing cannot be made by hand. It requires the support of an industrial system.

Fortunately, Zhou Wenming's mother nest is not a pure biological base, but integrates the two major systems of biological industry and mechanical industry. It can directly produce thermal weapons.

In view of the quality of the liberated serfs and the fact that their prior training was only a simple queue, the first batch of weapons produced were the simplest bolt-action rifles.

This is enough. If we advance further, these soldiers who have been transformed from serfs will not be able to use them.

The production difficulty of rifles is much simpler than that of springtails.

The production capacity of ten springtails is enough to produce ten thousand rifles, plus 1.2 million rounds of ammunition, enough for each gun to be equipped with 120 rounds of ammunition.

The combat effectiveness of eight thousand soldiers armed with fifty thousand rifles is obviously more than that of ten springtails, and they can perform a stronger battle against the feudal armies of the lords of the New World.

The reason why there is such a gap is that the focus lies on people, not weapons.

In other words, the postgraduate test is whether Aburame Tetsumaru can organize tens of thousands of people and turn them into barely qualified soldiers to form a real army.

The reason why it is so troublesome is not that the baneling plague wiped out the entire new world, but because the gods here are also outsiders and are not here at all.

In other words, killing all the people does not affect the existence of the gods and cannot directly threaten their lives.

Aburame Tetsumaru found a large number of records of the death of gods. All that could be confirmed were because after the defeat of the God War, the believers of these gods were not massacred, but were forced to convert through various means.

It can be seen from this that the best way to destroy gods is to start with the beliefs of believers.

Therefore, Aburame Tetsumaru decided to take the medicine according to the prescription. How did these gods kill his predecessors? He would imitate the actions demonstrated by the gods.

Of course, he doesn't intend to engage in religious beliefs. The results are too slow. He also has no relevant experience and talent. He can't defeat these gods who have been playing this trick for thousands of years.

Aburame Tetsumaru is most familiar with it, and it is also the best way he knows. Of course, the Datong worldview and industrialized civilization are sweeping the world.

The wave of industrialization will involve all intelligent creatures, organize the entire population, and produce massive amounts of materials.

The combination of organization and material transformed into unrivaled military power, enough to wipe out all the decadent nobles and churches in the world.

After the church and nobles were hurt, the gods would naturally pay attention to this new power.

They will take the initiative to contact and study, and come into contact with a worldview that is logically perfect, self-consistent and falsifiable. The ideological confrontation will sweep away all the gods, causing their gods to collapse and fall into deep sleep.

The best case scenario is that individual gods accept new considerations, survive the period of chaos in their godhood, become new industrialized gods, and then become more powerful.

These new gods are natural allies and comrades of Aburame Tetsumaru. The two sides will join forces to sweep away all the rigid old gods and establish a new civilization of a community of humans and gods.

After the expectations and fantasies about the future are over, you still have to put your feet into practice.

Leaving the building of houses to the awakened ones, and recruiting from the middle class in the past when there was a shortage of management manpower, Aburame Tetsumaru shifted his main focus to the formation of the army.

This is definitely not the right time for giant insects to join the battle.

On the one hand, it will cause the gods to attach great importance to it and concentrate its forces on the encirclement and suppression in an unprecedented way. The new regime is still very fragile and cannot withstand too big a storm.

On the other hand, it will seriously damage the military spirit of the new army, and there will even be no chance to shape the military spirit.

People often say "Ten years of army, a hundred years of navy", which is used to describe the difficulty of navy construction and the relative simplicity of army construction.

However, if the army cannot create a military spirit in the early stage, it will never have a chance in the future, and an army without a military spirit is not qualified to become the strongest army.

The final equipment of this army should be giant insects, and the method of combat is to command the insect swarms. But in this early stage, they should go up on their own and lay the foundation of the army with their own blood and the blood of their enemies.

Hundreds of shadow clones were still separated. Aburame Tetsumaru personally conducted one-on-thirty initial training for eight thousand new soldiers. This time, behind the four hundred instructors, a war veteran named Yaye was conducting the training. guide.

The soldiers called themselves the Red Army because of their red uniforms. This army was developed at an unimaginable speed.

In just ten days, they were able to form a neat three-row company, move in unison, and fire in a regular rhythm.

Although the soldiers' shooting was very inaccurate, the newly elected platoon commander did not know how to shoot roughly, and the company commander did not know how to shoot cover.

But the momentum was so full that it made the stewards, priests, and lord guards who were watching tremble.

Aburame Tetsumaru had an idea and started to patrol with the nascent army. They went to a territory every morning and afternoon to conduct formation training and volley training in front of the lord's castle.

Seeing the obviously stronger bodies of the red-coated soldiers, the neatly marching queues, and the thunderous volleys, everyone's jaws dropped in shock.

Especially the thick humanoid and horse-riding humanoid wooden boards were used as targets in the bursts of thunder, and fragments were flying around, or even directly interrupted.

This scene deeply shocked everyone.

Seven days later, the atmosphere in the Chishui Valley territory changed. The new regime's orders became smoother, the serfs worked harder, and even smiled.

The lords who were clearing obstacles outside the valley discovered that the number of people sneaking out to report information to them suddenly decreased, and the information provided by those who came became vague and unclear.

But the lords did not realize that there was a problem with this change. They still laughed at the despicable people for overestimating their capabilities and actually trying to use untouchables to fight against the lord's army. It was simply ignorant.

"Haha, these untouchables just don't know how to fight. They haven't raised a flag yet. How do they plan to fight?"

"It's indeed strange, but they have done a good thing. They have already planted the farmland. This is so worry-free."

"Yes, there is no problem in killing them all like this. As long as we get enough serfs within three months, we can even get a bumper harvest!"

An old man with white beard and hair said: "The only thing worth worrying about is the unknown magician. He was able to blow open the gates of fourteen fortresses in one day and collapsed four roads. We really have to worry about it."

"Hmph!" A magician wearing a blue pointed hat snorted dissatisfied, and then said: "Don't worry, that guy is not as powerful as you think."

The fourteen lords immediately became interested. The magicians among the rebels were their only concern. The information that came back was incredible. They had never heard of such a powerful magician.

The lords were not worried about being defeated because of a magician. During the two encirclement and suppression wars, the demons used actions to prove how to kill the magician.

The once noble magician can be killed 100% by paying a certain price.

However, the strength of a magician is not given for free. Even a demon needs to pay a high price to win over a magician.

Therefore, the lords had to worry about whether their troops would suffer serious losses in the battle, and thus they would not be able to win benefits in the subsequent war, which would affect their power in the future.

At this time, I heard my magician say that the other party was not very powerful, so of course he was interested.

The magician in the blue hat raised his chin and said proudly: "I personally inspected the collapsed road and found a large number of traces of explosives."

"This proves that this guy blew up the mountain wall and blocked the road not by relying on his own strength, but by using a large amount of explosives."

"Oh~~That's it."

When the lords breathed a sigh of relief, the magician muttered bitterly: "Damn rich people."

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