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Chapter 603 God’s disaster of annihilation is actually a trick

Fight God from the New World?

Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded in agreement. Although it was incredible, just like she had dealt with the gods of the ninja world such as the God of Death and the Evil God, killing all the believers would naturally make the gods die, or at least put them into deep sleep. .

Otsutsuki Kaguya said: I am still very familiar with this kind of thing, pinpointing the believers of a certain god and then clearing them all.

She flashed her beautiful eyes and asked with seductive eyes: "Do you want to help? I have experience."

Aburame Tetsumaru understood instantly, and then he asked with a smile: "Little Kaguya, when you faced the God of Death, how many followers did he have?"

"There are many believers." Kaguya Otsutsuki recalled carefully for a while, and then replied, "There are at least tens of thousands of people."

Aburame Tetsumaru raised his eyebrows and said: "The desert where No. 4 met the Storm Lord's Angel is part of a religious country with a total population of about four million, all of whom are followers of the Storm Lord."

"In the New World, this is a weak and rude country on the frontier. In the center of the land, in the vast plain where three rivers meet, in prosperous areas such as the surrounding inland sea, and in the narrow strait between the two continents, there are more A more prosperous country.”

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled and raised a finger and said: "These four major civilization areas have a population of more than 100 million, and the vast majority of them are believers of a certain god."

Kaguya Otsutsuki was speechless. These were hundreds of millions of people, four orders of magnitude different from tens of thousands. It was definitely not possible to eliminate faith through simple violence.

What's more, Aburame Tetsumaru's actions were an exploration of the past, and the ultimate goal was to gain something, not to create an uninhabited planet.

Aburame Tetsumaru finally said: "Besides, the high energy of this high-energy world almost entirely comes from the neutron star in the sky. We must land on the neutron star, capture the gods, conduct thorough research on them, and understand all the secrets of faith."

Otsutsuki Kaguya heard the flower point. She looked at Aburame Tetsumaru in astonishment, and even stuttered and asked: "Do you want to reverse infiltrate the God's Star through the faith of the gods?"

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled and confirmed Otsutsuki Kaguya's guess: "What a smart beauty, you guessed it right."

Otsutsuki Kaguya opened Tetsumaru's claws that were trying to touch her head. She glared at her man and asked loudly: "Tetsumaru, do you want to die?"

"That's God! In the realm of pure spirituality, God is the most adaptable and powerful existence."

"Our ability to destroy the gods has never been based on the spirit, but on the power of reality, sweeping away all their existence in reality and allowing them to be wiped out by the storm of the spiritual world itself."

"But now if you want to invade the Star of God through the channel of faith, you can only be a pure spiritual body, and you will die!"

"In this kind of world without energy, you probably can't defeat God. Even we don't know what risks there are in the spiritual world. You might just be killed by the spiritual world itself as soon as you enter the channel!"

The more Kaguya Otsutsuki spoke, the more frightened and worried she became. As she spoke, her voice became louder and louder, and her eye circles became red.

In the end, Kaguya's voice was as loud as a roar, and her tears fell down. Then her voice suddenly became softer, and she whispered: "I don't want you to die..."

Aburame Tetsumaru swallowed. He had prepared many reasons in his heart, such as:

"If we don't land through faith channels, how about we use a spaceship to land?"

"That's a neutron star. Before we truly master black holes or similar positional technology, there will be no material that can resist the gravity of a neutron star, not even a water film material shaped by electromagnetic force."

"Only by becoming a god can we better study gods. This is a step we must finally try."

But when faced with a woman who was silently shedding tears because she was worried about him, there were a thousand reasons at that moment, and none of them could be uttered.

Aburame Tetsumaru obediently swallowed all the words on his lips. He knew that he didn't need to speak at this time, and he shouldn't speak, so he stretched out his hands to hug the crying Otsutsuki Kaguya.

His hand was opened again and again by Kaguya, and he leaned in again and again.

Kaguya's strength to open Tetsumaru's hands became weaker and weaker each time, and finally she was hugged by him, and finally couldn't control herself and cried loudly.

Question: What should I do if my girlfriend is angry because she is worried about you, and is even so angry that she won’t listen to the explanation?

Answer: Invite her to play games together, preferably more intensely.

Additional answer: If it doesn't work, just play it twice. If it doesn't work, play it all night. It will always work out.

After the extreme exhaustion and madness, the emotions that had been blocked in his heart were completely released. Kaguya Otsutsuki was listless, but he also calmly listened to Aburame Tetsumaru's explanation.

Her worried heart gradually relaxed, yes, Aburame Tetsumaru was not an ordinary person, he was a super psychopath.

The gods in the spiritual world are most worried about losing their support and anchor in reality. In the end, they will be unable to replenish their strength and be completely consumed.

But Aburame Tetsumaru's anchor in reality is so strong. This is a rapidly developing and vibrant interstellar civilization. Its solidity is simply impeccable. Countless gods will definitely feel envious, jealous, and hateful for it.

And according to Aburame Tetsumaru, he himself will not directly enter the spiritual world, but only his other core thinking, such as No. 3 Tetsumaru.

Even if multiple thinking cores are drawn in because of the connection of souls, what about the nearly a thousand stable incarnations? What about the soul sea shadow clone that was launched to an unknown world?

There are also thirty descendants who, under special circumstances, can resonate with Aburame Tetsumaru and construct a complete "superego" existence. Can they also be pulled into the spiritual world?

If not, these existences that are inseparable from Aburame Tetsumaru are the most powerful and stable anchors, and they have the initiative to drag Aburame Tetsumaru out.

After quietly listening to Aburame Tetsumaru's explanation, Otsutsuki Kaguya said in a hoarse voice: "Is this your confidence?"

"Yeah, I think I'm pretty sure."

Kaguya was silent for a while, but still said: "It's not bad, but I can't rest assured yet."

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled: "Hey, I know, so I want to collapse all these gods, and then grab their pigtails and land on the Star of Gods without any resistance."

Kaguya asked: "Then what are you going to do? There are so many gods and they are so powerful. There is no way to solve this. You can't even build a satellite network, and you are beaten to pieces. "

Aburame Tetsumaru was also very emotional about this. He said: "Well, the power of God is indeed very powerful. From a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers, with the help of the temple's response, he can lock and defeat my satellite insects. It's amazing."

"Fortunately, the size of the weapons they deliver is very impressive. It is impossible for them to burn through the atmosphere and carry out a devastating blow to the earth."

Aburame Tetsumaru was suddenly stunned and changed his words: "You cannot freely strike the ground."

After more than two years of fighting, Aburame Tetsumaru had long understood that in the history of the New World, different gods had repeatedly brought world-destroying disasters and purged the intelligent life of the past generations.

Among them, recorded in various sacred books include: nine major floods that lasted for many years, two world-destroying fires, three meteors falling from the sky, and one tearing of the earth.

The dragons, elves, giants, and underground elves that prospered before humans were all wiped out in such disasters again and again. Only then did humans rise and prosper.

Otsutsuki Kaguya frowned and asked in confirmation: "Those gods can really destroy the world?"

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said: "It can indeed be done. The records in the sacred scriptures and the geological exploration data can be matched."

"The sedimentary silt of the great flood, the thick ashes of the world-ending fire, the enriched layer of the rare element iridium in the giant meteorite fall zone, and the large broken structure of the geological plate caused by the great earthquake can all be matched, and the scale is indeed world-ending. level of catastrophe.”

Aburame Tetsumaru paused and then added: "However, every time I found an enrichment of iridium elements, with global coverage."

"This is extremely favorable evidence that so many disasters come from asteroid impacts. The only difference is the location of their impact."

"If an asteroid hits the sea, it will cause a great flood. If it hits land, it will cause a fire that covers the world."

"If the asteroid disintegrates in the sky, it will turn into a meteor falling from the sky. If it hits the gap between the plates accurately, it will trigger a major earthquake of magnitude 15 or above."

Kaguya Otsutsuki immediately said: "This is an asteroid, not a meteorite. This is too dangerous!"

Aburame Tetsumaru waved her hands indifferently and said: "No, it is not dangerous. At least in twenty-three years, there will be no such danger at all."

It turned out that Aburame Tetsumaru did not believe that God had such power from the beginning. The energy and material control required were too exaggerated, far beyond what Zhou Wenming could achieve.

The Erdoans could barely do it at their peak, but each time it took more than a hundred years of long-term planning to slowly pull the asteroid to arrive.

Even though the Erdomen originally drove an artificial satellite, that thing was actually an empty shell, so light and weightless.

The exclusive battleship Kunlun Mountain is close to hundreds of kilometers in size, but its mass is far from asteroid level.

In the records of Zhou civilization, only consciousness civilization and Otsutsuki civilization can do it at will.

If those gods could do it, they wouldn't need to control the faith of the new world. It would be great to start directly.

More importantly, there have been more divine wars among the gods, and there have been more than thirty wars that directly led to the destruction of the gods themselves, but there has never been such a catastrophic disaster.

God, actually has such a moral concept, would rather die than fight with the mermaid?

Bah, gods are the most selfish intelligent species. If they say they have morals, Aburame Tetsumaru wouldn't believe it with a single hair.

The recorded occurrence times of these world-destroying disasters seem to be chaotic, but after Aburame Tetsumaru's calculations, he quickly calculated a stable common denominator of the maximum interval, seventy-seven point thirty-six years. .

Following this number, we searched within the star system. It took us two full years to find an asteroid cluster that happened to cross the Star of God every 77.36 years.

The time of the catastrophe in the new world is very fixed, just fourteen months after the God's Star and the asteroid cluster intersect.

Aburame Tetsumaru said with a smile: "So, God took advantage of this very clear law of celestial phenomena and spent a very small amount of energy to change the trajectory of the asteroids in the asteroid cluster and guide the asteroids to hit the new world... That's all."

Kaguya tilted her head and asked, "That's it?"

Aburame Tetsumaru said nonchalantly: "Well, I have to say that God's calculation ability is very good, but his energy delivery is very average. No, it should be very bad."

He pretended to be indifferent and said: "Oh, no matter what, there are still twenty-two years until the next crossover. So there is no need to worry about any world-ending disaster. I will not leave them so much time."

Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at her man, and the worry in her heart gradually dissipated, but it could not completely dissipate.

That's a new world. The method of delivery is currently only possible by Tetsumaru, and even Orochi Hime who helped him complete his outer body can't do it.

In the past two years, Orochi Hime had forced herself into the Pure Land twice because she tried to take another body.

For this reason, the Orochi family's production plan of one egg per year and one child per year was interrupted, which made Orochi Princess very upset about this.

Therefore, in the exploration of the new world, currently no one can help Aburame Tetsumaru. No matter what he encounters, he can only handle it alone.

Suddenly, Kaguya had a flash of inspiration, and she thought of a possibility, which instantly dispelled her worries and made her feel funny again.

With a playful light flashing in his eyes, Kaguya Otsutsuki asked tentatively with a smile: "You didn't just show up and prepare to cause trouble after confirming that God's greatest attack will be twenty-three years away, right?"

Aburame Tetsumaru's movements froze, and before she could explain anything, Kaguya burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, it turns out he is still my steady man, the cocoon maker who only acts after making sure it is safe. I feel relieved now."

Aburame Tetsumaru explained: "I'm not timid, I'm brave!"

"I'm just being cautious, for the sake of civilization, for the avatars, for everyone, for...well, in short, it's a requirement of my job that I don't take too many risks."

"This is the bounden duty of a civilized leader. The prudence of a leader...has nothing to do with timidity."

Kaguya Otsutsuki said with a smile: "Although I don't know why you said that, I suddenly found it inexplicably funny. Besides, did I say you were timid?"

"I am praising you for your stability and praising you!"

Aburame Tetsumaru gritted his teeth and said, "You'd better really be praising me. Forget it, I'll just take it as you are praising me."

Kaguya Otsutsuki said, "Oh, Tetsumaru! You don't believe me anymore. I'm so sad and my heart aches."

Aburame Tetsumaru's expression instantly changed to embarrassment: "..."

"Kaguya, you can actually do such a move, who taught you?"

"Orohime, Kosanae, and..."

"Is there still Hinata Hinata?"

"Well, my descendant is really great."


Kaguya Ōtsutsuki looked at Aburame Tetsumaru with charming eyes, and asked tenderly: "Aburame Tetsumaru, ask yourself, don't you like me like this?"

Aburame Tetsumaru was stunned for a moment, and after a long while, she suppressed the words "I like it".

Then he stopped talking. Kaguya like this... was so irritating and terrifying.

No sleep today.

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