Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 594 The key breaking node in the middle of the insect swarm technology tree

When a certain Aburame Tetsumaru, who named himself "Insect", raised the banner of Zhou civilization in the soul cultivation area of ​​Ōtsutsuki's planet, it had already been a long time since Aburame Tetsumaru's body was launched towards Ōtsutsuki for the first time in the sea of ​​souls. A whole round passed.

Twelve years have completely different effects on different things.

For an ordinary person in the ninja world, the changes are huge. They can almost enter the next stage of life, such as from children to adults, from middle age to old age.

For Jupiter, it has just enough time to complete one orbit around the sun.

For the ancient trees of the tree shepherd civilization, this is the time when they have just woken up. This is because there are enemies not far away and they cannot sleep peacefully.

For the conscious civilization, after working hard and earnestly, they finally pushed their own galaxy to complete the acceleration and started the irreversible journey to another cantilever.

After all, what they are promoting is a binary star system. Not to mention steering, even simple acceleration and deceleration are measured in years.

And it's far easier to speed up than slow down.

After four years of full acceleration to increase the speed to 140 kilometers per second, it would take at least twenty years for them to go back and reduce the speed to zero, and then spend the same time accelerating again.

The conscious civilization has not lived a good life in the past twelve years. It has been trading knowledge for chakra since it was wary, and it has been careful and cautious until everyone wakes up.

As all members awakened, the spiritual re-division of civilization members was completed, and different occupations and majors were distinguished. Especially when Mr. Crab, who was the first to communicate with Zhou Wenming, became the leader, and his ability to realize civilization was gradually restored.

Its own chakra manufacturing capabilities have rapidly improved, decayed infrastructure and basic industries have begun to recover, and various abilities of conscious civilization have begun to recover rapidly.

With the recovery of abilities, the conscious civilization naturally regained its self-confidence, and naturally began to secretly plan some shameful activities.

It was only then that conscious civilization gradually understood through its own observed data that its own civilization's "rapid recovery" and Zhou Wenming's "rapid growth" were two completely different concepts of speed.

In the past eight years, consciousness civilization has "quickly" repaired nearly 6% of Dyson occlusion, while Zhou Wenming has advanced the Dyson occlusion of its civilization's main star from 9% to 31%. .

You must know that the star of the conscious civilization is a red dwarf star close to the minimum magnitude, while the sun controlled by Zhou Civilization is a healthy yellow dwarf star. The difference in the amount of work between the two sides is actually one hundred and sixty times.

The phenomenon that scared Mr. Crab so much that he decided to escape was that in the last year, the eighth year, Zhou Wenming blocked the star by ten percent, a full ten percent.

This means that Zhou Wenming's construction speed is increasing steadily, and it is following an exponential increase, which is really scary.

In the memory of conscious civilization that has not been lost, there has never been a situation where the growth of civilization can be so explosive. This is unreasonable, but it is very realistic.

As the leader of conscious civilization, Mr. Crab finally understood the situation and resigned himself to giving up unrealistic ideas, such as the plan to steal Zhou Wenming's hometown during the war.

Judging from the development speed of Zhou Civilization, in a few years, when consciousness civilization fully restores its home planet, who knows what Zhou Civilization will become.

When twelve years came and the star system of the conscious civilization could not turn back, the leader Mr. Krabs, representing the conscious civilization, used their orbiting radio telescope to observe the star system of the Zhou civilization for the last time.

Mr. Crab saw that Jupiter, a gaseous planet, was being rapidly transformed, saw the construction of a magnificent space curvature bender, saw the purple thunder star whose atmosphere became bright red, and then couldn't see anything anymore.

Zhou Wenming's home planet, the Ninja World, has long been hidden by their customs system, but the star can no longer be seen.

Zhou Wenming completely enveloped his star. They didn't even leave a gap in the star's light path to illuminate the planet, but they were able to strangely illuminate the large satellites Purple Thunder Star, Jupiter and Callisto.

For a civilization that is developing rapidly, twelve years is almost an earth-shaking time. In many places, the remaining memories of conscious civilization cannot even be understood.

Mr. Crab quickly established a consensus with all members of civilization: he cannot get along with Zhou Wenming and must stay away from them.

"Accelerate, keep accelerating, keep accelerating, we...return to the other end of the universe." Mr. Crab announced to his compatriots, "The Zhou civilization is more terrifying than the original Otsutsuki civilization, but distance can make us The safest guarantee.”


"Speed, the Zhou civilization evolves too fast. They may not have time to expand themselves to the entire universe, and they will collapse or be promoted due to rapid growth."

"Whether they collapse or get promoted, it will not affect us who are far away. To us, they are no different from being dead."

"Navigator, where do we go next?"

"In the large star system opposite the dark area, we orbited there for three weeks. After a short break, we headed to the center of gravity of the galaxy. We used the super-large black hole to complete the final acceleration and enter the space mezzanine."

"The first leg of this voyage will take two hundred and sixty years. We must seize the time to restore our civilization, otherwise it will take more than three orbits."

"Dear Navigator, we understand what you mean. If we cannot plunder planets to become our satellites, we will not have enough mass to escape the capture of the black hole."

Mr. Crab exuded a wave of thoughts of approval with satisfaction, and he told all the tribesmen: "There will be no dormancy on this voyage. We must all stay awake and work for the recovery of civilization. I will be the first to stay awake until complete success or until my thinking shrinks." "

"As you wish!"

Conscious civilization has run away, and the cocoon builders of Zhou Wenming feel very sorry.

The Zhou civilization has indeed made great progress in the past twelve years. The first eight years were chakra exchange for knowledge, which was a low-end transaction involving the sale of resources.

In the next three years, industrial products were exchanged for knowledge. Zhou Wenming sold high-end industrial products to conscious civilizations to help their basic industries and basic designs recover quickly and save energy.

This belongs to commissioned processing and is considered a mid-level industry.

In the last year, the two sides simply exchanged knowledge for knowledge. Conscious civilization exported incomplete knowledge. Then Zhou Wenming regarded this knowledge as inspiration and mobilized manpower to conduct research, quickly completing or improving or even expanding this knowledge.

Then, the new knowledge is sold back in exchange for more incomplete knowledge.

Throughout the process, Zhou Wenming maintained an aggressive attitude and increasingly demonstrated his overwhelming speed advantage.

The consciousness civilization they engaged in was obviously an archaeological technological restoration, but the speed was obviously lower than the pioneering development of Zhou civilization.

"Tsk, things are unpredictable." Aburame Tetsumaru felt uncontrollable regret and sighed, "We shouldn't have put forward the conditions for them to leave twelve years ago."

Shengyang Fish looked at the little red dot with saliva, and said with great greed: "I really want to catch them back and slowly squeeze out the knowledge they continue to recover."

The webmaster was the most dissatisfied. He complained to Shengyangyu: "Everyone said to take it easy, take it slow, take it easy, but in the end you all forgot about it and worked hard on construction and research. Mr. Crab and the others all I'm going to be scared to death."

"It turns out that they were very thoughtful, and they were procrastinating when they left. But then they were so messed up by you that they didn't care about anything else and just thought about running away!"

The webmaster said angrily: "I finally found the key to the thinking of conscious civilization. The mind-eavesdropping technique I developed specifically has only been used for more than two years, and it has been wasted."

"Where can I find a race with fully open consciousness to continue my research?"

The paratrooper smiled coquettishly and comforted the stationmaster: "The universe is so big, and the consciousness civilization is a super civilization that once competed with the Otsutsuki civilization. There must still be traces and survivors left by them."

Aburame Tetsumaru also consoled him: "Yes, yes, stationmaster, don't be anxious. Your road is not cut off yet. As long as you find the next civilization with open consciousness, you can start moving forward again."


At this point, the webmaster could only make his own request: "If you really find it, you must hand it over to me."

"As it should be!"

"no problem!"

In the process of communicating with conscious civilization, the webmaster in charge of this diplomacy discovered that the biggest weakness of conscious civilization is not the life foundation of their microbial group.

Although the Otsutsuki civilization discovered this weakness back then, it developed the life weapons of the Otsutsuki clan and defeated the consciousness civilization by extracting the life energy of the living planet.

But they had a chance to escape after all, and they were not destroyed after all, or at most they were destroyed.

However, the webmaster unexpectedly learned that the consciousness of all members of the consciousness civilization is actually unified and communicates in the consciousness field.

The illusory and real existence of the consciousness field can not only save a certain amount of memory, but also coordinate the computing power of all members to think.

The mind of every member of the conscious civilization is unreservedly open to the consciousness field, and can confuse self-perception through the consciousness field, and then re-divide the individual personality.

In the opinion of the webmaster, the consciousness field is the greatest weakness of consciousness civilization, the fatal weakness.

If they can control this consciousness field, they can effortlessly control the entire consciousness civilization. They can't even hope for death, and they will definitely become the absolute vassals of Zhou Civilization.

It can be said that Zhou Wenming does not enslave or kill conscious civilizations for the sake of his own human health, but obtaining resources through the consciousness field is definitely within the moral tolerance of Aburame Tetsumaru and others.

After a long period of exploration and research, with the help of the penetration of fairy chakra, and with reference to the construction and access channels of the spiritual sea of ​​Zhou civilization, the webmaster really penetrated into the consciousness field of consciousness civilization.

He even forged himself the identity of a conscious civilization, roamed freely in the field of consciousness, communicated with every member of the conscious civilization from a high position, and accumulated understanding of them.

Unfortunately, before the webmaster could finally complete the core invasion of the consciousness field, they accelerated their running speed and gradually moved away from their hiding place, causing a significant delay in the webmaster's consciousness link and losing the possibility of continued communication.

The most regrettable thing is that the webmaster found his own promotion path in this process, which is his favorite spiritual promotion path.

That is to use the core consciousness field of the other party's civilization to communicate deeply with all members of the conscious civilization, and to sublimate the communication with the conscious civilization as a whole.

In the exchange with the great existence of civilization, it gradually grows into a conceptual life on a par with civilization, and then is promoted to a metamorphosis.

This idea is not scientific at all and is full of metaphysics or mysticism, but the webmaster insists that this is the path he has chosen, and it is also the path that will definitely succeed.

Even if it fails, it is the stationmaster's own problem and has nothing to do with the road.

After seeing off the webmaster, Shengyangyu communicated with Aburame Tetsumaru alone: ​​"How is the research progress on chakra particles?"

Aburame Tetsumaru replied: "There has been great progress. Through the knowledge of consciousness civilization, many chakra structure models have appeared in our minds. I have been convinced in experiments that at least two thousand structures are wrong."

Shengyang Yu nodded in agreement: "The research progress is still very great, but it still takes time to eliminate the rest one by one. Can't we determine the specific time for success?"

Aburame Tetsumaru shook his head and said: "There is no way to directly determine the time. It may be completed tomorrow, or it may take two or three years."

"If the current conjecture models are all wrong, we will have to brainstorm again. After opening so many ideas, it will be terrifyingly difficult to open up new ones."

"That way, the completion time will seem even more uncontrollable, and God knows when it will be successful."

Sheng Yangyu shook his head helplessly and looked at the corner of the Xinghai Hall, where Zhou Wenming's technology tree was depicted.

Among them, the technical backbone starts from the industrial production of ant sugar, to the research and development of resource Zerg, the manufacturing of mineral Zerg, the combat series Zerg,... until the top exclusive battleship, the construction of the sea of ​​​​spirit, the advent ceremony, the timeline jump and other top technologies.

The other one intertwined with it is scientific theory, which is equally lush and powerful.

The two backbones of the insect swarm technology tree are intertwined many times and have a large number of common crystallizations, but one key point is visible to everyone at first glance and there is no way around it.

Taking this point of integration of technology and scientific theory as the dividing line, the lines going down are the knowledge and techniques that Zhou Wenming has mastered, or the techniques and theories that although he does not understand thoroughly, he can maturely apply and understand them.

Although the extraordinary power of chakra is also used, it can be achieved without using it.

Every node above this point can be attributed to metaphysics and occultism, something that can be truly used but cannot be understood, such as space teleportation, faster-than-light communication in the sea of ​​​​spirits, dimensionality enhancement, time control, etc.

Those are all nonsense that don't rely on chakra.

This key node is, of course, the twins of chakra's essence and manufacturing technology.

Shengyangyu said to Aburame Tetsumaru with great expectation: "This is the breaking point of our big tree. If it is not connected to the whole tree, it will not be complete. We are just an ordinary interstellar civilization. Our civilization The rising end point is the so-called super civilization."

"If it can be continued, the future of our civilization will be limitless, and those of us who have descended can have the hope of transcendence along with Zhou Civilization."

Aburame Tetsumaru was also looking at the big tree that was broken into two parts. He said seriously: "I will work hard."

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