Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 587 Version update of civilization management

After the teacher lowered his dimension, his feeling of fatigue and weakness was immediately relieved, but the sharp feeling after his dimension upgrade also disappeared.

It's like diving back into the water from a surface with a wide field of vision and keen hearing, and that strong sense of occlusion arises uncontrollably.

The feeling of occlusion can cause people to unconsciously feel fear. Although it is not as severe as a normal person's sudden blindness, it is at least like being suddenly exposed to a thick fog, causing inner uneasiness due to loss of control over one's own environment.

The teacher feels this kind of uneasiness now, and at the same time, his body feels relaxed and comfortable. The two feelings form a strong contrast, which is really too contradictory and complicated.

It took a long time for the teacher to reconcile the two conflicting feelings and return to normalcy.

At this time, he felt strange. Aburame Tetsumaru hadn't reduced the dimension yet. Could it be that he had discovered something else at high latitudes?

Aburame Tetsumaru had indeed discovered something. A timeline that spanned an unknown amount of time was suddenly connected.

Although it is so weak, it can break at any time like a spider's thread in a storm, a new endpoint at the end of the timeline. It trembles like a candle in the wind.

But Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes were looking at the unknown past, and a timeline shone like stars.

When there was no timeline connection, Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't tell what the light was at all, but now he was able to determine that it was not the reflection of stars in higher dimensions, but a timeline cluster left by a civilization.

This civilization cluster is so brilliant, as long as Aburame Tetsumaru observes carefully, you can feel the glory of being alone.

Compared with the huge timeline of this civilization, Zhou Wenming's current achievements are really not good enough.

Of course, Aburame Tetsumaru doesn't have the slightest sense of inferiority. Zhou Wenming's weakness is just that the accumulation time is too short. In time, Zhou Wenming will inevitably create a new peak of civilization.

Confidence is a matter of the future, caution is a matter of the present. After all, the other party is a super civilization that has reached extremely high heights, and its timeline continuation must be clarified.

In high dimensions, distance not only represents time, but also space. It is also affected by various known and unknown factors and is full of incomprehensible distortions, which leads to difficulty in cognition and judgment. great.

Aburame Tetsumaru had to spend a lot of time observing, and then calculating, analyzing and judging. The final result shocked him.

Because the end of this suddenly connected timeline is in the Black Belt of the Star Sea not far from the Ninja World. It was one of the two exploration lines determined in the early stages of the exploration that year.

The distance that seemed extremely far away back then is not that far away now. It would be scary especially if a civilization that we didn't understand at all suddenly revived here.

Even if the ancient civilization suddenly revived, the key point is that the coordinates of his cat's revival are behind his home.

This kind of unexpected situation must not be ignored. After all, such a super ancient civilization has been around for too long. God knows what kind of strange existence the other party is.

It is difficult for China to understand its ancestors from the Shang Dynasty three thousand years ago, let alone a civilization that developed from an unknown species tens of thousands of years ago.

"That's what it is."

After Aburame Tetsumaru recounted his findings and inferences, he made a request to all the descendants: "Someone needs to go to the hollow zone to explore and search, and make contact with this resurrected civilization."

Zhou Wenming didn't have much work related to diplomacy. Politicians and webmasters had always been responsible, so the politician stood up and asked: "What is the goal of contact?"

Politicians' questions are very necessary, and Zhou Wenming must determine the diplomatic strategy in advance before departure.

Because although this distance seems not far now, it will take at least a month to get there, and the mission executor will not receive timely support.

If Zhou Wenming's attitude tends to be tough, the two sides will most likely become enemies, and a strong combatant will need to be selected to participate.

If on the contrary, fighting is not easy to occur, then choose a member with a more flexible mind to take charge.

Aburame Tetsumaru thought for a while and said: "Our goal is to keep our backs safe, so we don't need to make any hostile actions during the first contact. We just need to determine the other party's danger level and attitude."

The stationmaster stood up and said, "In that case, let me go."

"Okay." Aburame Tetsumaru felt that there was no problem, but he still emphasized once, "This is the resurrection of a very ancient civilization. The traces they left in the past are extremely prosperous, and they must have a great heritage."

"So you must not conflict with them, and you must ensure your own life safety no matter what."

The stationmaster smiled and nodded and said, "I will. After all, I am not going alone. I have to be responsible for the lives of several descendants."

An Adventer whom Tetsumaru Aburame didn't know asked: "What if, I mean what if, this civilization wants to be our enemy?"

"An enemy?"

The veteran descendants headed by Aburame Tetsumaru were stunned. They looked at this young and excessive descendant in disbelief.

Sure enough, there were hundreds of people, all kinds of people.

Even the harsh screening process of Advent Ceremony cannot prevent the emergence of such innocent characters.

Aburame Tetsumaru explained patiently: "There is a saying: Don't let others snore on the side of the bed."

"Their location is too close to us and they don't need to be our enemies at all. As long as they are not controlled by us or become our 'all-weather strategic partners,' they have to move far away."

He was not cold at all, he just stated the facts as calmly as he said: "Otherwise, I will gather the strength of civilization, launch a war, and completely eliminate them."

The young descendant frowned and said, "Isn't this too cruel?"

No need for Aburame Tetsumaru to say anything, Yaye retorted first: "There is nothing cruel or not, this is a battle of civilizations. Although our universe is not the dark forest's pattern of extinction at sight, there is no lack of it. Kill, destroy, plunder.”

At this time, Aburame Tetsumaru finally couldn't help but take a serious look at him, and made a serious note in his heart that he must make a serious evaluation in the future.

Aburame Tetsumaru must determine whether this descendant is the real "Holy Mother". This is no small matter. The appearance of such a thing in the decision-making level of civilization is a major event that threatens the survival of civilization.

In this cruel universe, it would be fine if a few Holy Mothers appeared at the bottom, but not at the decision-making level.

Thief Cao said coldly and thankfully: "Fortunately, we haven't set any bullshit rules that those who come are not to be killed. If we encounter a Holy Mother, it's better to deal with it as soon as possible."

The most peaceful doctor also had evil eyes, he said: "We ourselves are struggling to survive, how can we show mercy to others, especially if the other party is a civilization that has the ability to kill us, it is a life-or-death relationship, and we cannot tolerate it casually. .”

Fortunately, such ignorant descendants are a minority among the minority. The descendants quickly approved the webmaster's decision to contact the new civilization, and also adopted all the diplomatic strategies proposed by Aburame Tetsumaru.

Even the final war plan was discussed and finalized.

After the meeting, the descendants left one after another, but none of the old descendants left. They sat in their original positions with a tacit understanding, quietly waiting for Aburame Tetsumaru to speak.

Many of the young descendants stayed. Some of them had keen senses and felt the changes in the atmosphere in advance. Some of them were just lucky and had something to do and realized something was wrong.

No one spoke in the Xinghai Hall, and the atmosphere became more and more tense until Aburame Tetsumaru said: "Okay, there are enough people left."

"Everyone knows that Zhou Wenming has never made any progress in promotion. At most, he is stuck at a certain stage and cannot continue to improve. But today it seems that this situation needs to be changed."

"At least the situation where descendants have only been able to enter but not exit must change. As members of the civilized decision-making group, we should not be able to only enter but not exit."

"In the past, the Adventers were all companions who had the same views, but now with the increase in the number of Adventers, there are finally Adventers who have inconsistent views but are able to survive the Advent Ceremony."

"Furthermore, the life span of the descendants is still unknown. There is no way to use the life span to eliminate naturally. I propose to set up an elimination mechanism to eliminate those who have different views."

Sheng Yangyu asked: "What to do with the descendants after they are eliminated?"

Aburame Tetsumaru answered directly: "Depriving the descendants of the treatment, that is, they are prohibited from entering the sea of ​​​​spirits."

Master Ba asked: "Can't you even enter the lower world of Liuhe?"

Aburame Tetsumaru replied: "Unfortunately, although this permission can be separated when adding it, I can't be so precise when depriving it."

"However, the deprived can perform another advent ceremony and replace themselves with a new body, which can solve the problem of entering the Liuhe world."

Ba Ye nodded with satisfaction. In his opinion, as long as the final road is not blocked, no matter how difficult it is, it is acceptable.

After all, being deprived of the qualification to be a descendant is a punishment, and it must be a severe punishment based on a big mistake.

Although the specific conditions for depriving the descendants of their qualifications have not yet been discussed, Ba Ye knows that the descendants will definitely set very strict conditions.

They must use strict conditions to ensure their status and will not be easily deprived of qualifications in the future because of simple conditions.

But looking at it on the other hand, once a guy meets the deprivation conditions, he must have done something quite serious and caused extremely terrible consequences to be treated like this.

At this time, the punishment he needs to accept cannot be very light, or deprivation of the qualifications of the descendant is only the first step.

After the results of the punishment were determined, the Adventers discussed and determined the process of deprivation.

To deprive an Adventer of his qualifications, ten Adventors need to formally submit a deprivation motion, which must be approved by more than 80% of all Adventors, and finally requires the consent of the Cocoon Builder.

Motions of deprivation against any Advent are not unlimited and can only be made once every twenty-four hours and no more than five times per year.

The cocoon maker's denial privileges are also limited. The first is that it cannot be used three times in a row. The second is that it does not work for more than 95% of the approval.

"It feels like as more and more descendants join, we are making the program more and more complicated." Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but gasped, "It won't one day end up looking like a complete calf like Mi Lijian, right? "

Sheng Yangyu said angrily: "Put your heart in your stomach, no one has touched your privileges, what else do you have to worry about?"

"Hehe, the advantage of extraordinary civilization is that the leader does not need to consider replacement."

"This is probably the biggest flaw. If the time is extended to thousands of years, what kind of ghost can Aburame Tetsumaru be like?"

Aburame Tetsumaru: "..."

Faced with this realistic problem, Aburame Tetsumaru didn't dare to speak at all.

Apart from anything else, how similar are the myself who was still fighting for my life on the battlefield thirty years ago to the person I am today?

After thinking about it carefully, Aburame Tetsumaru realized that from her genes to her strength, from her bloodline to her thinking, there was absolutely nothing about herself that had not changed.

As for the biggest change, it must be that I did not have any big ambitions at that time and vowed to let Kaguya Otsutsuki take maternity leave, but what about now?

I was really thinking about this with Kaguya every day, and worked hard to achieve this goal.

Now the two of them are not sure why it failed. Is it the reproductive isolation caused by the racial differences between the two, or is it because the Otsutsuki clan does not have the function of natural reproduction.

Of course, it is also possible that the two metamorphoses are too powerful, too strong. On such a strong basis, in the current environment, there is no way to produce the next generation.

Fortunately, it is very interesting to study this matter, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to persist.

The light that illuminates the entire universe cannot actually illuminate the entire universe in an instant. This requires a process, and it must be a very long process.

After five months of spreading, the light finally illuminated a strange star area.

Moreover, the way the star area is illuminated is very strange. It is diffracted light after passing through a slit. As a result, the entire process on the battlefield is accurately projected onto the dust belt of the star area.

This sector is more than ten light years away from the battlefield where Warhammer defeated the dwarf planet. The reason why light was able to arrive here more than nine years in advance is because of the slit that formed the diffraction of light.

It was a slit in space and time, no more than one millimeter wide, but six light minutes long. It was simply a thin line.

Moreover, I don’t know when, the slit will emit terrifying energy and strange light.

For the civilizations in this star region, this is the biggest natural danger in space. It is unknown how many celestial bodies passing by have been cut into pieces by it.

Only gaseous planets or stars that are large enough can ignore its damage, but the mass lost once is by no means a small number.

What's even more annoying is that there are more than one such slit, but more than four hundred, and they are also distributed in a ring, roughly forming a loose and irregular spherical shape.

It can be said that the existence of slits must be taken into consideration when navigating in space at any time.

This is the first time that such a meaningful light has appeared in this slit. After watching the sky curtain video, everyone is convinced that it is a planet-level space war.

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