Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 533: There will always be fish in the pond after the aftermath spreads

When everyone entered the laboratory, they saw a row of chakra heroes restrained by sealing techniques, as well as Jiraiya and two toads.

They were all wearing alloy steel restraints and were attracted to the wall by super strong magnets, making them unable to move except for their heads.

The other two participants in the attack, Namikaze Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, were not here. Sasuke had been taken home by Itachi, while Naruto was sent to the Land of Tea in a jar.

When they arrive at the Uzumaki medical laboratory, they will notify Namikaze Minato and his wife to come there, and then decide how to treat him.

As for the emotions of the Leaf Village and the Namikaze couple, it is not a problem. This time, it was the people of the Leaf Village who inexplicably attacked Zhou Wenming's senior officials.

It was Namikaze Minato, the Hokage, who needed to explain to Zhou Wenming and give him a proper explanation, not the other way around.

Considering that Zhou Wenming is a powerful party, it is very reasonable and even more reasonable for them to make such a request.

Also based on strength, Hokage cannot ask Zhou Wenming to release Jiraiya, otherwise Konoha Village will have to pay a greater price.

Even Konoha Village may face the risk of disbandment.

Aburame Tetsumaru was very satisfied with the requirements of the politician's plan, so he no longer hesitated and was about to leave with Otsutsuki Kaguya.

His time is very tight, and if he delays any longer, he may not be able to catch up with the Kunlun Mountain.

If the Kunlun Mountains ran all the way to the galaxy of the Tree Shepherd Civilization, that would be a real big trouble.

Because there is a virtual will on the Kunlun Mountain that is doing daily control, and I don’t know what went wrong. It is obviously very normal at ordinary times, but as long as it leaves the scope of the ninja world, the virtual will will change its temperament.

Suddenly he went from being a timid coward to being aggressive and prone to violence.

If such a Kunlun Mountain is allowed to arrive at the Tree Shepherd Civilization, the probability that the diplomatic visit will turn into the beginning of a war is not small.

The corners of Sheng Yangyu's eyes twitched, and he suppressed his anger and asked: "With such a huge hidden danger, how can you dare to leave such a big battleship and run back by yourself?"

"Haha." Aburame Tetsumaru replied with a smile, "I said I forgot about it...can you believe it?"


Is this even necessary to ask?

Aburame Tetsumaru wanted to interfere in this battle, but she didn't want to clean up the mess.

Just like many people are willing to cook, but they are not willing to choose vegetables, wash and cut before cooking, and they are even less willing to clear the table and wash the dishes after eating.

Without him, I am afraid of trouble.

It’s just that Aburame Tetsumaru went too far and used such a huge hidden danger as an excuse. No, this is not an excuse, this is a threat!

Shengyangyu took a deep breath, took deep breaths continuously, suppressed his anger, and waved his hand in disgust, telling Aburame Tetsumaru to leave quickly.

I don’t want to say anything more to him.

Aburame Tetsumaru chuckled and said, "I really forgot this time. I will make it up to everyone twice as much when I come back."

"Okay, the missing workload will be paid back tenfold."

"no problem!"

Aburame Tetsumaru happily took Kaguya Otsutsuki's little hand, waved goodbye to everyone, and then disappeared.

Shengyangyu looked at the place where Aburame Tetsumaru disappeared and suddenly sneered. He said to everyone without looking back: "I propose to increase the reference value of contribution to cleaning up the battlefield and cleaning up the mess. Does anyone object?"

"Hehehe, of course not."

"That bastard, Aburame Tetsumaru, shows off so unscrupulously, he must pay the price, I agree!"

In order to clarify the contribution within the civilization, Zhou Wenming set up the internal hard currency of contribution value. Initially, because combat was very risky, he set a very high reference value for combat.

Relatively speaking, the preparation work before the battle and the finishing work after the battle are set on the low side. After all, there is no risk.

However, as the strength of civilization increases rapidly, the risks that Zhou Wenming may encounter in battles become smaller and smaller, and the pace of battles becomes faster and faster. It becomes a situation of less work, low risk, and high return.

Some descendants and incarnations who have been responsible for logistics work for a long time felt that it was unfair and raised objections to this.

However, the number of subsequent battles was very small, and this contradiction was not prominent. The matter was just left here, and no one talked about it again.

But today, Aburame Tetsumaru's stimulation aroused everyone's emotions, and even the tactical team who benefited the most couldn't help but agree.

As for the incarnations and descendants of the intelligence team and the political affairs team, their thoughts are more consistent: I don’t dare to invite you!

After a group of descendants agreed with each other to dig a trap for Aburame Tetsumaru, they immediately felt refreshed and began the next finishing work.

If it weren't for bad luck, when Aburame Tetsumaru returns from the Tree Shepherd Galaxy and activates the customs system, no more stowaways will sneak in, then this will be the last large-scale battle in the ninja world.

As a result, the descendants burst out with great enthusiasm and tried their best to deal with the aftermath.

Politicians even rushed to Konoha Village in person to communicate with Naruto Namikaze Minato.

When Namikaze Minato heard the politician's words, his forehead immediately swelled up, he was angry and anxious. He laughed hard and said: "Sennin of Six Paths, hey, Sage of Six Paths! And Mt. Myoki..., this is really good!"

I really didn't expect that the Six Paths Sage's bottom line was so low. After confirming that he could not convince himself, he turned around and tricked his eldest son into risking his life through Miaomu Mountain.

There are also the immortals of Miaomu Mountain. They clearly asked Naruto to work for his life, but they didn't even say hello to his father. There was no sense of contractual friendship.

Finally, there is his teacher Jiraiya.

Namikaze Minato didn't know what to say when he thought of this old man. This amazing ninja had really been deceived his entire life. Instead, he was like a cultist, sinking deeper and deeper into the trap.

Because he was his teacher, Minato had always tolerated Jiraiya's activities and did not use coercive methods to restrain him, but this time he plunged his son into a death crisis, which seriously exceeded his bottom line.

The bottom line for Namikaze Minato is his home, his family.

Namikaze Minato had a good temper and good manners, and his castle was very deep. He never cursed from the beginning to the end, but Uzumaki Kushina was different.

Kushina was furious the moment she learned the news, her hair flying upward like the tentacles of an indescribable ancient god. Fortunately, she was feeding complementary food to her second daughter who had just turned one year old, so she didn't explode on the spot.

Kushina, shrouded in low pressure, insisted on feeding her daughter, and called her second son Uzumaki Menma to take his two sisters to bed.

Kushina turned to look at the politician, her eyes filled with blood without knowing when, and asked in a trembling voice: "How is Naruto doing now?"

"It's not very good." The politician introduced Namikaze Naruto's situation and finally concluded, "It's definitely not life-threatening, but the sequelae will be serious."

"If you want to eliminate the current sequelae, you have to risk becoming one of us. His will is indeed life-threatening."

Uzumaki Kushina nodded and begged: "Please take me to see Naruto."

The politician will naturally not refuse. This is the main purpose of his visit.

Half a minute later, the three of them arrived at the Uzumaki Medical Laboratory in the Country of Tea. Accompanied by the Adventor Uzumaki, they saw Namikaze Naruto soaked in nutrient solution.

At this time, Naruto was wearing a loose hospital gown and a breathing mask, suspended in the solution.

Although the battle had only been less than a day, the consequences of losing the tailed beast to the jinchūriki had already appeared. His limb muscles began to atrophy and his cheeks became sunken. It was obvious at a glance that something was not good.

Until then, Uzumaki Kushina's anger completely broke out.

"Old crooked Jiraiya! He was the one who took Naruto away from me, and he actually let Naruto risk his life. He really deserves to die!"

"Jiraiya! Is he still alive?"

"I'm going to kill him!"

Even a politician would be frightened by an angry mother, but she would not give in. No matter what Kushina wanted to do to Jiraiya, she was not qualified to take Jiraiya away from Zhou Wenming.

The politician said to Kushina: "Madam, I think the most important thing for you now is not to seek revenge, but to immediately decide on Naruto's treatment plan."

Uzumaki also helped: "Naruto's physical condition is continuing to deteriorate, and he doesn't have enough time."

Uzumaki Kushina immediately threw Jiraiya to the horizon, nodded repeatedly and said: "You are right, I want to understand the treatment plan carefully."

"No problem. I have compiled the three treatment plans into words. Please take a look..." Uzumaki took out a stack of documents and explained them to Kushina.

Namikaze Minato and the politician breathed a sigh of relief, and then they hid aside and quietly discussed the plan to deal with the aftermath.

Jiraiya cannot be killed, but he cannot run around freely either. Konoha Village must bear the responsibility of imprisoning him.

Hearing that Zhou Wenming did not intend to execute Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato finally felt relieved, but he couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of this situation. Can the leader who assassinated Zhou Wenming be let go?

The politician naturally knew this, and he said with a smile: "We didn't even execute the mastermind Six Paths Immortal, so naturally we won't kill the other accomplices, so you don't have to think too much."

"No matter what, this is an internal dispute within the ninja world. Both sides are inextricably linked. As the victors, we are willing to be more generous in exchange for less trouble."

The contract between Myoboku Mountain and Konoha Village will no longer continue. Although Zhou Wenming does not intend to take the lives of Gamamaru, Fukasaku, and Shima, Myoboku Mountain will not have any independent status.

Zhou Wenming has long coveted Mount Myoboku's toad size control technology. He has long wanted to decipher the secret of Gamabunta's size and then integrate this mechanism into the genes of the insect swarm.

That means that Zerg units larger than Ultralisk will be born, such as Leviathan.

Moreover, the natural energy of Miaomu Mountain also has its own characteristics and cannot be completely replaced by the natural energy of the Dragon Vein Node.

This characteristic is most likely caused by the toads absorbing natural energy. Even if Miaomu Mountain is used as a resource point, Zhou Wenming does not intend to drive out all the toads in Miaomu Mountain.

However, this does not mean that nothing happens to the toads. Cooperation in research is necessary, and it is natural that their freedom will be restricted.

When a descendant wants to swallow natural energy and become a great immortal, the toads cannot stop it and must cooperate throughout the process.

After that, Minato and Kushina decided to use body replacement treatment, and Namikaze Naruto began a long three weeks of treatment.

During this period, Uzumaki Kushina also invited Tsunade to assist, which greatly accelerated Naruto's recovery.

But the aftermath of this incident did not only affect Konoha Village and Mt. Myoboku. Ryūchi Cave became a fish in the pond that was tragically affected when the city gate caught fire this time.

The White Snake Immortal of Longdi Cave only realized something was wrong after the battle started. At that time, they had no time to do anything.

Then all kinds of terrifying vibrations came, and the big snakes didn't dare to do anything. Even the thorny ones like Wan She huddled in their holes, not daring to say a word of complaint.

White Snake Sage recalled the divine war that destroyed the world a thousand years ago, which turned the entire ninja world into ruins.

The impact of that disaster on Longdi Cave was not small. As long as you know that the three snake immortals were born hundreds of years after the war, you can guess it.

Except for the White Snake Immortal who had already become an immortal, the snakes before them were unable to become immortals due to lack of natural energy, and they all died of old age normally.

All the big snakes are praying not to destroy the ninja world again this time.

If the disaster recurs and the natural energy suddenly drops, all snakes, red fangs, and green snakes will die. Within three to four hundred years, only four immortals will be left among the wise snakes.

Fortunately, the horrific shock ended after three hours, and no fighting broke out in the following days.

The big snakes began to regain their vitality, and the three immortals gathered around the shrine to discuss the matter. The white snake immortal also took out the cigarettes that had not been used for several days and lit them.

The White Snake Immortal exhaled a stream of white smoke, sighed happily, and said easily: "There has been no new battle for three days. It seems that this time the divine war is over."

Upon hearing the judgment of the White Snake Immortal, the three Snake Immortals immediately cheered and started a lively discussion.

"Is everything okay? It's great."

"It only lasted a day, no, just a few hours. The strength gap between the two sides is a bit huge."

"Great Immortal, do you know who both parties are?"

White Snake Immortal said lazily: "Who else can it be? The entire surface of the ninja world is controlled by Zhou Wenming. That is, the great human Immortal is the Lord of the World, so he must be the one fighting."

Tianxin Shenhime, Ichikijima Hime, and Totsuhime nodded together, and Totsuhime responded: "It's hard to imagine that under the control of that one, there will be two other groups of such powerful people fighting."

"It seems that the Great Immortal has won, otherwise there will definitely be frequent wars at this time, with wars breaking out one after another."

Suddenly, the attentive Tian Xinji noticed something was wrong with the expression on the White Snake Immortal's face, and quickly asked: "Great Immortal, is there anything we don't know?"

The expression of the White Snake Immortal seemed to be a smile but not a smile. She even made a gesture of swallowing before speaking: "The side participating in the battle is indeed the Great Immortal, but the person standing with him is the one who was sealed a thousand years ago. The goddess of Mao.”

Tianxin Shenhime, Ichikijima Hime, and Tsunjin Hime were shocked and shouted in unison: "What?"

"I can also recognize his enemy, he is the Six Paths Immortal." The White Snake Immortal said faintly, "Perhaps this is the continuation of the divine war a thousand years ago."

"And the one who initially fought against the Six Paths Sage was not the Great Sage, nor the goddess of Uo, but a very strange guy, but he almost destroyed the entire ninja world."

The White Snake Immortal's tail was trembling, and the cigarette rod in her mouth was shaking violently. Even the White Snake Immortal's voice was trembling: "We actually just had a brush with death."

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