Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 275 From now on, I will be a man in heaven

"There are still five months left, so let's wait a few more months before we decide who will participate in the battle." Aburame Tetsumaru made a decision.

"During this period, the station commander must maintain close surveillance and must firmly grasp every detail of the enemy."

Aburame Tetsumaru continued on to the next topic: "Should we deal with Mt. Myoboku and Ryuji Cave? If so, how to deal with them?"

Uzumaki was the first to express his opinion: "My suggestion is to control them tightly. Whether they are toads or snakes, they are precious samples of senjutsu creatures. They are out-of-print in the ninja world and must not be killed."

Gray Bones then said: "Yes, biological diversity is very important. Since they are no longer a threat to us, we must be patient enough. If it doesn't work, we can put a cage on them."

But Master Ba felt that Ash Bones' statement made him feel uncomfortable, so he said: "No matter what, some of the creatures in these two families are intelligent. If the differences in positions and interests are irreconcilable, we can fight them wherever necessary." , kill them when you have to. But we cannot treat them with the same attitude as wild beasts, we should not become Anglo-Saxon barbarians."

Politicians agree with this: "I also think that intelligent species need to be taken seriously. This is more important to ourselves. Being too arrogant and condescending will be harmful to future progress and development."

"So, I think we can talk to the two families. If Toad and Orochi can actively cooperate, things will be much easier to handle. At least it will be much better than us using unilateral violence to control."

Aburame Tetsu stroked her chin and agreed with the politician's idea, so he asked: "Do you have any other suggestions?"

Seeing that no one made any more suggestions, Aburame Tetsumaru made a decision: "Then let's talk to these two families. Do you have any suggestions about the negotiations?"

After some discussion, Aburame Tetsumaru determined the conditions for negotiation:

First, Zhou Wenming must be allowed to explore the two holy lands. If special minerals or other resources are discovered, Zhou Wenming has the right of first refusal.

Second, Zhou Wenming's personnel must be allowed to enter and exit the two holy places to conduct research work. The holy places can deny entry to a specific person.

Third, a place must be set aside in the holy land for Zhou Wenming to build buildings. From then on, toads and snakes are not allowed to enter without permission.

In return, Aburame Tetsumaru promised not to kill toads and big snakes at will, not to exterminate two races, and not to force the two races to sign a psychic contract.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is an alliance under the city after winning the war." The politician said with admiration, "I suggest that we wait until the Otsutsuki Ishiki is eliminated, and then we can talk with the momentum of victory, and the two families should talk at the same time. Otherwise it won’t be easy to talk about.”

"This is a good suggestion. We haven't found the location of Longdi Cave yet, so we should leave plenty of buffer time."

"These big snakes are good at hiding. There is a problem with our psychic detection of Longdi Cave. We cannot accurately locate them. We seriously suspect that they have been interfered by the other party."

Warhammer said: "Keep looking, no, no, find Orochimaru and ask directly."

The Warhammer boss spoke little as always, and his attitude was still so direct, but the idea was undoubtedly feasible, so the matter was settled.

Hearing Orochimaru's name, Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes flashed, and he was thoughtful.

[Otherwise, I'll take the pot away? 】

As a result, except that the construction of the Gate of Heaven can be accelerated, other things have to wait for the right time, or wait for other preparatory work to be completed.

However, in this winter, Zhou Wenming's biggest event is about to begin, which is the "Joint Recruitment Examination" named by Aburame Tetsumaru, and is also called "The Catastrophe of Heaven and Man" by the residents of the ninja world.

In Xincha, in the capital of the Water Kingdom, thousands of children who had passed preliminary screening and were ruled by Zhou Wenming in the ninja world entered the examination room that determined their life destiny.

Not only in the ninja world, the Otsutsuki clan on the moon and the Erdo clones on Callisto have also entered the examination state.

The two national examination rooms in the ninja world were specially built with great effort. Children have to complete nine exams independently in single rooms under the watchful eyes of monitored slimes.

However, what is different from the Ming and Qing Dynasties is that the room is very large, with a bed, a table, lighting and a toilet. There is even heating equipment in the Water Kingdom examination room.

And unlike the previous life, all test papers are distributed at the same time, and children can freely choose the time to do the papers, as long as they can complete them within three days.

However, for three whole days, they were not allowed to hand in papers in advance or leave. During this period, they had to eat, drink, and sleep in this room, which was still very painful for the candidates.

In particular, most of the candidates are children as young as twelve years old, and their immature minds make them more likely to perform abnormally.

So Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but ask the teacher who designed the exam program: "Is this design too much? These are still children."

The teacher said nonchalantly: "There is a preliminary examination every year to obtain qualifications, and a centralized selection every three years. I allow them to take the examination until they are twenty-four years old. What else do they want?"

What can Aburame Tetsuwan say?

Well, he was secretly feeling happy. I got through this all those years ago. Why, you children from another world can have privileges? Don't think about it and just take the exam honestly.

There is no age limit for the preliminary examination, but those over the age of twenty-four are not eligible.

It's not age discrimination, but after the age of twenty-four, people's thinking is basically fixed. Even if they undergo brain chip surgery, it will be difficult to accept such impactful knowledge, and it will be easier to destroy a person.

This is not a random design by Aburame Tetsuwan. Doctors have done thousands of experiments. No matter it is the land of water or the land of tea, there is no example of successfully rebuilding the three views after the age of twenty-four.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that none of the people who underwent the experiment have received Zhou Wenming education. After being trained by the new education system, the acceptance ability of the new generation of children should be different, and the final age can be relaxed appropriately by then. limit.

At the moment, the oldest candidate in the Kingdom of Water is only twelve years old, so it’s early. There are quite a few candidates in Xincha who are nearly twenty years old, but the number is extremely rare.

After most children fail three or four exams, they collapse, become completely despairing of exams, and turn to other jobs.

The newly born Zhou Wenming is extremely thirsty for talents, so there are promotion channels in all industries. Even a steel-making worker, as long as he can persist in learning and progress, he can eventually go into space.

In addition to the cultural examination, there is a faster path to promotion, which is the chakra training system. This is also the main path chosen by the Otsutsuki on the moon. Zhou Wenming needs combat power, but he only needs combat power above that of a Jonin. This path is actually very narrow.

With the strength of a Jonin and an exclusive set of armor, such a armored warrior can at least stand on a par with a Kage-level warrior, and his combat effectiveness is guaranteed.

However, Aburame Tetsumaru didn't want them to kill the enemy. No matter how strong the jounin was, he was only one person, and his attack efficiency would not be much higher. The biggest advantage of such colonial warriors is that they have absolutely outstanding battlefield survivability. They can personally visit and stay on the front line to provide accurate guidance for large-scale firepower.

A colonial warrior's own chakra only needs to be used to protect himself, and the attack can be left to drones in the sky and strike systems in orbit.

He only needs to point his finger, and powerful orbital laser strikes will come instantly. If the power is not shocking enough, there can also be a few meteors falling from the sky. If it is still not enough, I will ask you if a few dozen mushroom worms are enough.

Therefore, there is not much demand for colonial warriors. What is really in unlimited demand are masters of the level such as White Fang and Kakuzu, or cutting-edge chip-removing talents like Uchiha Sanae. These talents are the ruling class of Zhou civilization.

But there are very few such talents, and most of them will grow up from the children who enter the examination room in groups.

Aburame Tetsumaru floated quietly in the air, watching the candidates queuing up in the examination room of the capital of the Kingdom of Water. Countless citizens of the Kingdom of Water silently surrounded them, watching with anticipation.

He smiled and said proudly: "Does it sound like what Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said back then, 'All the heroes in the world will fall into my trap'?"

"Not at all. Aren't those who pass the exam still students?" The housekeeper also stood in the air, and waves of waves continued to spread under his feet.

The politician was still using the soles of his genitals to spray. Looking at the two pretentious guys, he helplessly opened the phone and asked his boss: "Master Ba, how is the progress of the development of the ultra-light and heavy rock system? I also I want to fly in a show-off manner.”

Ba Ye chuckled: "Come on, the new version of the colonial equipment years ago will abandon the rocket boost system, and it will have a chest main weapon."

"Really?" The politician was extremely surprised. "As expected of Mr. Ba, you took over the research on colonial costumes and advanced it so fast."

Ba Ye: "It's nothing. I just learned the Earth Release Ninjutsu first, and then used my own experience to study it. By the way, I think the biggest help is learning Dust Release. Well, it really saves a lot of time. .”

Politicians, as well as Aburame Tetsumaru and the housekeeper who eavesdropped: "..., Dust Release, have you learned it?"

Ba Ye replied inexplicably: "Yes, you will get good at it if you learn. It's quite simple..."

Aburame Tetsumaru hung up the politician's call directly, and then said to the politician seriously: "No matter what work is given to Yaye from now on, don't ask about the progress."

"It's so shocking. Is this person really separated from me?" Aburame Tetsumaru glared at the politician fiercely, "Although I have received good news again, your good mood today has been completely ruined by you."

"Haha, we should let you experience the feeling of being hit by Master Ba. I am the biggest victim."

Three days later, when the bell rang for the end of the exam, the capital of the Kingdom of Water, which had been quiet for three days, suddenly became extremely noisy. Parents of the candidates swarmed in and blocked the entrance to the examination room.

Soon, the wilted and unkempt candidates came out one after another. The tired children were all full of frustration, some were crying secretly, and some even lay on the ground and cried loudly as they walked. .

When the exam is over, the results come out, and those who walk out of the door at this time are all losers who failed the exam.

When parents saw their children, they beat their chests and sighed. They were so grumpy that they wanted to hit them, but in the end they were reluctant and did not dare to hit them.

Every child here is an elite who has gone through layers of screening. When they grow up, they will become bureaucrats of the Kingdom of Water. Therefore, they are called high-ranking people and are protected by the leader of the Kingdom of Water.

No matter who dares to hit them, they will be severely punished by the commander-in-chief.

Juaniao is a guy who doesn't like physical punishment very much. He particularly likes to pay taxes. Punishment usually takes the form of tax increase. For example, the penalty for beating an examinee is to pay five times the personal income tax within one year.

After several years of education, people in the Water Country already know very well that there is no imprisonment in the Water Country, only tax increases. If you cannot pay the taxes, you will be forcibly sent to the mines and salt fields. The work is very hard but the money is a lot. Generally, you work for two years. A year's worth of tax increases can be earned in three months.

If the crime committed is too serious and cannot be saved even in the mines and saltworks, then the only option is to work in the laboratory. It is not hard at all and the money can be earned ten times more, but everyone in the Kingdom of Water will take notice of it. Change, regarded as the same place as Huangquan Road.

Tired Bird is so obsessed with raising taxes that there are only three crimes in the Water Kingdom that will be punished other than raising taxes: rebels will be eaten by insects, murderers will be beheaded, and bosses who mistreat employees to death will be hung from street lights. .

Because the first two are taken for granted, people in the Kingdom of Water are only interested in the last punishment. They will happily discuss this issue, and when they are dissatisfied with their work, they will curse their bosses: "Dare you do this again?" That way, you’ll be hung from a street light!!”

So many rich people tremble when they look at the street lights, especially when they are driving at night, it is really torture.

But if these rich people are asked to move away from the Kingdom of Water, they will definitely refuse.

The leader of the Kingdom of Water is only interested in hanging their necks from street lamps, but respects the money they earn and does not allow ninjas to enter their homes. This makes the rich feel a great sense of security. .

And if a foreign noble dared to blackmail their money, the commander-in-chief would not hesitate to send ninja troops to get the money back for them, without even asking them for money.

As long as you pay your taxes on time, provide snacks to your subordinates, and don't force them to death, rich people will live a comfortable and secure life in the Water Kingdom, and they don't even need to hire too many bodyguards.

However, if they are found to have dared not pay taxes, Juaniao's punishment for the rich will be extremely severe. They will usually be fined to the point of losing their entire fortune. In serious cases, they will owe a large amount of money to the tax bureau.

As for armed resistance to taxes, no one dared to think that in the new land of water, the tax collectors who took the initiative to pay taxes were ordinary people, but the special tax collectors sent out to collect taxes were all jounin and special jounin.

Just outrageous.

The line of candidates gradually ended, but no one left, and there were even more people. When the door of the examination room slowly closed, the parents who confirmed that they had not seen their children went crazy, and they let out earth-shattering cheers.

The people around me looked at her with envy and jealousy, and spoke words of praise insincerely.

"Congratulations, congratulations, your family will be in heaven from now on."

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