Come to the special trainer

Chapter 54: The Harvest of Chengdu

In November, Guancheng Waterfall, looking at this group of supersonic bats is really annoying, Pingku called out that the fossil pterosaurs used supersonic waves.

After causing them confusion, he decisively threw a flash bomb, and then quickly went down the waterfall.

"You really look poor." Ping Ku complained a few words after leaving Waterfall Cave.

On the Kanto side, a ladder is set up on the way up. If you build a bridge or a ladder by yourself in the Joto area, you will die.

If you don't want steel and iron frames, you can use wood anyway.

In the following section of the road, he would often encounter personnel assigned by the alliance to check here.

At the same time, I also saw some elite trainers exercising on this channel. These are trainers trained by the alliance itself.

They never participate in any gym challenges and competitions, and are only responsible for maintaining order.

This is why there is an alliance in the Kanto region, but no association. After all, the association is too low-level for these founders.

Whenever there is a natural disaster, they will go to the scene of the incident for rescue as soon as possible, and may even participate in the front-line battle.

The last time the Rockets rebellion was not delegated, it was several cities that joined forces to suppress the Rockets to death in Jinhuang City.

If something really happened that caused instability in the region, the alliance would let these elite trainers participate in the battle.

Of course, Sakagi has also learned about the situation of the alliance, so his core is to study artificial powerful Pokémon, so as to complete the rule in one fell swoop, without giving the alliance a chance to react.

It's a pity that the plan failed, and the experiment of three birds in one was also destroyed. In the end, they had to fight Xiao Chi and lost completely.

"Thank you for your hard work." Before closing the passage, Ping Ku thanked the person who led the way in front of him.

The leading trainer didn't say much, just nodded, thank you Ping Ku for your understanding.

The next road is very smooth, passing through the venue of the competition that is being restored, and entering the championship road.

Following all the instructions in the cave, Pingku quickly left the Quartz Plateau and came to the No. 22 road in the Kanto area.

"Hey Doctor, I've reached Route 22, and I can go back to eat tonight."

Seeing the sun hanging in the sky, Pingku reported his own safety, and rushed to a noodle restaurant in Changqing City.

Everything in the Chengdu area is good, but there is one thing that is not good, it is too bland. These two months have been a torment.

When I came to the Chengdu area in September, I happened to hit the tail end of the heat wave. After training with Ah Si for a week, I set out to investigate.

Leiti Mountain Range, the only second largest mountain range in the Chengdu area, Pingku found the location before crossing, but unfortunately this is still an undeveloped area.

In this mountain, he saw the Pokémon Fearless Boy. Because there was no registered Pokémon Ball, Pingku could only take a photo and left in a hurry, heading for Furious Lake, a lake with legends.

It's a pity that the bottom of the lake is full of carp kings. He tried to catch some fish, but he returned from the air force. He was so angry that he left immediately.

The town below the lake of anger is the town of Kaji, where he saw the ninja training school, which is known as the hometown of ninjas.

The shop selling steamed buns sighed and said that it is a pity that the owner of the shop is not here today, otherwise he would recommend Pingku to fight.

"Thanks, I don't have the habit of fighting gym trainers, I just like traveling." Ping Ku declined.

If he really tries to challenge, who knows if someone will monitor his every move afterwards.

After running into the ice and snow trail near No. 44 Road, I was almost frozen into ice.

Can you believe that except for the innermost side of the twin islands, there are caves that are icy and snowy once you enter, what a paradise of ice.

Here he met the most representative Pokémon in the ice and snow trail, the small mountain pig, and the evolved long-haired pig.

He had no choice but to take pictures with a camera because he couldn't be subdued, and finally finished filming the first half of the entire ice and snow trail.

In the second half, I was affected by the Pokémon trainer battle, which caused the road to be repaired, so I couldn't go to Yanmo City, so I had to turn around and go back.

After returning the same way, in Leiti Mountain, he dug up a special thing.

But he didn't mention it to anyone. Instead, he sent this thing into his Pokémon Ball, and went out from another exit as if nothing happened.

During the period, a Pokémon thief was also caught. He used a Pokémon like gas bombs, and lost his fighting consciousness under the roar of the Gyarados.

He was tied up by Pingku and sent to the police station in Yuanzhu City where he was given a prison cell, during which time the police offered him a reward.

That night, Yuanzhu City held a fireworks show. In order to thank Ping Ku, the organizer specially gave him a good seat.

Under the beautiful fireworks, Pingku and Froggrass were fascinated, and finally ended the day's journey with cheers.

Starting from Yuanzhu City in October, Pingku took a lot of photos on the No. 37 Road, and was attacked by a hoodlum during the period.

This guy's disguise was so good, when Ping Ku was enjoying the photos after taking the photos, he suddenly attacked.

Pingku was so frightened that he called out Kabimon directly, and his backhand was a megaton punch to the face, followed by a megaton kick to fly away.

After passing Route 36, Ping Ku entered the natural park after refusing others' invitation to fight.

I was told that I could not participate in the insect catching competition here without the certification of the Johto area, so I left with a little regret.

Walking down the natural park, Pingku saw the railway tunnel under construction, which was blocked by a high wall around it, and no non-construction unit personnel were allowed to enter.

A shuttlecock grass that wanted to float in was driven out.

Continue to walk down and enter Manjin City, which is a city in line with international standards and welcomes every tourist.

Some people in the basement will perform beauty treatments for Pokémon, and some will sell some props with obscure origins.

Of course, there are also Pokémon battles in the underground passage. Some small prizes will be provided in these games, such as enhancers and a few high-end balls, which are relatively valuable items.

Of course, when it comes to the underground passage, there is only one barbecue restaurant that makes Pingku most satisfied. Although there is no chili, the sauce is enough.

The radio station held a lottery event on this day. Pingku took a card to claim the prize and got a radio data card. This is a radio data card that can be plugged into the communication device to listen to the news of the radio tower in the wild.

"It's useless. I won't be able to hear anything when I leave the city." Pingku complained a few words, and finally resold the data card to others at a high price.

In the Manjin department store, Pingku turned into a shopaholic, and in front of the learning machine shop on the fifth floor, he bought all the move machines that he didn't have there.

You don’t need to buy too much of this thing, there is a new thing in the Oki Research Institute that you can copy.

By the way, someone saw Pingku's Gyarados and wanted to exchange his wrist strength, but he resolutely refused.

"What are you thinking, Gyarados trades wrist strength, why don't you trade it with a hypnotic tapir, what a shame!"

For this practice of taking advantage, Pingku doesn't give face at all, just two words, no.

Later, I also saw the test of the trainer of Manjin City Gymnasium. A bunch of reporters would not let you in except to stand at the door and wait.

Going south along Manjin City, he entered the Tonglin Forest, where he stayed for two weeks, most of the time Ping Ku spent observing the activities of Pokémon on the peripheral side.

A few days later, a camera was used to record the process of a sun seed evolving into a sun flower monster.

In a foggy night, Ping Ku disguised himself as a night walker and quietly entered a marked spot.

After digging with a shovel, he reburied the land and lured a baby elephant to play here the next day.

After finishing his research on the outside of the Tong Forest, he accelerated all the way to Ruoye Town, crossed the Ruoye River in a Tyrannosaurus, and arrived at Guancheng Waterfall.

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