World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 383 There is a mine at home

After the three little guys finished their report, they happily carried the Sea Witch Slate and left.

Yang Yi sat alone in the center of the town and checked the properties of the town.

【Mloc Town Center】

[Medium-sized Fishman Town]

[Civilization level 5, military level 5]

[Civilization value: 22091/50000, military value: 44982/50000]

Compared with before the expedition to Mogolei, Ratchet Town's civilization value has increased by approximately 2,000 points, and its military value has increased by approximately 4,000 points.

During this trip to Mogolei, nearly fifty murlocs died in the battle in Ratchet Town and more than two hundred were injured. However, the military values ​​did not decrease but increased. This is mainly due to two reasons. First, the combat murlocs have been honed in actual combat, and their experience and level have been improved. Second, many murlocs have joined Ratchet Town in the past month, increasing their military strength.

During this period of time, the improvement of Ratchet Town's civilization value has been much slower than that of military value, mainly because the construction of Ratchet Town has been delayed.

The lack of wood greatly restricted the construction of Ratchet Town.

This urban construction is part of material civilization. Since large-scale construction cannot be carried out, the civilization value will naturally increase slowly.

As for spiritual civilization, Yang Yi is even more troubled. How to build the spiritual civilization of fish people?

Putting aside his headache, Yang Yi opened the map of Kalimdor and found Azshara's location.

A large circle was drawn on Azshara's map, where Yang Yi planned to build a logging camp.

Azshara is considered a cursed place by the night elves, where the weather changes abnormally and storms always come at any time. Coupled with the maze of winding reefs beneath the surface, the ship becomes very dangerous. Therefore, the Horde and Alliance ignored this area, leaving only one or two small outposts.

But these harsh conditions are not a problem for the fishmen. Storms have basically no impact on the fishmen, and the reefs under the sea are no hindrance to the fishmen. This is also the reason why Yang Yi plans to build the lumber camp in Azshara.

However, Yang Yi knew very little about the actual situation in Azshara, and he had never been there himself.

"There is too little information about Azshara outside, and even adventurers rarely go there. Now we only know that there are two of the largest murloc clans in Kalimdor, and there are Nagas and sea giants. Wait. When Watt comes back, let him lead a team of murloc ambushers to explore the road first," Yang Yi thought to himself.

Azshara cannot build a lumber camp too hastily. The forces of Ratchet Town do not cover Azshara. It needs to be done step by step. For the time being, it can only be spent to buy wood.

Speaking of money, Yang Yi also had a headache for a while.

Ratchet Town has developed many industries, but so far most of them have not been able to create profits for the town. It would be good to be able to self-finance and lose.

Fortunately, there is now another way to make money in the town, which is the newly mined mine.

On the Merchant Travel Coast, a small mine was built where the Canyon Murloc Village used to be.

From then on, Ratchet Town finally lived a life of having a mine at home.

Yang Yi has already chosen the name of this mine, it is called Canyon Mine.

With the three kobold brothers Jinya, Gag and Narg, plus the hundreds of kobold slaves that Ratchet Town bought early in the morning who are good at digging, the canyon mine is running smoothly.

A small dock was built on the coast closest to the Canyon Mine, and a sloop ran back and forth between the small dock and Ratchet Town every two or three days.

A large amount of ores, stones and gems were mined and transported to Ratchet Town, of which [copper ore] and [low-quality stones] were the most numerous.

[Copper Ore] is mainly used for forging equipment, and a small amount of engineering equipment is also needed.

Since the murlocs don't like to go near forging furnaces, the forging industry in Ratchet Town has never been able to develop. The forging houses in the town usually only knock and repair weapons and equipment, so the consumption of [Copper Ore] is not large. .

Ratchet Town left part of the [Copper Ore] for the engineering workshop, and planned to sell the rest for gold coins.

[Inferior stones] can be used to make [inferior gunpowder] and are indispensable materials for [small fireworks]. They are all reserved for the fishman engineering technicians to use for processing and practice.

This mineral vein under the Shanglv Coastal Canyon is mainly copper ore, and occasionally tin ore and silver ore and other secondary minerals can be dug. Therefore, in addition to a large amount of [Copper Ore], the Canyon Mine produces a small amount of [Tin Ore] and a very small amount of [Silver Ore].

In addition to ores, there are also a large number of [low-quality stones] and [rough stones] and other by-products mined during mining, as well as [malachite], [tiger eye stone], [shadow stone], and [green agate] , [Secondary Moon Stone] and other gems with grades within level 3.

The mining output is very rich, and this is still a low-grade copper vein.

It is precisely because of this attractive output that Yang Yi has always hidden the existence of the veins and has not built a mine.

It was only now that Ratchet Town had a certain ability to protect itself, so it decided to build a mine for large-scale mining.

There are now a lot of [Copper Ore] piled up in Ratchet Town, as well as a small amount of [Tin Ore] and [Silver Ore], as well as several small bags of gems.

Those bags of gems were stored in the center of the town. Yang Yi opened the bags and looked at them. The colorful emeralds were dazzling.

"If it weren't for lack of money, I would really be reluctant to sell these gems."

In fact, he was a little reluctant to even sell [Copper Ore]. After all, ore is a strategic material, and there is no such thing as too much.

"If these things are sold to goblin merchants, the middlemen will still have to make a profit. It is better to ship them to the port of exile and sell them. The trade permission purchased from Gazlowe can come in handy." Yang Yixin think.

The matter of the lumberyard and the mine was settled by Yang Yi. Then he jumped down from the center of the town and patrolled the town.

The development of Ratchet Town is on the right track. Old Blind Eye and the others also made arrangements for the follow-up matters before setting off for the expedition. Coupled with the efforts of the three little guys Guji Gudong and Little Naga, everything in Ratchet Town is running normally and there is no problem. What a flaw.

Just like that, a few days later, the murlocs who went to Mogolei came back.

The purpose of this expedition has been achieved. The triumphant murlocs were warmly welcomed in Ratchet Town. Yang Yi simply held another celebration party to give the murlocs a good meal.

The next day, Yang Yi summoned the old blind man and the others to the town center, and he decided to reward them based on their merits.

Ratchet Town will definitely encounter various battles in the future. Each murloc behaves differently on the battlefield, so post-war evaluations and rewards and punishments are essential.

The brain circuits of the murlocs are very direct. Only by clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments can the murlocs work hard on the battlefield.

Yang Yi sat on the chair in front of the big table, while the old blind man, Brak, Magoffin, Swart, Jagu, Thief Eye and other murlocs sat in rows on the straw mat.

They are the heroes of this expedition to Mogaole.

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