World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 172 Centaur and Stone Arm

The Kokar centaurs are attacking. Even if the orcs and fishmen do not intend to cooperate, they can each attract some of the centaur attacks and share the other's defense pressure.

Now that the Ratchet fishmen directly choose to dive to escape, all the pressure will be concentrated on the orc team, which will make the orc team's situation even more dangerous.

Seeing the fishmen entering the water one after another, the orcs began to curse.

Yang Yi didn't care about the orcs at all. The louder the orcs scolded, the harder it was for them.

At first, the orcs came to the fishman village to cause trouble, which woke me up who had not slept enough.

Later, the two sides fought fiercely, and now they can make the orcs feel sad, so why not do it.

Besides, the fishmen have no obligation to help this group of orcs share the centaur attack.

The orcs hid in the water when they saw the murlocs. However, even if some of them could swim, they were unwilling to go into the water, because they could not dive underwater for a long time to avoid the attacks of centaur bows and arrows like the murlocs, and they also knew that as long as they got into the water, they would let the fish People were slaughtered.

The orcs listened to Bain's advice and began to retreat hurriedly towards the dead water tauren village.

The Kokar centaurs are indeed a race that has been galloping on the continent of Kalimdor all year round due to their speed. They quickly reached the backwater oasis.

There are more than 800 Kokar centaurs in this team, and they all come from the Forgotten Pool, one of the three oases in the Barrens.

The centaur leader who led the team was named Stonearm, and he was an effective general of Barak Cordobane, the centaur leader of the Forgotten Pool.

The vicious reputation of Centaur Stonearm has long been spread in the Barrens. His upper body is more like a wild ancient than any centaur. He never uses spears, axes or longbows like other centaurs. The centaur's stone-armed hands and feet are as hard as rocks. He doesn't need weapons at all. He can easily smash the enemy's head with his bare hands.

Stonearm led a large group of Kokar centaurs to the backwater oasis, and found that there was only an empty, unbuilt murloc village left on the backwater oasis, and a retreating orc team.

The purpose of Stonearm's trip is to prevent other races from establishing a stronghold in the backwater oasis.

The Great Khan Hezrul Bloodseal received news that the wall of the village in the Backwater Oasis will be built in the near future. So he ordered Barak Cordobane to send Stonearm to lead the centaur team to the backwater oasis in advance, hoping to destroy the construction and loot the property before the wall was built.

"Send a small team to loot the food and set fire to the village's buildings. The other Ko'kar warriors come with me and let us kill those filthy greenskin outsiders."

The orcs of the tribe are all green-skinned orcs. They did not live on the planet Azeroth from the beginning. In fact, they came to the continent of Kalimdor not many years ago.

The Kokar Centaur thinks that he is the master of this land. If the orcs hadn't suddenly appeared and rescued the tauren, the centaur would have already controlled the Barrens and Mulgore. Create hatred.

Now the tribe's power is rapidly expanding in the barren land. Every time Stonearm takes the centaurs out to plunder, the orc wolf cavalry will follow them like hounds following the scent. The centaurs never dared to stay at the target place for a long time, unable to rob and kill as much as they wanted, which made Stonearm hate the orcs even more.

The Kokal centaur was already familiar with robbery and robbery, and soon separated a team and rushed into the fishman village from the unbuilt wall, and plundered the food and other takeable materials in the warehouse that had not yet been moved. , they immediately held up torches and started setting fires everywhere.

The remaining Kokar Centaur army roared wildly and rushed towards the orcs, giving the orcs no chance to retreat to the mountain.

On the way to the centaur charge, Una Wolfclaw and other orc hunters laid frost traps.

Frost Trap will create a smooth ice surface when an enemy approaches, greatly reducing the movement speed of enemies within the ice surface.

Several frost traps were triggered by the Centaur, which greatly slowed down the Centaur's charge.

However, even so, the orcs did not have time to retreat to the mountain. They were bitten by the centaur team at the foot of the mountain.

On the wide flat ground, the centaur's accelerating charge was overwhelming. Even with the deceleration of the frost trap, it was still difficult for ordinary people to resist.

The female orc Serrag Blackthorn was at the forefront with her whirlwind ax, and she summoned two ghost wolves to fight alongside her.

The tauren Baine Bloodhoof did not retreat first on the kodo. He waved his halberd on the kodo and used his burly body to block the centaur's advance.

The Centaur attacks came in waves, and Serrag Blackthorn and Baine Bloodhoof combined with all the orc warriors to tenaciously block the Centaur attacks.

The centaurs greatly outnumbered the orcs, and soon the orcs were surrounded by the centaurs.

On the other side, Yang Yi and the fishmen in Ratchet Town were hiding in the lake.

The old blind man watched with anger burning in his eyes as the centaurs set fire to the village. These were the houses and walls that the murlocs of Ratchet Town had worked so hard to build.

"Lord, let us drive away those centaurs in the village."

Yang Yi observed the situation. There were more than 800 centaurs in total, and they were divided into two sides. On one side, there are about a hundred centaurs who are robbing and destroying the fishman village. On the other side, the main centaur brigade is besieging the orcs, among which Bain is also trapped.

There are three hundred fighting murlocs in Ratchet Town. Although they are all hiding in the safe lake, they can no longer suppress the anger in their hearts when they see the newly built village being destroyed by the centaurs from a distance.

"Old Blind Eye, you bring a large group of fighting murlocs ashore from the murloc village, and let the murlocs holding shields line up in front. If the centaur runs out of the murloc village, don't pursue it. If the centaur comes around, retreat. Get into the lake." Yang Yi ordered the old blind man.

According to Yang Yi's previous formation for the fighting murlocs, a group actually only had a hundred fighting murlocs, which was not a large number.

Yang Yi knew that this was flat land, and the centaurs were confident that they would separate a team of a hundred people into the village to plunder.

The centaurs know that the murlocs have no mounts. If the murlocs attack them, they will definitely use the kiting tactics that the centaurs are good at, using the dual advantages of movement speed and range to defeat the murlocs.

So Yang Yi asked the old blind man to bring the shield-wielding murlocs ashore. It would be best if the centaurs ran away. If they gave up destroying the village and instead attacked the shield-wielding murlocs, then the murlocs would hide back in the water.

Yang Yi did not intend to let this large group of murlocs annihilate the centaurs in the murloc village. Instead, he wanted Lao Blind Eye to contain the centaurs and try to delay them for a little time so that the centaurs could not wantonly destroy the murloc village.

After assigning the mission to the old blind man, Yang Yi led the remaining murlocs to approach the main centaur force that besieged the orcs and Bain.

Bain was trapped by the centaur, and Yang Yi didn't want anything to happen to him. If the situation is urgent, Yang Yi considers whether to lead the murloc team to rescue Bain.

Yang Yi led the murloc team with the primary purpose of containing the centaur team. If the Centaur main force turns around to attack the murlocs, he will immediately let the murlocs run into the water.

A fighting murloc of more than two hundred people was constantly approaching, and the centaur team had to be on guard when besieging the orc team.

Sure enough, the centaur leader Stonearm found the murloc team coming ashore, and he immediately ordered a team of centaurs to be separated to prevent the murlocs from attacking from behind.

The murlocs on both sides kept the centaurs in check, with only sharp arrows and spears occasionally intertwining in the air, and there were basically no casualties.

Compared to the other side, the battle between the orcs and the centaurs was much more intense and cruel.

The centaurs and orcs fell one by one, and the female orc Serrag and the tauren Bain began to lead the orc team to break out in the direction of the tauren village.

The battle was going on very quickly. The stone-arm leader of the Kokar Centaur also knew that the reinforcements at the crossroads would arrive soon, and knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he let the centaurs launch a swift and fierce offensive in the form of a frontal charge from the beginning.

The strength of the female orc Serrag and the tauren Baine exceeded the imagination of the centaur Stone Arm. The centaur leader originally thought that the overwhelming centaur collective charge was blocked by the orcs led by the two, and discovered that the two men He is leading the orc team to fight a bloody path.

Stonearm took out a Kodo horn from his horse. He blew the horn and changed his tactics.

The sound of the stone-armed Kodo horn was low and powerful. After hearing the sound of the horn, the centaurs stopped their fearless charge. They turned their horses around on the flat ground and reorganized their formations.

Stonearm has led the centaur team in the Barrens for many years. His fighting style is not as fanatical as the centaur Verogo.

Stone Arm knew very well what the purpose of his trip was. This time they were to destroy the village's construction and rob the supplies before the wall of the backwater oasis was built.

The unexpected encounter with the hateful orc team changed the Centaur's plan.

Stonearm originally brought the centaurs to destroy and kill. He didn't care about changing his plan. It was the most satisfying thing to be able to kill the orc team for revenge. If that doesn't work, then use the range of the longbow to consume the orcs and try to preserve the vitality of the centaur warriors.

Therefore, the leader of Stonearm blew the horn of Kodo and asked the centaur and orc teams to distance themselves and use bows and arrows to attack from a distance.

This can not only consume the orcs, but also don't have to worry about being held back by the orc team's counterattack when the tribe's reinforcements arrive, leaving the centaur team vulnerable from both sides.

The Kokar centaur's combat method of using bows and arrows to attack from a distance and dragging down the enemy with running speed is very troublesome, especially on the vast plains.

To deal with this tactic of centaurs, either there are strong defenses to hold on, or there are cavalry units that can catch up with the centaurs.

It doesn't help that the orc team has no mounts, and Bain only has one kodo, so when facing the centaurs using bows and arrows to attack from a distance, they can only stick together and shrink the defense, and let the orc hunters use bows and arrows to counterattack as they advance. .

Yang Yi watched the battle between the orcs and the centaurs from a distance. It seemed that the centaurs had no intention of annihilating the orc team at all costs.

"As long as Bain's life is not in danger, it's best if all the orcs are dead."

Yang Yi only cared about the safety of the tauren Bain. He looked towards the backwater tauren village under construction in the distance. What surprised him was that the tauren on the mountain did not rush down immediately to meet Bain and the orc team.

"It's strange. Where is the black bull named Makaba Flathoof who was brought by Bain?"

Yang Yi thought to himself that Bain and the orcs were approaching the foot of the mountain. At this time, if the tauren could organize a team to rush down the mountain, it would be able to help Bain and the others to a great extent.

Yang Yizheng was surprised that the Tauren Village did not respond to Bain and his companions. It didn't take long for him to discover that there were indeed Taurens rushing down from the Tauren Village, but there were only two Taurens in number.

Yang Yi used his eagle eye skills to look over and found that it was the tauren Jerick Gaoshan and Moore Leijiao. These two tauren stayed up all night just like Yang Yi last night. They stayed up until dawn to purify the lakes in the backwater oasis. Will go to rest.

"There are only two tauren. No matter how powerful these two tauren are, they are useless." Yang Yi was not optimistic.

As Yang Yi guessed, Jerick Gaoshan and Moore Leijiao were unable to turn the tide with their own strength. There were too many centaurs, and they could not break through the centaur's dense bow and arrow coverage area, let alone compete with Bain and Bain. The orcs join together.

Seeing the two tauren rushing down the mountain being forced to move forward by bows and arrows, the centaur leader Stone Arm folded his arms in the distance. He used his rich combat experience to control the entire scene.

"Haha, warriors of the Kokar Centaur! Rob as much as you like! Burn! Kill!"

Stonearm laughed wantonly. He only needed to pay attention to the signals of the centaur scouts assigned. As soon as the tribe's reinforcements appeared, he would immediately organize the centaurs to leave the backwater oasis with the loot.

Soon, the centaur scouts in the direction of the crossroads blew their horns, and the scouts discovered that a team was approaching the battlefield.

Shizhu put down his arms and held his chin in thought.

According to Stonearm's prediction before the war, tribal reinforcements from the crossroads would indeed come, but not so fast.

Moreover, the centaur scout's horn sound was calm and slow, not urgent. It seemed that there were not many people coming.

In view of this situation, Stone Arm did not immediately stop the Centaur attack, but looked towards the crossroads.

In the direction of the crossroads, a group of people slowly appeared on the grassland. They were not many, about two hundred people.

Different from the neat and standard equipment of the tribal orc soldiers, these visitors wear a variety of equipment and have various weapons in their hands. Some people even used wooden sticks as weapons and wooden boards as shields.

"Not reinforcements from the Horde, a bunch of humans."

Stonearm led the centaur team to plunder everywhere in the Barrens, and he saw many humans, and he quickly identified them. .

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