Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 38 Battle and Decameron

Pushed by the heavy hydraulic device, the thick door panel on the iron cage was closed with a low roar.

The two people in the field were also moving their bodies, staring into each other's eyes while slowly trying to close the distance.

Different from Calvin, who had almost no concept of cold weapon combat before, one month later, the current Calvin can see huge progress just from his rhythmic steps.

Gavins was a little nervous. This was the first time he faced the serious Calvin after the playful brief encounter a month ago.

He was originally confident enough to fulfill the Grand Master's instructions, but when he saw the blood in Calvin's eyes and the unexplained smile on his lips, he became a little uneasy.

This is a Primarch after all! The throne is up! Having the honor to witness His growth is an honor in itself! Gavins thought so.

He calmed down and looked up to see the smile on the face of the young man opposite: "Ready? Let's get started..."

Then, without waiting for Gavins' answer, Calvin stepped forward and stopped exactly 1.8 meters away from Gavins.

The wingspan of 1.1 meters and the sword blade of the same length formed an attack range that the opponent could not dodge. At the same time, the sword was violently swung at the waist behind his back, and he instantly flipped Calvin over with a blast that cut through the air. shoulder, heading straight for Gavins' head.

Gavins had no time to dodge and could only choose to parry on the spot. It was not until he heard the roar of the two swords clashing that he heard the second half of Calvin's words from his very close mouth:

"Today! I just want to be a blacksmith!"

I want to escape, but I can't escape... Well, this is not the lyrics, this is the only thought left in Gavins's mind except for the sound of "bang bang bang".

Gavins, whose footwork was completely seen through, had no chance to counterattack under Calvin's continuous heavy blows.

Each parry will only allow the opponent to use his strength to smoothly swing the sword to complete the next more powerful slash.

The various actions he took to try and escape were always inexplicably seen through, so Gavins could only find opportunities to try to escape from this brain-deprived oxygen situation while constantly parrying.

Looking at Calvin on the other side, a month of one-sided fighting allowed him to completely see through Gavins' direction.

The opponent's approximate endurance capacity has also been known to Calvin from previous intensive battles.

He excitedly danced a dance of death called "Blade Storm" around Gavins, who was standing still, to vent the "suffering" of being killed countless times in the past month.

Calvin never thought of using simple and efficient swordsmanship to directly penetrate Gavins' defense that was almost transparent to him.

That didn't make sense and wasn't what he wanted right now.

All he wants now is a hearty vent.

Every time Gavins tried to release his strength and break away, he was stopped by Calvin with a slash just enough to stop his movement.

And the resistance gained from each slash was skillfully transformed and added to the next slash.

Under precise control, Calvin's power was just at the upper limit of what Gavins could bear.

The spectators outside the field were so shocked by this almost storm-like attack that their breathing began to slow down.

From the perspective outside the iron cage, Calvin is, as he said before, transformed into a blacksmith with precise skills.

In the violent high-frequency strikes, he was able to accurately hit Gavins' nail with the "sledgehammer" in his hand.

60 seconds, just 60 seconds, but Gavins felt like a year had passed.

He didn't even have a chance to take a complete breath, so he kept his face red and was treated like a nail, bearing the endless blows from Calvin.

"Is this the speed at which demigods grow? I'm really arrogant..." This was the little reason left in his almost unconscious mind.

Although the outcome of the battle has not yet been determined, the overwhelming aspect of the situation has left everyone present with no suspense about the outcome.

Calvin had no intention of killing the leader of his guard.

After dispelling his own anger and giving a small warning to the champion of the Guards, Calvin no longer pursued a clear victory or defeat to embellish his record.

So, he retreated amidst the long sword cry after a fight, looked at Gavins in front of him, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, that's it for today."

Gavins, who was exhausted and exhausted, had no strength to walk out of the iron cage. He sat down and gasped for breath and said to Calvin: "Of course, this is your will."

The sight briefly pulled away from Titan. At the intersection of the distant Far Eastern Star Territory and the Terra Star Territory, in a certain Inquisition spacecraft, three Lord Inquisitors of the Tribunal gathered together for a rare occasion.

What's even more rare is that the three present are all from the Holy Hammer Order. This kind of people can gather so many high-level people without major events as background conditions and under the overwhelming intensity of the Inquisition's affairs. It is very difficult to become an Inquisitor.

The second of the three is on a mission and will leave this "free ship" soon after entering the Terra star field.

The remaining one was simply decided by the Inquisition to go to Terra to serve as the representative of the Inquisition in the High Lords Council for the next five years.

The ship is still sailing in subspace, and it is still a long way from Terra.

Necessary sources of information are a reliable guarantee for the survival of every imperial bureaucrat, and the Inquisition is no exception.

So the three inquisitors sat together and played cards in the bar on the ship out of boredom. The three of them were sipping the homemade fruit wine on board while discussing the recent rumors within the order.

A little further outside their seats were quietly filled with the guards and vassals of these inquisitors. The same wine glasses and the same fine wine were on the table, and no one had touched them since they were filled.

These various militants are different from the three relaxed and comfortable bosses in the center. Quietly wiping weapons and seemingly relaxed, but actually tense and vigilant is how they really get along with each other.

They may not have a mission to be so nervous on their own ships, but considering that even within the Tribunal, there is a bad tradition of falling out like a book.

Perhaps it is normal for a colleague who was toasting a drink with you one second to be offering you a stabbing sword to pierce his heart the next.

So as employees and direct subordinates of the troops, their wealth and life depended entirely on the boss. They could only keep a close eye on all the information about their boss in the central position to prevent them from missing the opportunity and being seized by the enemies around them.

"Did you hear that? Titan's closure is over."

One of the judges who was riding the boat was also the youngest Ms. Amberley present. While throwing out the cards in his hand, he said seemingly calmly.

"Well, I want this card! I heard it, isn't it already over?"

Judge Jean Maridus, who was about to take office, also took up the topic calmly. He was the most worried about his situation among the three.

After all, in the more than a hundred years since he joined the Inquisition, more than one high-ranking Inquisitor has been dazzled by the appointment order from the headquarters.

Then he died at the hands of his colleagues who received a secret execution order. He has always had reservations about whether the two colleagues in front of him are really going to the Sun Star Territory for other missions.

The uniquely decorated bar in front of him was his carefully chosen location. The entire wall of the bar was filled with automatic laser weapons and heavy logging guns.

With just a snap of his fingers, he can eliminate everyone present except him, including his followers.

And he himself could easily leave through the secret door reserved in the floor under his feet in one movement.

No wonder Maridus is so cautious. After all, who has been at the forefront of the empire's fight against subspace for so many years, who hasn't kept some unspeakable secrets?

But since the trump card has not yet been revealed, he is not eager to put himself in a dangerous situation.

So Maridus, who wanted to wait and see what would happen, was happy to play cards with the two uninvited guests, treating it as a pastime during the long journey.

"But the representative of the Inquisitor stationed in Titan heard that he was completely controlled during the closure period. He has lost the trust of the headquarters."

The person who answered the question was the other member of the "Boat Riding Duo", the high-ranking Inquisitor Stadler.

Unlike the other two, he was born from Terra and was naturally well-informed, and his words made the two of them prick up their ears in unison.

"What's the reason? How did those cans explain it?"

Ms. Amberley put down the cards in her hand, picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip before asking.

And the atmosphere among the followers not far away began to become tense with the wine glass in her hand. The matter of breaking a cup as a sign of honor seems to have a long history in this universe.

"It's a common equipment problem, just deal with it like this, but there's nothing you can do. Is it possible to give them an extermination order?"

Stadler leaned back leisurely, sinking into the soft velvet sofa.

His slightly frivolous voice came from the sofa: "Sir Maridus, this sofa is really good. I heard that you waited for two years in Terra when you reserved it?"

"It's just spreading rumors. If you like it, just take it when you leave." Maridus responded with a smile.

Having demand is a good thing, at least it means that the other person still has a place in their plan to get along with him for a long time.

He also relaxed slightly and leaned on the equally soft sofa and asked softly:

"Then let's forget it? When have we ever suffered such a loss?"

Amberle also put down the wine glass in his hand when he heard this, preparing to hear the final result of this "unexpected accident" from Terra.

Stadler's body was still sinking into the sofa, and the shadow blocked his face. Only his slightly deep voice could be heard saying:

"The Grand Master of the Gray Knights Chapter arrived at the headquarters yesterday. I heard that he made a different suggestion to the Holy Hammer Order this time."

"What?" they both asked in unison.

"The Supreme Master proposed to the headquarters that the practice of stationing representatives of the Inquisition on Titan for 8,000 years should be changed, and that the Gray Knights should be stationed at the Inquisition headquarters instead."

"Did they agree?" The two of them asked in unison. After all, such a thing had never happened before.

It itself represents a lot of hidden meanings, not to mention the many changes it will bring after its specific implementation.

"Why not? After all, these cans, in terms of true relationship ownership, have always belonged directly to the throne room, and they only have a cooperative relationship with us." This was the final explanation from Stadler.

The three of them no longer had the will to communicate further, and it was only through this incident that they came to their senses:

The Order of the Holy Hammer without the Inquisitor is still the Order of the Holy Hammer; but is there any need for the Order of the Holy Hammer without the Holy Hammer to exist?

Following Stadler's last words, the two people's thoughts also drifted to the distant Terra with the meaning contained in these words.

No one noticed that Stadler in the shadows had a tattoo on the inner side of his crossed fingers representing the Temple of Vennum, and he looked at the two people with a meaningful smile.

In the subspace, the spaceship carrying three people was still sailing quietly.

But how many people could arrive alive in the end could only be decided by fate.

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