Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 30 The Long War

"In the distant Warhammer universe of 41K, war will be everywhere."

Well, Calvin didn't have the opportunity to see this sentence in his previous life, but a war that unfolded at the cellular level in his body was something he never expected.

When the blood first entered Calvin's body, he was still focused on how to solve his "data redundancy" problem.

After the blood entered Calvin's chest, it was not active enough to take any action due to previous cryogenic preservation. The two sides of this body spent a brief and peaceful period in this way.

As time goes by, the cold blood is slowly activated by the temperature in the chest, and the cells in these blood begin to show some instinctive ferocity.

The cells in the blood have no will of their own, they have only a little bit of instinct.

And these instincts will drive them to invade the body, copy their own RNA and steal as many nutrients as possible to copy and spread them.

Until the entire body is completely eroded and replaced, and the completely replaced body collapses because there is no corresponding will, it is not a problem that these cells can consider.

In a sense, if the host's will is not strong enough to achieve symbiosis with them under certain circumstances.

Well, they are cancer. They are viruses.

These cells were in no rush to announce their presence to their original owners.

On the one hand, they covertly penetrated from the pleura, spread and began to replicate themselves; on the other hand, after completely replacing the original cell functions of the pleura, they did not expand wildly, but launched a new round of penetration deeper into the heart with clear goals. .

When the arterial bypass closest to the pleural tissue began to be impregnated with these golden cells and spread all the way to the ventricles, Calvin's native heart was gradually replaced by tissue composed of these foreign cells without his knowledge.

The whole heart was dyed from the original red to gold stroke by stroke from the inside to the outside as if by an invisible paintbrush.

Until this time, Calvin had just broken away from the inner spiritual world, and the invaders who had great power and benefited from the sufficient nutrient supply of the heart arteries finally gave up their disguise and exposed their ferocious fangs.

They wantonly intercept nutrients carried in the blood flowing through the arteries of the heart, and then kill and convert these nutrients and the red blood cells responsible for transport into one of them. Then these new golden cells joined Calvin's circulatory system along the arterial circuit of the heart, sweeping all the way down.

There are no nerves in the lungs and liver, which made Calvin's reaction a little slower.

It wasn't until large-scale death and replacement occurred in the cells of the gallbladder tissue and the digestive system represented by the stomach, and the electrical signals of severe pain emitted by the neurons were captured by Calvin's brain. Calvin, who felt the abnormality in his body, subconsciously turned on his psychic vision. Turn inside your own body.

He was shocked to find that these invaders were openly attacking all the organs in his body, centered on the heart and along the aorta of the heart.

The cells and tissues of blood vessels and organs along the way were all necrotic under the attack of these golden invaders, and were then absorbed and replaced by new golden cells on the spot.

The rapidly spreading trend left him no time to think, so he could only rely on instinct to focus on the organs that were not lost, and tried to delay this sudden defeat through resistance at the cellular level.

However, the effect was not ideal. Calvin had no experience in the application of psychic energy at the cellular level.

Even with the benefit of compulsory education in his previous life, his knowledge of biomedicine was meager.

To describe Calvin's medical knowledge in one sentence, "Only the cubs of Ruth in the Wolf Pack are more illiterate than him."

The liver, lungs, gallbladder, pancreas, digestive system, and kidneys were lost one after another. The flames of war quickly spread to the outer peritoneum and muscles closer to the body surface, cutting off Calvin's connection with his limbs.

It also announced that his last territory was only the head from the neck up.

The above situation is actually what every Gray Knight will encounter during transformation surgery, and it is also the last difficulty: how to survive the invasion of these mysterious and sacred blood.

To put it simply, after the initial collection of these golds, the backdoor has been prepared for these future "host bodies".

Behind the illusion of an aggressive attack is an amplified psychic sense.

When a Gray Knight apprentice is cornered by these invaders and is about to die, if their loyalty is true, what is the most likely thing they will do at the end of their lives?

It is prayer, and it is praying with unprecedented determination and awareness. Their souls and their psychic frequencies will move closer to the Emperor than ever before, and such psychic fluctuations are the key to this fatal situation.

These golden invaders will gradually fade away after sensing the corresponding spiritual energy fluctuations, leaving behind second or third generations or even weaker descendant cells as the final result of this transformation.

The most aggressive cells are also the first-generation cells closest to the main body. However, as cells of high-energy organisms, they must be supported by the high-energy host's will.

Eventually they will all lose the support of their divine will over a long period of time and die.

There is one most basic condition for all of the above, that is, the candidates for the Gray Knights must believe in their almighty Lord with all their heart.

On the contrary, mortals who do not believe in Him will be unable to resist His will and the invasion of these cells.

And what if high-powered races like demons and spirits dare to try this?

Then the blood will be as intense as promethium, or even much more intense than promethium, and it will immediately use the flames that burn up its body and soul to compensate for this blasphemous act.

Calvin belongs to neither. He has never believed in the Emperor as much as he believes in gods, so he will not choose to ask others for help when he encounters difficulties; nor is he one of those subspace creatures who have been born with dirty original sin, these golden The cells in his body were searched and no trace of the dirt from the subspace could be found.

So he was so stubborn that he could only fight in confusion with the intruders who were also dull and only knew how to achieve their instinctive goals.

From the first step of defeat, even if they were killed and their armor was thrown away, they could not destroy an enemy; by the time they retreated to the neck, they could accidentally bring a little damage to these golden cells. Calvin's psychic abilities have improved rapidly in microscopic operations.

When the first golden cell was killed, Calvin also noticed the secret of the other party's power: from a microscopic perspective, the outer wall of each golden cell was engraved with symbols representing human beings' sacred and pure spiritual energy. imprint.

Following suit, Calvin also began to upgrade and iterate his existing cells. Starting from the first imprint, he patiently made the first modifications to his cells.

With the addition of these new cells, this originally hopeless war gradually showed the dawn of victory.

In the real world, the vital signs monitor that had been screaming was turned off by the pharmacist who lost his patience.

After discovering that this battle had never completely threatened Calvin's life, there was not much the pharmacists could do except increase the energy and material replenishment of the medical cabin.

The great instructors who were summoned urgently also left one after another after briefly understanding the situation at the scene. Only Aidan, who had brought Calvin here, was still waiting here.

Calvin's battle continued, but the situation became increasingly optimistic. He found that these invaders really only fought according to instinct.

Even when he was trapped in the most critical situation of his head, these cells never thought of cutting off the supply of nutrients in this direction, but simply charged at Calvin one after another.

In the body, its own cells continue to strengthen over time. Although they were not yet comparable to these invaders, with the support of Calvin's divine will, they gradually gained the upper hand in the war.

Starting from the cervical spine, clavicle, shoulders, heart, lungs...the battles lasted shorter and shorter.

Finally, after reaching a certain critical point, Calvin, who seemed to have reached a certain hidden condition, found that the golden cells on the opposite side no longer resisted.

As a result, the fierce war between the two sides turned into a takeover after unilateral surrender. From an external observation point of view, his body also quickly returned from its original light golden color to its original white color.

Surprised, Calvin had no time to think about it. He just watched his cells instinctively attack and metabolize these lost areas.

After he relaxed, he could no longer maintain his exhausted spirit and almost dry spiritual energy, and fell into a long-lost black sleep. On the monitor, his physical signs finally stabilized.

What a difficult day...

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