Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire

Chapter 85 Demiugo Conference/Behemoth Fleet

Chapter 85 Demiugo Conference Behemoth Fleet

Demiugo, the name of the abandoned shipyard. The Lieutenant Colonel looked at the tablet in his leg and described the tragic experience of that thing that once belonged to the empire. The Demiugo Platform was still standing in the void for thousands of years. She had been hit countless times, but what made her fatal was the offensive and defensive battle with the Tau during that period.

The Tau used overwhelming firepower to destroy the Imperial Guard soldiers stationed on the platform, but as Tau ground forces approached and attempted to occupy the platform, the aliens found themselves underestimating the Imperial Guard's courage and determination to sacrifice.

The Loyalists detonated the bomb, destroying the platform, which contained most of the Empire's technology and weapons, causing the Tau to suffer heavy losses while ensuring that the platform would not become a short-term firepower springboard, prolonging the war for a long time.

The place that makes people sigh is there. The place that was once guarded by loyal soldiers is the place where peace talks have failed. In the transport plane, Alan Bayer looked at the people around him with laughter and tears.

The planetary governor of Quadravidia, a paunchy imperial nobleman, with his eyes and mechanical right leg, and through the fat, the server in his stomach kept roaring, and the outside of Cocoa had almost been replaced.

Commander of the Imperial Navy Fleet in the Gulf of Damocles, Admiral, Technical Magus of the Imperial Navy Flagship, Mechanicum, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard, Qi Fan, and the great hero Cain Staff Officer.

Ru Ming seems to have the lowest status among the group of people. A star military academy level officer, a young man who has barely stepped into the field of power, is equivalent to a wolf among lions, and he is not only the only one wearing bulletproof Helmet guy.

The landing of the transport plane brings that uncomfortable tremor, the sizzling sound of the platform opening the air valve and the sound of the mechanical piston gear turning. When the transport plane opens, the hangar is ridiculously large. Visual inspection can be calculated in kilometers, and except for a few Outside the Tau transport planes and fighter jets, there was nothing, which made the sense of hugeness and deathly silence even more obvious.

There were a small number of Earth caste personnel in combat uniforms moving things around, and Alan Bayer's first feeling when he came there was the coldness. The vacuum of the void was far away from the light and heat of the star, and Alan Bayer instantly felt Reminiscing about his hometown Skadi.

He exhaled hot breath, feeling a little nostalgic for such an environmental reaction. After all, there was no such cold in Gondwa VI.

Staff Officer Kane showed his kindness to the nearby soldiers, and the soldiers responded with a salute, but Alan Bayer could read his thoughts, such as estimating the safety factor there.

Although he knew that the risk of a violent conflict breaking out before they got there was minimal, that the veteran stormtroopers assigned to Qi Fan's personal guard were well-trained and powerful, and that the Tau rarely violated treaties head-on, he was worried. Kane is not Kane for things like that.

If his soul can last forever, then if his character can be changed, it will probably take the heat death of the universe.

The group of people moved forward slowly, and Alan Bayer couldn't help but notice the peculiarity of the Tau's buildings. For example, the thick black metal buildings of the Empire were made of completely different polymers, and the smooth walls looked like plastic but were very strong. Lambert felt like a strip lamp from another world.

Entering the Tau building, the temperature began to rise and soon reached a livable temperature.

"Are you Chief of Staff Kane and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard, Commander-in-Chief Qi Fan?" A young human woman wearing a light gray robe was waiting for Kane, with a carefully braided scalp lock. (The dreadlock, a lock of hair worn by American Indians on their shaved heads, was seen as a sign of challenge to their enemies.)

Half hanging on the back. If there's anything special about her, it's that her appearance and the surrounding outdoor decorations are more unsettling than anything else. "Other Tau Empire representatives are currently waiting for you in the conference room."

Although her language was not flawless, with some Tau-specific lisp, overall, the person spoke Gothic very well.

Staff Officer Kane nodded with his tall body, as if he was the master there. "He still needs to apologize for being late."

The politeness of the staff officer was already surprising. After all, most of the Imperial residents, especially the Imperial Guard, had a traitor-like attitude. Obviously, the Commander-in-Chief and Alan Bair were not among them.

Alan Bayer's appraising gaze made the woman in front of him look sideways, and the staff officer raised his leg. "He introduced me to a man who was the commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of Skadi, Lieutenant Colonel Alan Beyer."

The woman looked at him as if it were furniture, a vase, or something else. It didn't matter to Alan Bair. After all, there was a battlefield, and he would deal with such a traitor by himself.

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Colonel." Alan Beyer was sure that the woman had not remembered his name at all.

"Hello, can you ask me my name?" Alan Bayer asked.

the woman replied. ""O" Rhys Fred, external coordinator of the T'au Empire."

"Interesting name, a Titanium surname and an Imperial name?" Staff Officer Kane asked.

"Oh" Rhys Fred replied. "Where he comes from, names like that are everywhere."

"Where is your hometown?" Kane tried not to sound like he was planning to carry out a virus bombing there.

It was obvious that the time for her hometown to be liberated had long passed, and heresy had been deeply ingrained in the hearts of all residents. Alan Bair did not know whether such a world could easily return to the embrace of the Emperor.

"Ka'le'as," she said before realizing he had no idea what the name was. "Their ancestors called it Dawn Holme."

Alan Bair is not a local. Although Commander-in-Chief Qi Fan did not listen to the wrong words of Tau and Kane, he has been stationed there for a period of time and has already figured out the situation in the Gulf of Damocles and carefully discovered The lieutenant colonel didn't understand.

Commander-in-Chief Qifan explained to Alan Bair. "That was an imperial world that was annexed by the Tau due to the Damocles Expedition, and it lasted for two hundred and fifty standard Terran years."

"It's true that he has no impression of that world." Kane commented bluntly. After all, the empire is vast, and there are dozens of worlds in the Gulf of Damorix that have been annexed by the titanium.

"After all, the human empire is vast." She responded calmly without getting angry. Those words caused all the humans there to smile sincerely for the first time since they met.

Everyone thought that most of the residents of the Tau Empire must not know how insignificant the little territory they occupied was compared to the huge size of the Empire, otherwise they would not have dared to challenge them in the first place.

While continuing to move forward in such a pleasant atmosphere, after walking dozens of meters, I arrived in front of the door. In front of the door of the conference room, the characters of the Tau tribe were different from the characters of Imperial Gothic. It was a complicated alphabet, but Alan Bair was familiar with it. The moon-style mix of square characters, katakana and kanji feels like you have entered the moon-style cyberpunk world.

But that doesn't make him feel warm or nostalgic. After all, everything there always gives off an alien feeling that people are not used to.

The room that O'Ris called the conference room was different from any conference room Alan Beyer had ever visited before.

Of course, he also recognized some of them, such as the holographic image hanging in the air, emitting a soft light, but the appearance it showed was very clear, unlike the things he had seen in the past that were used by the Empire and kept shaking. , and the edge of the image forms a perfect sphere and does not spread into a hazy mass.

Since there was no empire's mess of cables and light lines and the technical priests responsible for debugging them, Alan Bayer took a while to find the projection equipment among other mechanical devices in the room.

It was too (titanium) clean for him to get used to. After all, the battleship Bordeleau was in the other command rooms or conference rooms of the Bufo empire. There were messy things, wires, vague star maps and complicated The signal was different from the crew or the attack on Hanxuan in Tongxunxingzongyue. It was very orderly and there were not even many people responsible for processing the information.

It became a bit ridiculous for him to finally miss those accustomed holographic projectors that required constant adjustments, oiling, and occasionally pious kicks to keep them stable.

From the east, flat and smooth devices were installed at a certain angle on the circular podium, with the luminous runes attached to them flickering in and out in an almost random manner.

But the thing that impressed Alan Bayer the most was that there were no tables or benches in that place. There was no huge table in the imperial conference room with star maps or strategic maps. There were flat equipment placed on the ground, and the seats...

Walking mats, the kind of damn walking mats that are very moon-like. The high-ranking officials of the Water clan who were kidnapped by Alan Bair and the hostage Feng cast them into brand new robes. They have the feeling of kimonos and are as gorgeous as the empire. The aristocratic costumes are different and look easy to fall.

It is covered with complicated symbols such as flowers and clan emblems, but overall it has a pretty good aesthetic.

There were four other unknown Tau members already there. Alan Bair recalled the word that had been sealed for a long time, what was it called... Wrong, sitting right there!

Just press your thighs against your calves abnormally and roll them up like a quilt...

To ensure fairness, there are six seats on the left and six on the right, six humans and six Tau. The staff officer took the lead and walked to the east unaccustomedly. Then he slipped to the east as expected and was confused. Sitting on all fours.

Commander-in-Chief Qi Fan and the guys from the Mechanicus walked away without any problem. The former probably had no training or dealings with titanium, and the latter didn't have the thighs of a normal human at all.

Qi Fan said jokingly. Once you get used to it, it will become very comfortable to walk on. "

At first, the Planetary Governor, Lieutenant Colonel Alan Bair, the Navy Admiral, and Kane walked east with their legs crossed, which looked very out of place. When two-thirds of the people there were sitting upright, and I was the one with my legs crossed, it felt like Like I'm being rebellious.

Even then, Alan Bayer soon felt that his legs were numb...and the military boots were not suitable for walking like that at all, and the dust stained his trousers and turned them gray.

And that kind of embarrassment also made the titans show quite contemptuous expressions. The famous water clan official had a famous tablet, but it was thin and flat compared to the empire's tactical tablet. The empire's thing was basically just a big brick. The picture Very unclear.

Several unnamed races came to the east and brought tea to the meeting. According to the aesthetics of humans and titans, they were slender and beautiful things, like dolls made of crystal, but there was no doubt that they had the texture of flesh. , has no facial features, and is not a silicon-based creature, revealing a strange blue color in the light.

The Empire's top brass knew full well that they were wrong about the Tau when they were wrong about enslaving the aliens. Many people even thought that they would encounter the kind of betrayal experienced in human legends. Of course, the Dark Ages have completely turned into legends. Probably There are very clear records from the Spiritual Tribe.

But compared to those beautiful transparent dancers, the tea there made everyone more excited. "Tanner tea?!" Kane raised the tea cup, took a sip, and then let out a comfortable breath.

A senior titanium official said. "They have records that you like that special drink, staff officer, so they arranged something." He stretched out his leg to shake staff officer Kane's leg, but Kane didn't look good.

"Al'Hasay." He said the titanium's name and commented. "I didn't expect that I was so healthy." The lifespan of the Tau is about 60-70 years. In fact, in Kane's memory, 60 years have passed since the meeting between the Tau and him, and he (Kane) was almost killed that time. He kills.

"Both each other." Al-Hasay responded politely and gently shook the leg that Staff Kane handed over. The cautious look made Kane notice that he remembered his modified leg very well. It means very lethal.

‘Lord Commander Burnt. "Al'Hasay continued without pause. "It's nice to finally meet me. "

"That's definitely not the case." Qi Fan bowed his head politely, but there was obvious impatience in his brows. "He's looking forward to what I'm going to say."

Obviously, although the etiquette of the Tau is good, the Empire is pragmatic, especially the soldiers of the Imperial Guard. They are often racing against time, repeating the endless wars, and have no time to play with the Tau.

Compared to that, Alan Bayer picked up the Tanner tea and tasted the unique taste. After all, whether he was drinking the moldy good stuff of his regiment staff officer, he felt like he was punched in the nose...

Something like Assam has been steeped for 50 grams and a lot of coffee has been added to it. It is so bitter that it makes people look distorted, and it is so fragrant that it chokes the throat. It even makes Alan Bayer feel that the tea is not solid...

It turns out that it tastes bad because of mold...

The senior officials of the Water clan were a little dissatisfied when they saw Alan Bayer making a "grimace" after drinking tea, but he did not hesitate to pick up the tablet. "Everyone, it's been a long time since we came here. They came to see you as the core. You guys stay here."

Then when an image appeared on the holographic projection, the expression on the commander-in-chief's face changed. "The all-powerful Emperor!"

"And all his saints!" added Kane affectionately.

The image was very clear, and the terrifying thing it depicted seemed to be in the same room with them at this time. If that were true, the area of ​​​​the conference room would have to be larger than the entire orbital dock.

The thick scaly skin of the land ship's armor left a large number of craters with ineffective weapon fire, and the owner of the huge "armor" was driving out of deep space and approaching them. From their perspective at this time, , it is like a rotating biological satellite.

Beyond the horizon of that chitinous "planet", there are other terrifying creatures of the same kind swimming in space, surrounded by clouds composed of countless small creatures.

"A Tyranid fleet!" Qi Fan raised his voice so that everyone in the room could hear clearly. There was a sudden commotion among the delegation, gasps, murmurs, and hushed prayers to the Emperor...

He found one sentence that described the taste of Tanner tea.

"The political commissar commented that it was clear and elegant, but he felt that no one would describe the Imperial Poison Blade as small and yet ruthless, right?"

Off-topic: The pious kicking is mentioned in the novel of Commissar Kane in Shandao. By the way, when his computer freezes, he will also shake it, and usually it will stop. .

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