Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 74 Farm Construction and Army Expansion!

After the Mechanicum of Urth was established, the first task Ron gave them was to establish a new Green Wave Farm.

After all, the existing grain reserves can only last about half a year.

If farms are not established quickly and new food crops are planted, Wangting District will fall into famine again in half a year.

Therefore, the construction of the farm is urgent.

After Moss's survey, the site for the new farm was chosen in the former huge warehouse area of ​​​​Kingting District.

It has the widest space and is well lit.

The two technical priests Moss and Kaul used the farm technology of the Golden Age, plus special energy cores, seed cultivation devices, fertilizer manufacturing machines, simulated weather devices, water purifiers, etc. that were moved back from the original Green Wave Farm.

Then we combined the existing technology and construction resources in the entire Wangting District to design a huge three-dimensional farm.

Of course, that's just the construction design, and it will take a long time to build the entire farm.

We can only do it step by step.

After the design was completed, Wangting District began the vigorous construction project of the first phase of the new Green Wave Farm.

In order to prevent the Homan family from destroying it, all nearby areas were cleared and strict protection measures were set up.

Fortunately, the farm is located in the core area of ​​Wangting District, so it is not so easy to be attacked.

If you choose a location in the middle and outer areas, you may be subject to endless attacks and harassment.

Soon, the first phase of the new Green Wave Farm was completed.

The food produced is expected to be able to maintain the minimum consumption of the existing population in Wangting District and achieve recycling.

Of course, it will take a long time for existing farms to be completely constructed and mechanical automation has not been achieved.

The more important reason is that manpower in Wangting District is cheaper and more cost-effective than machinery.

Therefore, specialized planting workers will be responsible for planting and caring for crops on the farm.

This is an extremely sacred job, and only the most loyal activist families will have the opportunity to be selected as plantation workers.

Those chosen came to the farm and saw the legendary soil they had never seen in their lives.

Yes, Ron also moved back a large amount of high-quality, uncontaminated soil from the original Green Wave Farm.

Those who saw the soil all cried bitterly and knelt down to kiss it in gratitude for the gift of the great God Emperor and the benevolent Governor.

They stay on the farm for a long time with a sacred mentality, taking care of every seed and seedling like a baby.

Soon, the seedlings of the crops were planted.

The farm is running well.

In order to prevent accidents, Ron also arranged the security machinery moved back from the original Green Wave Farm around the farm.

Unexpectedly, the guard's mechanical energy cannon actually killed several spies who tried to sneak in.

With the farm up and running smoothly, Ron turned his attention to other things.

In fact, during the construction of the farm, he summoned Ari and Keith, the main leaders of the defense force, and authorized them to recruit troops.

Ron plans to expand the number of defense forces from 30,000 to 80,000.

The Wangting District has enough weapons and equipment, but it just can't support so many people.

Now that he had enough food, he expanded his troops to nearly 50,000 in one go.

This is already the limit that Wangting District can bear.

Ron basically didn't have to worry about recruiting and training matters, leaving them entirely to Ari and Case.

They are legendary characters at first glance, and they can definitely help them train a powerful defense force.

At the same time, he also commissioned Moss and Kaul to study the guard machinery to optimize and manufacture the existing standard laser rifles and laser cannons.

Now the entire Wangting District is doing the final mobilization for war, and is going all out to produce various materials needed for the war.

Once the defense forces were trained and equipped with new weapons, he would directly launch a decisive battle.

At that time, he will personally lead the Imperial Guard and Defense Force A there to completely eliminate the Homan family and unite them in the nest!


With the conscription plan determined and materials deployed, the army expansion began.

Young people of appropriate age and even middle-aged people signed up to join the army like crazy, with an attitude of fighting to the death for the Wangting District.

The entrance to the recruiting office.

A thin, middle-aged man failed to qualify for the draft.

He knelt on the ground and prayed to the defense forces to take him in as an exception.

In the past, such people were already qualified soldiers.

But with the increase in food supply, people's health has improved a lot.

A middle-aged man with such a thin and sick physique is no longer eligible for military conscription.

The middle-aged man has a decisive look:

"Sir, please accept me.

I am determined to dedicate everything to His Majesty the God Emperor and the Governor! "

He had no other choice.

There are five people in his family. His mother is elderly, his wife was recently paralyzed due to a work-related injury, and his two children are still young.

He is the only remaining labor force in the family.

According to the current situation, he simply cannot feed so many people.

Only by joining the defense force can his family be saved.

The salary of the defense force is more than twice that of workers. As non-commissioned officers, they can enjoy type II corpse starch bars containing one-tenth of wheat flour.

This kind of military pay is enough to support his family.

Even if he died in battle, the pension he received would be enough to support his family for a while.

If you become a battle hero, your name can be engraved under the stone tablet of the God Emperor's statue.

That is an incomparable gift and honor given by the Governor!

The children of combat heroes will be selected first to enter the defense force.

If you don't want to join the National Defense Force, you can also give priority to entering major factories in Wangting District and get good positions.

Among them, the outstanding children have the opportunity to enter the internal affairs agencies, the Imperial Church, and even the Mechanicus to become grassroots auxiliary personnel.

The best children will have the opportunity to enter the Zhongsi Academy that will be established in the future.

They will study together with the children of nobles and officials and be trained as future elites in the Royal Court District.

In Ron's vision, the College of Loyalty he established would be different from the original College of Loyalty in the empire.

Slightly less cruel, and certainly not ruling out the possibility of sacrifice while studying.

Zhongsi Academy will admit and teach loyal and outstanding children from all walks of life based on their respective contributions and authority.

Including but not limited to outstanding heroic orphans, nobles, official descendants, genius prodigies, etc.

They will study together and become elites in various institutions in Wangting District in the future.

Of course, Zhongsi Academy is only in the preparatory stage now and does not have the conditions to be established.

Just such an illusory opportunity is enough to drive the people at the bottom crazy.

They have decided to join the defense force and dedicate everything to the benevolent Governor!

That's what the middle-aged man is like.

Whether it's to support his family or for his family's future, he has to fight to the death.

However, he lost the election, but he was unwilling to do so!

But no matter how much he begged, he was still rejected coldly.

"Please, let me join, this is my last hope!"

The middle-aged man yelled, begged, knelt down, kowtowed, and even hugged the sergeant's thigh.

But the sergeant's eyes became even colder.

He whipped the middle-aged man several times for disturbing discipline, and then asked the SADF soldiers to drag him away.

If it weren't for the Governor's new regulations, this kind of person would have been shot dead on the spot.

"what happened?"

Ya Rui walked over. He frowned and stared at everyone coldly with his scarlet mechanical eyes.

The sergeant calmly reported the situation to Ya Rui.

The middle-aged man begged Ya Rui, his eyes determined:

"Sir, I can fight, and I am willing to sacrifice my life for the Governor!"

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