The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 908 Ace: Run away after giving birth. How do you become a father? !

Bright flames exploded in the open space, making a deafening sound, making the air within a hundred meters radius tremble. Then the flames quickly dissipated, leaving behind only a charred ground and pirate hunters who fell one after another.

"I met a pirate hunter as soon as I landed on the island. I was really unlucky!"

Ace blew lightly to blow away the orange flames dancing in his hands, and then looked at the big tree behind him: "Hey! You can come out now!"

Several figures poked their heads out from behind the tree, with frightened faces on their faces. It was Bucky, Arrita, Kabaji, Mochi and Liji.

"It's amazing... He is truly worthy of being the 'Fire Fist' Ace. He actually killed so many pirate hunters with one move...!!"

"Nonsense! That's the captain of the second ship of the Whitebeard Pirates! How can he not be strong?"

"I've been having so much fun getting along with each other these days that I've forgotten that he's still a big pirate at that level..."

Each of his subordinates behaved more and more useless, but Bucky didn't resent him at all, because he himself was the same... Ahem, because his life goal did not require people like Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks, etc. Like Luffy and Blackbeard, they rely on a bunch of powerful subordinates to help them.

In this life, Bucky does not seek great strength, vast territories, beautiful women, or exciting adventures; he does not want to reveal history and challenge the world government, because it is meaningless to immerse himself in the past; he does not want to conquer the sea and become a One Piece, because there is only one person who can match that title in his heart; he doesn’t want to draw a world map, because he knows how vast the ocean is, and how magical the world is; he doesn’t want to invent a panacea, because he knows that when manpower is limited, it will be exhausted. Countless...

Stand tall at thirty and have no doubts at forty.

Bucky, who was 37 years old at the time, had long experienced the feeling of standing on the top of the world (riding on the Pirate King's ship until it was disbanded), and had also experienced the misery of falling to the bottom of life (being defeated and losing his body by Luffy who had just gone to sea). With great enlightenment, a clear mind and a clear mind, you know what you want in your heart. Even the legendary pirate Whitebeard only reached this state of mind at this age.

Bucky's original dream was to hold the world's treasure in his arms and fall asleep soundly.

How unpretentious is this!

Look at his eyes again. They are clean and clear. They represent the innocence of his original intention that he still retains after seeing the darkness of the world. They represent the tenacity that remains standing despite being ravaged by violent storms.

How rare this is for a person who has lived as a "pirate" since he was a child! !

"Great job, Ace!!"

Bucky put his hands on his waist and commanded his subordinates vigorously. The big round red nose on his face reflected the crystal clear light in the sun, like a scarlet and enchanting agate bead.

"Come on, little ones! Take away all the valuable things they have!!"

"Yes!! Captain Bucky!!!"

Gildarts stepped towards Ace, patted him on the shoulder, and said with three points of approval in his eyes: "How is it? Flames with higher temperatures are indeed more powerful in battle, right?"

"Yeah... I never thought that burning fruit could be used in this way..."

Ace stared at his palms with a bit of astonishment on his face, but he soon calmed down and smiled brightly at Gildas: "Thank you for your guidance, uncle!"

"Hahaha... It's nothing, I'm just following a script from others."

"Did someone else... mean Natsu??"

"That's right!"

Ace found that every time they mentioned Natsu, there was a kind of pride and pride in Gildarts' eyes. He was very familiar with this kind of eyes. His father also had similar eyes when he mentioned their sons. .

"Your relationship is really good..."

"Of course! I watched him grow up!"

After Bucky finished plundering the pirate hunter's belongings, they had the funds to go to the amusement park later, so they walked non-stop towards the big trees No. 30-49.

"Hey, have you heard? A new tarot card reading house has opened on the shopping street at No. 30!"

"Divination? Isn't that kind of stuff all a lie?"

"You're right, I never believe in things like divination and prophecy!"

"That's right...including gods, demons, Gods, and Buddhas. They are all people who have no money, or people who have money and time to seek psychological comfort. In fact, it is of no use at all! If there is always If you live in a false world, sooner or later you will lose touch with the real world and become a zombie!!"

"But the fortune teller there is a very beautiful, bold, and good at drinking girl!!"

The air was suddenly silent for several seconds, and then those who had previously said they did not believe in divination changed their tune.

"I suddenly felt that it didn't matter if I believed it, since it didn't cost anything."

"You're right, it's better to believe that this kind of thing exists than to believe that it doesn't exist!"

"That's right...spiritual food is also very important. Without it, humans will sooner or later become pigs who only know how to indulge their desires! Just like God..."

"Idiot! Shut up! If you mention that name in a place like this, are you going to die?!"

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

Four ordinary-looking men passed by Gildas and others while chatting. During the conversation, the 'girl fortune teller who was very beautiful, very bold, and good at drinking' immediately attracted Gildas' attention. .

"What's wrong? Are you also interested in divination?"

Bucky nudged the entranced Gildas with his elbow evilly, "Or are you interested in the little girl who told you about fortune-telling?"

Boom! !

Gildas punched Bucky directly: "Stop talking nonsense! I just doubt that person is my daughter, so I'm more concerned about it."


Ace, Bucky and others were instantly shocked: "Gildarts, do you already have a daughter??!"

Gildas smiled and nodded: "Yes! Her name is Kana. She is one year older than you, Ace, and she is also an outstanding magician!"

"I can't believe it! I thought you were a wanderer, but I didn't expect you were already married..."

marry? I don’t think I’m married yet…

The pride on Gildas's face instantly turned into embarrassment and guilt: "Uh... well... you are not wrong about this. I do like traveling and always travel alone... "

Ace, who was sensitive, quickly noticed the changes in Gildas, and then he quickly thought of his own situation and frowned: "I said Uncle Gildas..."

"What's wrong?"

"You're not the kind of bastard man who runs away after giving birth to a child and doesn't take any responsibility at all, are you?"

"Ahem...that's...that's not..." Gildas was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat and gasped repeatedly.

hiss--! !

Are all people in this world so smart and sensitive? ? Ace, this kid, usually looks carefree and silly, but unexpectedly, he is surprisingly delicate in terms of emotions...

"Really?? I feel like you are guilty of denying it and have no confidence at all!" Ace's eyes became more and more suspicious.

As scenes from the past emerged in his mind, Gildas suddenly lowered his head in shame and murmured in a low voice: "When I left, I didn't know she was pregnant with the child..."

"That's true! I didn't expect you, Uncle Gildarts, to be this kind of person! I misjudged you!!"

“That’s right, that’s right…Parents who give birth to children but don’t raise them are simply trash!!”

For a time, several people stood on the moral high ground and denounced Gildas.

At this moment, Arrita noticed that Bucky was silent on the side, and she suddenly became curious: Could it be that this red-nosed person had done something like this and left after getting married? No, no woman should be able to like him...

“Bucky, why don’t you yell with us??”

"Huh?? I think this is nothing, right? Many pirates are like this too!" Bucky blinked his big confused eyes and said matter-of-factly.

He remembered that Shanks had a subordinate from the East China Sea who abandoned his wife and son on the ship. When he was in the East China Sea, he had visited that subordinate's hometown.

"This sea is full of bastards who abandon their wives and sons and go out to sea alone to pursue their dreams. After all, they can't bring their weak wives and children to such a dangerous great sea route."

The dangers of the Grand Line mainly lie in weather, wind, waves, and sea animals. In fact, its area is far smaller than any of the four seas. If you keep following the record pointer after passing through the Upside Down Mountain, it will actually only take two months at most to reach the Shampoo Land. If there is a permanent pointer, it will only take a few days. If you are stronger and can walk in the windless zone, the time will be shorter. You can go back and forth between the paradise, the new world and the four seas in a few days.

"But uncle, your daughter can actually do tarot card divination? Is there such a thing in your world??"

"Yes! Why do you ask?"

"It's interesting. It seems that the cultures of Qinghai and the Aslant you mentioned have similarities between the two worlds... How strange! They are obviously two completely different worlds. Why is this?"

If Kira were here, he would complain, "That's because both worlds were created by the same kind of people." But at this time, Bucky had already begun to use his imagination to guess that the two worlds might be connected.

‘Is it possible that the two worlds were once connected? ? ’

The more Bucky thought about it, the more frightened he became. Unknowingly, he and everyone had arrived at Town No. 30, and came to the newly opened tarot card reading house mentioned by passers-by.

"right here?"

Gildas stood at the door of the store and felt the magic fluctuations in the air for a moment, and then he knew that he had come to the right place: "I can feel Kanna's magic power, it seems that she is indeed inside!"

The next moment, Gildas's face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"Kana-chan~Daddy is here!!"

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