Star Empire

Chapter 134 Heavy losses...and subsequent technical summary

The Gate of Death Tide suddenly lost control, and a fierce and strange pollution aura galloped wantonly among the galaxies. Under the impact, the originally safe space domain was instantly cast an ominous and dark shadow.

Among these shadows that are enough to swallow all the light, black and red two-dimensional patterns are emerging from nothingness bit by bit. They are adsorbed on the surface of all matter and silently gnaw at the order of all things, at the level of millions of light years. Under the scale of the universe, all levels of order began to collapse layer by layer.

Countless stars began to be contaminated and became dangerous and violent... However, that was just the foundation.

"...Damn it, we still underestimate this damn existence too much!" Vidoville punched the console, "AI, can you still contact the frontline fleet?"

"Encountering severe interference from the existence defined as the death tide, it is impossible to directly contact the frontline fleet." The voice of the shipboard AI was still the same as Gujing Wubo.

"... Judging from the experience of the Ark Fleet at that time... the frontline fleet should not be lost directly like this. The direct destructive power of pollution has not increased much, but now... the fleet has a powerful and complete crystal energy shield. "Looking at the edge of the universe that was falling into destruction, Vidoville sighed, "I hope they can return safely, and I also hope they can bring back useful data to the empire, stabilize the device, and prepare to execute the cosmic exile program!"

"Your Majesty, please don't cut off all the contaminated areas directly! We hope to keep the contaminated parts in a safe area after the dead tide pollution source is removed. This is very important research data!" Zhai Cahir's voice maintained. Doville's mind rang, "Also, don't worry, although the impact is huge, I can still partially understand the situation in the contaminated area! That frontline fleet is still safe for now!"

"...Okay, I understand. According to the predetermined procedure, cut off the universe where the Death Tide Gate is located, and cut off the direct communication permission between the universe and the high-authority nodes of the Empire's main network!"

Although from the void, a world only occupies one natural frequency, among the worlds recorded by the Empire so far, there is only one universe under each world frequency.

On the physical level, the world barrier is invisible. Part of its structure is like a Klein bottle or a Möbius strip, which bears the peculiar property that the ordered body of the universe has limits but does not end at the limits.

And its entire part is more like the "cell membrane" of the entire world at the information level. Only specific receptors that match this cell membrane, that is, the same order frequency as this world, can enter and exit this barrier, and For the cutting world, it does not seem to be a big mistake to directly understand this barrier that only exists at the information level as a "cell membrane".

With the temporary cosmic benchmark stabilizing anchor working hard, the huge golden halo adsorbed at the end of the universe began to tighten along the predetermined "fragile part", just like a cell being cut, but it was obvious that this cell was much larger.

With the avalanche-like rupture of an entire space fault zone, the golden ring of information also began to "pull" the boundaries of the universe to suddenly tighten. In the face of the law-level control force, the originally solid space began to be peeled off and shattered in batches, and the huge galaxy It was cut open directly, and half disappeared without a trace on the spot, while the other half still persisted in fighting against the overflowing death tide pollution.

Under the pull of the mathematical rate control device, the size of the golden information ring shrank sharply. After the reassembled world barrier was completely closed, if you ignore the broken galaxy inside, you will not notice it no matter how carefully you examine it. There has been such a reconstruction of the world's boundaries, but in fact, the universe itself has been permanently changed.

"The pressure on the fleet shield is too high, release the third batch of frigates and start coordinating the joint shield!"

"Free fire from the entire fleet, target, current world structure!"

"Unstable signals have been detected, and the final operation of the mathematical rate space field stabilization device is suspected to have been activated, preparing to open the order field!"

Among the fragments of the universe that have been cut off, the Immortal-class is releasing a flood of small frigates. These frigates themselves have almost no defense capabilities at this level, and they have no weapons. This kind of frigates are directly used by the Immortal-class The series of battleships that serve as carrier-based aircraft have only one job: to use their own powerful regional crystal energy assignment equipment to stabilize the joint shield and decompress large ships.

When a crystal energy shield fights against crystal energy\\arcane attacks that are almost identical to it, it can directly neutralize the attack by dephasing the shield itself to fight against unstable attacks, such as when affected by various spells. , the blocking effect of the crystal energy shield itself can have a very good effect.

To attack the shield itself, you need brute force on the information level. Therefore, it can be said that under most of the external interference currently recognized, the crystal energy shield is a very powerful protection. Barrier - Even if there are some strange techniques that can open a backdoor on the shield, when using it, it still needs to contend with the original total value assigned to the entire shield. A joint shield supported by an entire fleet, the amount of information No joke.

As for white matter... Zhai Cahill's current few research results show that the white matter radiation evolved from the decay of white matter itself is the concrete embodiment of the way white matter itself affects the outside world.

And if the research is correct, then just find a way to make the shield or other protective barrier more "smooth" so that white matter radiation cannot place assignable points on the information body.

However... this seems to be very difficult to achieve, because the frequency wave line of the crystal energy itself is infinitely long. Even if it can be compensated by directly modifying the void decay equation in the pure mathematical space of the space channel reactor, the infinite length is a property of This in itself means that it can never be absolutely problem-free.

Now, the Crystal Energy Shield is once again facing its third major enemy so far - the Death Tide.

Different from any reaction to order information, the phenomenon caused by the death wave pollution itself is to amplify all destruction, destroy all order and destroy everything. When this weird existence acts on the crystal energy shield, Apart from occasional ship malfunctions, the most direct manifestation is to directly devour the crystal energy shield layer by layer. Although it is not as large as the direct damage caused by white matter, but...

So far, there has not been any valuable research on the death tide itself, because it is too dangerous, and its impact is also very widespread. It can trigger any order-collapse event, hidden danger or even trend.

Moreover, without strict information flow protection, no person or equipment can directly face it and ensure that they are still absolutely awake and stable, and Zhai Cahir can only glimpse part of the death tide body by exploiting his field of vision , when the death tide is weak, it can be regarded as non-existent, but when it is strong, there is an absolute black fog in the field of vision - a black fog without any information feedback.

Under the protection of the powerful pale golden shield, the fleet is pouring its own firepower into the surrounding space. Every few minutes or so, the entire fleet will shoot out one or several clusters of unusually bright light pillars. The truth When the main guns of the level are close enough to each other, a very obvious resonance phenomenon will occur.

Under the blessing of this kind of resonance, the originally modest killing range of the crystal energy light spear can be expanded hundreds of times, and the ultra-high-speed calculation of the mathematical rate host ensures the accuracy of the bombardment.

In the face of information-level technology, the existence of the ship itself is just a single order constraint device, and any of its equipment can directly act on itself as a whole - for example, the crystal energy light spear can appear to gather energy in the direction of the ship's bow. However, the attack impact came from the stern direction of the ship, piercing every dimension in the world and directly hitting the world barrier.

This is also the inspiration given by the fighter jets suspected of being Σ. Everyone who has seen the sealing and independence of those small flying wings will question how much effect those vehicles can have on the outside world, including the empire's top brass, even if each of them Everyone knows what those little flying wings did when the Ark Fleet was trapped in the fragments of their home world, and now, they have all shut their mouths.

"The process reaction has been activated, and this world should have been cut off from the main universe. Are we still unable to leave?" Orif frowned.

"Although it is still very weak, a vague feeling of depression began to rise in my heart. The crystal energy shield cannot completely isolate the influence of the death wave. If it is delayed here for too long, the fleet will be at a disadvantage. The situation... This weird battlefield is too difficult to deal with... We have no idea how big a range we have to face. The enemy is invisible and pervasive, and we cannot overly stimulate the environment..."

For these newly formed armies, the death tide environment can be described as the most severe and strange test since their establishment.

Under the agitation of invisible corruption and pollution, the joint shield is constantly sending out shrill alarms every moment. Outside the joint shield, the originally normal starry sky and even space are covered by unknown black tides and thick clouds. Devouring, black and red lightning with unknown mechanism silently travels through the sea of ​​clouds. Every salvo fired by the imperial fleet can create huge cracks in the clouds. However, soon, these cracks will heal in the blink of an eye...

The enemy standing in front of the imperial fleet seems to have become the entire world. Under the current attack methods, the fleet cannot find any target that can be locked. Faced with this difficult to handle situation, the heavy artillery cluster unleashed Every punch was swallowed silently by the chaotic background.

For the newly formed army, it was a test - one that could cost their lives.

Everyone knows that solving these problems can be done at absolutely no cost. But those who do not take responsibility are avoidance and procrastination. Perhaps those practices can maintain temporary stability, but the empire cannot hide for a lifetime.

Resistance is the innate instinct of independent life when facing threats and oppression.

"Currently under the influence of the death tide, it is difficult for the fleet to determine the accurate coordinates of the internal space of this world fragment, and this world fragment actually does not cover a large area of ​​the universe. If the crystal energy jump engine or void engine is forcibly started, we will have It may crash directly into the void, or it may cause a large-scale information annihilation due to the instability of the world itself. The current fragment of the world has been severely polluted, and it is difficult for us to determine whether it still follows the laws of order. Shipboard AI recommends that the fleet hold on until the void pours back to complete the erosion of this fragment. The fleet has enough ability to hold on in the void until the order field is opened."

"Understood." Orif silently responded to the shipboard AI in his heart, and at the same time he began to try his best to find the perfect circular gate of death tide that was not far from the fleet - since that source would endlessly release the world's natural If we want to destroy the pollution, then directly destroy the source of the pollution. Anyway, it has already exploded out of control. How much worse can the situation get?

Several groups of golden light exuding destructive energy reactions began to take shape outside the fleet's vast joint shield. The truth-class crystal energy light spear was the main weapon, and the high-precision support firepower of those fire support ships took on the responsibility of crystal energy. The "relay point" between energy spears is a phenomenon that was discovered not long ago, but after understanding its principle, the imperial fleet has become comfortable using it.

With another firing order, a huge pillar that seemed to reach the sky stretched out from the "front" of the fleet. The scope of the main gun after resonance was so obvious that Vidoville almost caught the faint crystal through the void. Can react.

Since the field of vision was filled with diffuse black mist and celestial fragments flashing with black and red patterns, the fleet salvo did not stop immediately. According to the previously recorded relative coordinates, the crystal energy beam was positioned above the fleet. It slowly swept through the contaminated area under control, ablating everything along the way, including the most basic existences in the universe, all dissipated in the blazing jet of crystal energy.

However, after the light spear swept across, the black gate that was supposed to continuously emit death tide pollution disappeared without a trace at some point.

As if obsidian was shattered in the lightless night, some darker and purer fine cracks began to gradually appear from the space. The fragments themselves had stopped long ago. It is still moving and developing now entirely because the remaining breath of death is still there. Continuously driving everything within this fragment and the fragment itself toward self-destruction.

Having lost the protection of the world barrier and the cosmic benchmark anchor, and having been hit hard by crystal energy artillery fire and death tide pollution, this fragment of the world is already in danger, and it can no longer resist the erosion caused by the influx of void.

"All fleets, open the order field and prepare to leap into the void!"



Restoration year 970.

"... Zhai Cahir, Cavin Riel, and... time has been enough - the last injured person has recovered, it's time to come back and make a summary!"

"Uh, yes, yes, Your Majesty, I know that the reports have been submitted. But I must say that the existence of the death tide itself is simply difficult to understand. We can't find any specific way to quantify the death tide itself. It’s not even certain whether the death wave is a real thing!”

Zhai Cahir's will fluctuated very urgently in the mental link, and Victorville also felt that in this mental fluctuation, it was obviously not just the "excitement" of a single individual, but most likely the group of four, and those who followed them. Teams that are like followers have stayed in that universe for too long, and either fell into a state of research madness, or their heads were burned out by the research results.

These are "new things" and "new achievements", even though they come from disaster, even if they come from disaster.

...After all, the results themselves are not sinful.

Capital Universe, Capital Star, in the main basement hall that is a bit like a control hall, Victorville met a series of people closely related to the previous death wave incident.

"Your Majesty, during this period of observation, we have recorded in detail what effects the remaining dead tide pollution will have on the world, and the form in which it will work. If there is no pollution source that continuously releases pollution, then it will have already affected the world. When the death tide in the universe amplifies all self-destructive and destructive behaviors, the whole body will first suffer more direct destruction from the microscopic level. In those polluted galaxies, we have observed countless huge gray-white masses. piece."

"What is that?" Victorville pointed at the white mud-like things, "Is this something similar to the one in the Ark?"

"We can't analyze, or we can't analyze what their constituent materials are, nor can we get any traditional physical meaning of their microstructure. Those gray-white, mud-like existences are almost entirely dependent on gravity that has not yet gone out of control. Maintaining the integrity of the stars, under this, all the details of themselves have been destroyed. It can even be said that those things are weirder than strange matter groups - the properties of the dead tide's corrupted intermediate matter may help us be more precise. It is convenient to understand the mechanism of action of dead tide.”

While reporting the results, Cavinrel's mood fluctuated more and more violently, "And your Majesty, you must know that dead tide pollution can really be regarded as pollution - nature can purify it! After the main source of pollution is separated, Diluted dead tide pollution can be purified by the world's environment!"

"Then, the death wave may not be as difficult to deal with as we imagined. If the death wave is defined as an existence that will appear with black and red two-dimensional patterns, promote destruction and self-destruction at the same time, and can directly delete information by itself, then as long as Losing the source supply, the information body can eliminate it when it is gradually diluted, but it will not proliferate on its own on this basis...?" Vidoville nodded thoughtfully, "Very good, other aspects. Where’s the information?”

"After contacting the death tide, if it is separated by a crystal energy shield instead of being exposed to direct irradiation, any equipment and personnel can eliminate all effects by themselves as long as they stay in a clean area for a short period of time. However, if they have directly experienced the death tide If the door is polluted and irradiated, it must be decontaminated - directly use crystal energy to irradiate it again in a clean area. This is true for both people and equipment. Being treated by equipment that can be set to have no soul can be treated more roughly, but if it is If it is human, it must be decontaminated immediately, as this direct pollution will corrode the body and soul at the same time."

Caloust and Eskett responded at the same time, and between the two of them, the carrier-based aircraft pilot who first reported the reaction to the death wave was different from the other participants. , due to the first operation, he received excessive exposure to crystal energy. Although the original crystal energy that did not belong to his body purified the pollution on his body, it also left him with some new scars - crystal energy assimilation syndrome in his body. Crystallized shards were burned into the skin.

"The next part of the proposal is given greater weight by His Majesty Vesrifan. In terms of crystal energy, our technology still needs to be improved, but we also hope that the development of arcane related fields led by you can also be established as soon as possible. Crystal energy The energy shield is indeed very easy to use, but in many cases, it also faces many problems, so we hope that individuals driven by two different systems can be merged as soon as possible."

Kalost said in the spiritual connection, "Although it is difficult to directly integrate two individual groups or even fleets driven by completely different energy, or information, but considering the complementarity of the two, we should integrate such complementarity See it as a trend, and try as soon as possible to put these two information groups that have completely different practical applications and manifestations, but ultimately achieve the same goal, together in an appropriate way.”

"By the way, regarding the Death Tide Gate, Your Majesty must have also observed the information reflection created during our last salvo. The crystal energy main cannon can produce a strong resonance effect. If we can make good use of this, Then we can expand the range of influence of the crystal energy main gun at will, or create a crystal energy shield network or layer with a killing range."

Olive's eyes lit up, "As for the Death Tide Gate, I have reported before that it dissipated on its own when our field of vision was blocked. Based on this death tide outbreak, it is speculated that what happened in our home universe It is very likely that the source of pollution has always existed in that death wave explosion. There was a long buffer time from the explosion until we evacuated the universe. However, this time, it was no longer observable in a short period of time. According to its large explosion and rapid dissipation phenomenon, I have a rather bold conjecture: perhaps... the destructive effect of the Death Tide Gate can be applied to itself."

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