Chapter 689 113

In the past 15 years, the mountain that has weighed the most on Gelin's mind was the time she followed Hummel to plunder the valley 15 years ago. Google search reading

Hummel Blood Pigeon has always been an opportunist. He practices his own unique method of "being cheap and not taking advantage of the bastard" in a down-to-earth manner.

theory, and successfully obtained enough benefits from this survival guide.

When Loki returned, he only sent two assistants, Blind Mountain and Ge Lin, to salvage from the sea. He got half of the loot from Loki's robbery of Lindisfar Monastery.

When Loki had a decisive battle with "Swein Gonk", the leader of Mistduck Town, he led the cavalry to harvest at the last moment.

As a result, 90% of the loot in Wuya Town was successfully collected.

This is a leader who is born with a keen observation of the illusion in which he lives. Because of this, when he discovered that the Slavic King Bakanbusch had found a way to cross the Baltic Sea, he immediately concluded that "the Vikings would be defeated" and successfully escaped before the disaster struck.

In this war, all Viking provinces suffered unprecedented casualties, and only the Blood Dove clan escaped unscathed.

Mr. Hummel has once again become a wise man who knows everything he can.

Because of this, he found out that Loki was about to counterattack the English Islands without any rest, and he smelled an opportunity again.

Taking advantage of Loki's lack of troops behind his troops, he led the Blood Dove clan to retake Storm's End Castle.

Loki was homeless and was annihilated by the English on the cold beaches of the Kingdom of Mercia. Not only did he gain a large territory, but he also made friends with Ecbert, the Lord of Wessex, who could be called a "celestial being." "Wizards" allies.

By that time, even the Slavic King "Ivar O'Sullivan" did not dare to speak loudly to him.

Is there any smarter combat operation in the world than this?

Ge Lin's husband "Blind Mountain Blood Pigeon" is also a friend of Loki. He may feel something is wrong, but at the same time he is also a rough Viking who has hardly used his brain in his life.

He always obeyed all the wishes of Mr. Hummel.

What Ge Lin didn't understand was why she got on the boat with them at that time.

Maybe it’s because you hate being alone?

Maybe it's because I haven't figured out how to dissuade them yet.

Or maybe in some corner of her heart, she had imagined that she could become the duchess of the river valley?

Because Mr. Hummel will not live for a few more years after all, Blind Mountain has no leadership skills. After Hummel's death, the position of duke will definitely fall to himself.

Whether this kind of thought had ever occurred in her mind, Ge Lin still didn't have a definite answer until now.

All she knew was that when all her people were ambushed outside Storm's End, she felt very regretful.

But the disaster has happened and the souls of the dead have dissipated. Who doesn't feel regret?

At that moment, Ge Lin felt extremely ashamed.

In the dungeons of Storm's End, this shame immediately turned into unspeakable fear. Since her birth, the methods of killing that Ge Lin has seen are nothing more than using different styles of cold weapons to pierce the flesh of living people.

Use light to kill people.

Don't talk about it, Ge Lin has never heard of it.

Especially the attacker turned out to be Rocky's eldest daughter Sophie, who was only 10 years old.

When Sophie offered to spare her life, all Gelin could think about was the unborn child in her belly. She boarded the longship alone and fled hastily. From then on, she lived a long life in regret.

Every day she wondered if she could avoid the daily mental torture if she died in the dungeons of Storm's End.

But Red, who was just born at that time, was still too young.

Ge Lin must continue to live in the world and raise this hard-won son until he has the ability to survive independently in this cold world.

Now she was sure Red had what it took to live alone.

The greatest belief that supported her survival in this world has been completed.

Red turned to look at Loki, doubts rising in his heart.

Of course he had heard the legend of "God Killer" Loki since he was a child. He probably also knew about his dead father through several conversations with his parents. His grandfather was inextricably linked to the powerful King of Normandy.

However, he never imagined that his biological mother would want to fight to the end for Loki.

In this short moment, Reid fell into a brief hesitation.

It is true that with his current power, he can easily knock out Gelin and then carry her away from the dispute between the Illuminati and the Kingdom of Normandy.

The Roman magistrates and crusaders all over the city were all staring at this century-old battle, and no one would pay too much attention to a humble person like him.

As long as he can escape from this city, he is fully capable of letting his parents live a life of fine clothing and fine food, and he no longer has to serve those nobles with high eyes and have to serve them every day.

But so what?

If Ge Lin is taken away in this way, his biological mother will still look sad and live in invisible fear and regret every day.

Reid could vaguely sense that the reason why Ge Lin agreed to Mo Kui using Yin Yang Secretary to extend her life this time was probably because she could fight alongside Loki in the duel today.

Only by repaying the debts owed when you were young can you regain peace of mind in your soul.


My ability to reborn after nearly dying is most likely related to this group of Viking pirates. Everyone is returning favors, so you might as well return mine today.

It's better than having to continue to live hiding from these barbarians in the future!

Reid looked into his biological mother's eyes and nodded slightly.

Living together since childhood has cultivated an extraordinary tacit understanding between the two. Without the need for verbal communication, Ge Lin immediately understood Red's thoughts.

The bright red figure floated towards the lizard man leader who was fighting with Loki. Red suddenly appeared behind "Lord of Twilight" Fitzroy.

Loki hit him head-on with an ax and knocked him off balance. Red used his bow to grab both of his wrists.

Fitzroy obviously did not expect this other opponent to appear out of thin air. His hands were caught by two iron pincers, and Red pointed his back towards the direction where Greene was lurking.

The rune wood arrow shot out of the air and pierced into Fitzroy's back with a thud.

The shrill wails sounded again.

The second lizardman leader has been hit by an arrow.

next chapter


"If we continue to consume like this, we will fall into a huge disadvantage."

On the top floor of the Colosseum, the chief aide next to the Lord of Shadows, Fitzroy, "Pathwalker of the Fire Demon" Shaco narrowed his eyes and said worriedly.

Politicians have never been a reliable group of allies

Before the battle began, he had expected that Mikhail III, an old fox, would defect before the battle, and he had made adequate preparations for this.

But he never imagined that the palm of the fluctuating balance would be the street gangster of Constantinople - Red Blood Pigeon.

In this huge city with a population of over one million, there are no fewer than thousands of gangsters with some status like Red Blood Pigeon. As the chief staff officer under "Lord of Twilight" Fitzroy, he knows a lot of information in the city, but most of it is related to high-ranking nobles.

All he knew about Red was that he was an ordinary gangster who was "a little better than other gangsters."

Maybe he can defeat the champion with a flash of inspiration in his brain and great luck, but it is completely impossible for a little gangster to defeat Wang Ergulei.

Could it be that he had another adventure?

"Wang Ergulei really died in his hands"

While muttering to himself, Sako took out his telescope and continued observing.

When he saw that a rune wood arrow was also driven into the back of Fitzroy, Lord of Twilight, he knew that the situation on the field could no longer allow him to sit idly by.

“I don’t like the feeling of always being one step ahead and breaking the rules.”

"But now it seems that there is no other way."

Putting away the telescope, he turned over and jumped off the city wall. The unique elemental body of the "Fire Demon Pather" made him as light as a fallen leaf. After successfully landing, he walked towards the outside of the duel without looking back.

"Start the second phase."

Following the issuance of this order, a detailed sound of machine amplification immediately sounded inside the Colosseum. Naturally, the first to notice the changes in the city wall were the lower-class citizens watching from the sidelines.

They felt the tremors coming from the bricks and stones they were sitting on.

20 days ago, the Illuminati had used gunpowder to knock off the half-high wall, and also shattered many long strips of marble paved in the auditorium. On the high wall, the citizens looked down and discovered that the thick marble on the outer edge of the Colosseum wall had been transformed into a hollow structure at some point.

The sound of the machine amplifier was the front baffle being pulled open, and one after another rapid-fire ballistae was being withdrawn from the hollow marble.

By visual inspection, there are at least thirty or forty units.

"My day!"

"I know these stinky lizards can play rogue, but to this extent, these shameless people really have no bottom line!"

The citizens holding ale were furious and stood up to curse. Unexpectedly, as soon as he said a word, a crossbow arrow flying from behind immediately pierced him!

The power of the iron arrow is so great that the remaining force can continue to penetrate two or three people.

The ballistae and arrow formations arranged by the Illuminati are by no means limited to the center of the duel. All the roofs of the buildings in the center of the city are equipped with powerful ballistae capable of firing 2-meter iron arrows.

Although the height of private houses and shops is much lower than the high walls of the Colosseum, the assault ballistae, which has been precisely debugged by the bachelors, can raise the muzzle to nearly 45 degrees. The steel crossbow arrows thrown with great force just passed the high wall outside the Colosseum.

What Sakho pursues is not precision.

But quantity.

When the jet-black rain of arrows appeared above his head, Loki immediately understood the terrifying nature of the opponent's arrangement.

In all directions there were rapid-fire ballistae made by Mohist disciples. This powerful weapon that can shoot seven or eight arrows in one minute forms a 360-degree siege on everyone.

Not to mention the giant steel arrows falling from the sky.

The three sect masters have great confidence in the scale armor designed by the "Light Giant" for them. They knew that relying on their hard armor, this hail of steel arrows would not be able to cause substantial damage to them. But it was enough to wipe out all opponents in the Colosseum, including Loki.

As for the reinforcements they summoned and the Roman citizens watching the battle in the Colosseum, they were not within the scope of the Illuminati master's thinking.

Their lifespans are so long that in their eyes, mortal life is like smoke and dust rising into the sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun is something that does not need to be considered at all.

A huge sense of crisis came over him, and Loki wiped the blood from his face.

Seeing hundreds of iron arrows about to fall from the sky, in this flash of lightning, he did not rush forward, but immediately threw away the ax in his hand, roughly pulled the Illuminati leader in front of him and pressed it on his back superior.

"Everyone, be careful to dodge!"

"Don't expect to be able to throw out the barrage and cover yourself with corpses on the spot!"

In a hurry, he could only shout a powerful warning.

This stems from his fighting instincts developed over years of fighting.

Satyr always obeyed all orders given by Loki. With a few blows on his chest and back, Sartre rolled over to a horse corpse as fast as he could, used a hatchet to open a gap in the horse's belly, and then got inside.

This seems unbelievable to ordinary people, but it is the most common operation in the bitter and cold Scandinavia.

In the extremely cold winter, the hunters went into the mountains without food. In the low temperature and severe cold, it was impossible to dispel the cold simply by relying on campfires. If there is a snowstorm that lasts for several days and nights, the campfire will be extinguished by the low temperature. Hunters who want to survive must wrap themselves in the carcasses of their prey and rely on the animal's own hair and fat to withstand the cold.

Just as he got into the horse's belly, the first round of arrow rain fell from mid-air.

The remaining Crusaders in the duel field were all baptized by iron arrows. Most of them wore heavy plate armor. Even if they saw arrows falling from the sky, they did not have enough maneuverability to effectively dodge.

Not to mention the Judgment Angel floating in mid-air.

Among all the people present, the only ones who perfectly escaped the crossbow attack were Red and Green who were near the edge of the field. The two heard the loudspeaker sound, turned around and saw the rapid-fire ballista behind them emerging from the marble, and immediately ducked into the hollow marble to dodge.

In this way, you can easily dodge all attacks.

After experiencing a baptism of steel arrows, the duel arena was filled with corpses.

The vast majority of them were Roman citizens who had been sitting comfortably in the stands. The 12 silver knights transmitted through the Holy Light spell also died.

Only three lizardmen lords could still stand in the center of the field.

Just as the attack of a round of arrow rain ended, a fine trembling sound immediately sounded on the surface. That was when all the Illuminati hidden stakes hidden in the city within the city launched a simultaneous charge towards the Colosseum.

This is the Illuminati's last resort.

They knew how Loki fought.

This is a man who is never afraid of siege.

As the number of corpses increases in the Colosseum, once the boundless blood mist spreads, the entire city will fall into unprecedented chaos.

The only way to get rid of Loki is to kill him immediately while he is seriously injured, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of him once he is allowed to breathe in the blood mist.

Sartre, who had his whole body wrapped in the middle of the horse's corpse, emerged from the horse's belly covered in blood. He saw hundreds of strong men of different shapes running from the street with various weapons.

Their bodies exuded all kinds of spiritual energy like condensed steam, and it was not difficult to see that all of them were the Chosen Ones who had mastered the power of the Chosen One.

The Illuminati have used the strongest bait they could think of to kill Loki.

The three sect masters went into danger alone and did not hesitate to expose their true identities just to capture Loki. Of course, they would do their best to reveal every trump card.

A huge snow-white dire wolf fell from the sky, and Mikhail III released Guraul, the "greedy wolf".

Sartre bent down and picked up the hatchet. Behind the two of them, Loki also threw away the "Lord of Twilight" Fitzroy who was serving as a shield. The sudden increase in corpses made the thin blood mist around the three people quickly condense.

At this moment, Sartre frowned.

He found that there were not as many Illuminati members rushing from all directions as he had imagined. Simply relying on the walking resonance formed by a few hundred people cannot cause such regular tremors on the ground.

The vibration of the rules under his feet gave him a very familiar feeling, as if he had experienced this feeling somewhere before.

He tried to remember, but couldn't remember it at all in a short time.

Reinforcements were coming. Just when Sartre raised his hatchet and was about to throw it, the soft sand behind him made a loud bang. Looking back, he saw a huge worm that was 20 meters thick emerging from the ground.

The worm opened its big mouth, and a dexterous figure, with its back to the sun, slid lightly in front of Sartre.

That was Alfred, the Crown Prince of Normandy who had fought side by side with Sartre in the underworld for 13 years.

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