Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 560 8.78 Temple Escape (4)

Chapter 560 78 Temple Escape (4)

Loki led the Byzantine scholars to smash the stone door and rushed to the scene where the temple priests were casting spells. This was indeed beyond their expectations. Read

The killing came suddenly. When the blood mist spread without warning, the temple priests did fall into a brief chaos.

However, the chaos only lasted for a short moment.

The rulers in the depths of the Black Desert seemed to be free people, but in fact they had already become members of the Illuminati hidden in the Byzantine Empire.

The biggest loss suffered by the Illuminati in recent years was the death of Mutu, the King of Earthsea, one of the 12 masters, at the hands of Loki.

No one knows Loki better than the Illuminati.

The rising blood mist seemed terrifying, but the real fighting power was only Loki.

All the Illuminati believers present were middle and high-level Chosen Ones. After the initial chaos, they quickly recovered from the chaos and began to use their numerical advantage to fight him.

The battle had developed to this point, and Loki knew that it was impossible for him to expand his victory. If he ran away now, he might be able to get away with a little luck. If he delayed for a moment, everyone would be surrounded by the ancient god's believers. "Run!" "Take two steps and try to follow me! Don't worry about the others around you, as many as you can run." The blood mist illusion greatly extended his perception ability. After noticing the exit of the hall, Loki swung his axe and rushed to the gate. In the bloody storm of broken limbs, he could only make sure that Concubine Xue behind him kept up with him. There was no way around it. With Loki's ability, it was not difficult to escape alone. After smashing the Styx sacrifice with an axe on the top of the Temple of Anubis, if he returned directly to the hotel to find the Hash Horse Gang, they might have ridden their horses and left the Mbia Oasis. But he couldn't leave. Because his eldest daughter Sophie was still in this temple. Hiding on the beams, he overheard the conversation between Concubine Xue and the Legalist mentor. From the conversation, he knew that Sophie was the contact person of the Legalist believers.

They were detained, and there was no doubt that the contact failed.

The only possible way to find Sophie was to bring this Legalist assassin with him.

"Lord Loki, you"

"Don't talk nonsense, I know you are a Legalist assassin!"

"It's too late to explain too much now! Let's get out of the encirclement first, and then you tell me how to contact your secret agent!"

The Illuminati has its own way of cultivating believers, especially at this time, the major clan leaders have penetrated into the power core of the big country. The lizardmen at the "clan leader" level can not only use psychic power skillfully, but also have extremely long lifespans that give them wisdom that ordinary people cannot match.

Each clan leader can mobilize huge resources. Relying on the advanced technical and tactical training methods of the Western Continent, the Illuminati's army mobilized quite methodically when facing Loki.

The yellow sand mummies and Anubis warriors who could act as human shields stood in the first row. Behind them were some kind of sneak attackers similar to mid-range assassins, who used crossbows to shoot poisonous sleeve arrows.

Far away, there were sun priests holding scepters who kept manipulating light to interfere with his vision.

When he finally approached the outline of the gate, Loki was almost exhausted from the strong slashing.

He discovered a cruel truth along the way, that is, he seemed to have overestimated the ability of this "Lawyer assassin".

He risked many dangers and chose to rush into the center of the encirclement of the ancient god believers to rescue Concubine Xue, originally wanting to use the powerful combat power of the Lawyer apprentice.

Unexpectedly, she followed Loki all the way, and the few times she drew her sword caused very limited damage to the monsters.

On the contrary, she had several more wounds.

Of course, Loki couldn't figure out what these Lawyer assassins were thinking. In his opinion, a professional killer who is good at using poison, pistols and daggers to fight, if thrown into a battlefield full of bullets and artillery shells, his chance of survival is not much higher than that of an ordinary soldier.

The assassins in the Middle Ages were obviously the same, hiding in the shadows and delivering a fatal blow at the right time. This was their fighting method.

To fight against hundreds of God's Chosen directly, it still requires Viking pirates who are fearless of death. Not to mention that the Eastern Tang Dynasty is full of monks who can draw qi into their bodies. The outer gods and ancient gods were almost slaughtered hundreds of years ago. I am afraid that most mortals in the Eastern Continent have never seen a few God's Chosen in their lives.

Even if Concubine Xue is useless, he must bring her along.

Because only by relying on her can he find his eldest daughter and learn what he has experienced in these blank 13 years.

When he finally approached the outline of the gate, Loki was almost exhausted from the strong chopping. In the thick blood mist, he sensed that there was no figure in front of him.

Cheer up, he wiped the broken flesh and blood on his face fiercely. He stretched out his big hand to grab Concubine Xue behind him, and when he was about to get close to the door, the red-eyed monster with a black mist-like body appeared in front of him. This thing looked nothing like any creature on Earth from the outside. But the Illuminati used them to monitor the cages and the noble coffins deeper in the cage area, so there must be a reason for them. "Damn it!" "No matter what kind of ghost you are, if you dare to stand here, you must have the courage to take my axe!"

Holding the ax tightly, Loki squeezed out the last bit of strength in his body. Just as he was about to jump and strike at the giant scarlet eye, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness originating from the depths of his soul.

He had never felt this way since he started fighting with a hatchet at the age of eight.

Staggering, he tried his best to stand up and looked up at the strange scarlet eyes in front of him. The monster like a floating smoke has no means of attack, but as long as it looks at the giant scarlet eye, the most important organ in the mortal body - the nerves - will be quickly paralyzed.

"Sure enough, there are still too many mysterious things in this world that are not noticed by mortals."

"What a shame."

At this time, Loki was only 3 steps away from the gate. But this narrow distance was like a chasm. Paralyzed and extremely sore, he couldn't even stand continuously.

Without the support of the main body, the blood mist that filled the stone chamber gradually dissipated. When everything returned to calm, Loki could see that the only people following him were Concubine Xue, Lu Mei, Tang Qianye, and three Byzantine bachelors.

Mergwin, Hans Welsh, and the mysterious Hooker Krall.

All six people were covered in blood and scarred.

As for everyone else, they all died in this battle.

"Commander, please leave them to me to deal with!"

This is an extremely strange, but slightly familiar voice. But the giant scarlet eye was almost 2 meters away from him. The closer the red eye is to him, the more severe the feeling of weakness caused by the protruding bone marrow becomes

At this time, Loki was severely paralyzed and could not even complete the simple action of turning his head.

He could only see a slender figure walking out of the crowd, curled up on the ground, and he couldn't see her face.

All he could see was the hand ax hanging by a delicate copper hook.

He recognized the axe.

That was the weapon that his biological father, "Mangus Starrag" passed on to him when he was dying.

He gave it to his eldest daughter on the eve of the battle to defend Hanshui Village.

The person coming was none other than Sophie Starrag.

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