Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 511 8.30 Heath joins the team (3)

Chapter 511 30 Heath joins the team (3)

Harsh looked at the chestnut-haired young man in front of him, and then glanced at the exquisite money bag he handed over.

The money bag made a crisp sound when it hit the table, indicating that the money bag was heavy.

Judging from the appearance, it contains at least 200 gold dinars engraved with the head of Mikhail III.

Frankly speaking, the price given by the club owner named "Heath Blanccher" is not low.

Old Hash did not speak or take the money bag, but closed his eyes.

He once again recalled the request made by Heath and all the details that happened after the two met. For nearly a minute, silent silence enveloped the two of them.

(Admittedly, there will be some merchants who will use various methods to learn the route through the Black Desert and try to sneak into the caravan.)

(But no matter how much the mud-legged man changes, he will never become a noble!)

(If what this 'Heath Brancher' said is true, taking him into the Black Desert will not give him an additional competitor. After all, compared with his existing industry, entering the Black Desert is completely There is no need!)

(I can also gain a friend easily.)

(And the most important thing is that this man is obviously very familiar with the Styx priests! Taking him into the Black Desert, I don’t have to go to the traffickers to buy those poor women. The Byzantine scholars want to go to Thebe, the city of the dead Si, just follow him)

But Hash is Hash after all.

Able to do business in the Black Desert nearly a hundred times, and survive successfully every time. His greatest reliance is that he is cautious enough.

Be greedy when you should be greedy.

When he shouldn't be greedy, even if a mountain of gold is placed in front of him, he knows when to stop.

There was only one flaw in Heath's sudden appearance.

That's why his arrival is so perfect!

It’s like it was planned in advance!

Most merchants in Memphis know that "Mohammed Harsh" does not like to trade with human traffickers. He just had this idea last night, and this morning, a "backup option" was delivered to his door on time.

Isn't this a bit too much of a coincidence?

Moreover, the person in front of me is so perfect that it feels unreal.

He provides money and people.

Having your own business does not make you a competitor.

It can also perfectly connect itself to the Styx sacrifice in the Temple of Anubis.

How could such a good thing happen in the world?

Harsh opened his eyes through a narrow gap and glanced at Heath in front of him again.

He could see Heath's nervousness and forced composure.

(He also has a task to complete, so he appears nervous. If he is a thief, there should be a sense of relaxation in his eyes that cannot be concealed.)

(I don’t seem to have much to worry about either.)

If a businessman spends his whole life cautiously, his upper limit will not be too high.

Harsh will not hesitate when he can be greedy.

If "fulfilling the wishes of the bachelors" is regarded as the highest principle of this business, it is safest to bring the owner of this club with the team.

Although the women sold by the human traffickers are good, there is no guarantee that the Styx Priest will agree to his request.

But Heath was different.

He came to complete a "ghost marriage".

If the Styx priest wants to cross the yin and yang, he must enter Thebes, the city of the dead. At that time, as long as the maesters pretend to be Hiss's subordinates, it will not be difficult at all to complete this commission.

With the shrewdness of this brothel owner, he would not refuse such a good thing as currying favor with a Byzantine scholar.

Now, the biggest secret in Harsh's team is that these more than one hundred carts of goods do not belong to the Byzantine bachelor at all, but were brought by him through "black eating black eating black" on the road.

The owner of Crescent Trading Company, "Iliad", revealed key information. Waiting on the streets in the city was a woman from the Eastern Continent.

This young man is neither "Eastern" nor "female".

It should be clean.

After thinking about it again and again, Harsh couldn't find any flaws in him. He accepted the commission with a smile and shook hands with Heath at the same time.

"Mr. Heath, make a friend!"

"You know how dangerous the Black Desert is. My subordinates will do their best to ensure your safety, but there are still many accidents in the desert that may take your life at any time."

In the following period, Harsh will first conduct detailed science education for Heath to let him understand that no caravan can absolutely guarantee his safety.

In addition, of course, he must also secretly reveal that there are several Byzantine scholars in his caravan. If possible, try to let them enter the "City of the Dead" Thebes as subordinates.

Heath naturally agreed with a smile on his face. After just half an hour, the two of them were chatting happily, like brothers they hadn't seen for many years.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning, close to noon, that Heath turned his head and glanced at the blazing sun outside the guest room.

"Ha, it's the boss. It's almost noon. Let's just chat. Do you want to have breakfast?"

"How about this, at noon today, brother, I'm going to treat you. Let's go to the Sands Hotel where I'm staying to have a meal together. Although the Arabic food is good, eating it all the time will inevitably make you feel boring."

"Since we have gone through all the hardships to enter this desert, it would be a pity not to try the recipes of the free people. I heard that their snake soup and fire-roasted peppers have a unique flavor."

"They would mince the meat of fat gerbils, then marinate it with a lot of desert spices and stuff it into peppers. It is said that this kind of food was only available to the pharaohs hundreds of years ago."

Old Harsh happily agreed, and the two walked out of the hotel arm in arm.

Before leaving, of course Harsh did not forget to throw it to the stable captain Bulguet. This is a rule in Taoism. When you get benefits, you should never forget to give the introducer a share of the pie.

Just as I walked out of the gate of the Shahu Hotel, before I could get on the carriage, 12 Tang soldiers suddenly ran up the street outside the hotel entrance.

"Back off, back off!"

"Mortals, get out of the way!"

Although the Eastern Tang Dynasty was no longer what it used to be, the image of a powerful sword cultivator that had been maintained for hundreds of years still stood firm. All pedestrians, even free people living in the desert, still subconsciously choose to avoid the chariots of the Tang Dynasty.

Soldiers wearing full fish scale armor were standing on both sides of the road holding long guns. When all the pedestrians on the street were cleared, a luxurious columbist pulled by eight solid white horses slowly drove over.

This car is much more luxurious than the one "captured" by Old Hash. The whole body of the vehicle is made of hard cedar wood, with a total of 4 large flags on the front, rear, left and right, and a huge inscription in the center of each side. The word "李".

"King's envoy!"

"This is the royal envoy of the Li family of the Tang Dynasty!"

Amid the whispers of the onlookers, the door of the carriage opened, and an East China woman wearing a wide-brimmed sandproof hat stepped out of the carriage with the help of a housekeeper.

Seeing this, Heath Blanche hurriedly stepped aside and lowered his head to avoid it. Old Hash almost hid his body behind the stone pier at the door.

It was true that some big shots would come to Memphis from time to time, but he had never seen such an exaggerated display of officials from East China.

He had a hunch that the woman hidden under the veil might be the Concubine Xue mentioned in "The Iliad"!

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