Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 459 7.113 The Fire Gang is in action (3)

"Master, since you have joined our 'Fire Worship', you must adapt to the new rules in the future. Complete the tasks assigned by the 'Fire Priest' and the 'Flame Herald', and reward them together with other members of the Fire Worship Gang."

"In our God's Church, preaching is meaningless. The conditions given to mortals by the Fire King are too generous. We don't need to build churches and dress the residents in the parish like the Holy Bishop."

"A large number of followers who pursue immortality, fire magic, or other extraordinary abilities will spontaneously join our gang."

Patriarch Francis, who had just completed the promotion ceremony, was still in a strong dizziness. Microa shattered the holy light of the "burner" of the holy light path sequence 7 in his body and transformed it into flames. At this time, he suddenly became a "fire control apprentice" of sequence 8. He needed to carefully control the restless energy rushing in his blood.

Otherwise, if he was not careful, the hot flames would burst out from his palms and mouth.

"If you can help us complete the task of capturing the 'Mushi Master' and eliminating the rebels this time, the Fire Master will give you a very good reward. Not to mention a set of 'Master's Hands', even if it is a 'Relic of God', it is not a problem to get it."

The short power transmission ceremony has been completed, and the "Fire Thieves" gathered around Microa walked out of the basement one after another. At this time, the street was still noisy. The dark-skinned man opened the curtains a little and saw the crowds on the street.

A large number of people were forced to walk towards the city gate under the drive of the "Torture Monk".

"I'm so sorry, we don't have the extra time to let you adapt to this new body. While the city is in chaos, our first goal is to sneak into the palace."

"I have received a tip that the insect master and his firefly swarm are hiding in the palace.

Paris will fall sooner or later!

We need to capture the traitors in our gang alive before the frost giants, Vikings and English mobs rush into the city! At the same time, move the "God's Relic" hidden by the master in the underground palace!"

"If this succeeds, the Fire Transmitter has promised that each of us can advance at least 2 levels in the sequence level."

As calm as Microa is, it is difficult to suppress her excitement at this time. She has upgraded to the Sequence 3 "Mirror Master" of the "Flame Demon Path".

If she can be promoted by 2 levels, she will become the Sequence 1 "Shadow King", which is only one step away from the perfection of the sequence.

In recent days, hiding in Paris with the "Fire Thief", Father Francis has fully understood their mission. From the day when the "Mirror Master" Microa entered the city, the "Big Sparrow" hidden in the Versailles Castle has begun to use the ability of the psychic sparrow to study this palace hidden in the illusion.

No illusion is flawless. Although the "Big Sparrow" is young, he is a gifted brain genius. It took him only a few months to find a crack that allows a tiny bird to drill into the palace.

From then on, all the activities of the "King of the Earth Sea" Mutu were monitored by this group of inconspicuous birds.

In the "Holy Fire Temple" not far from the palace, Microa had already learned from his diligent subordinates that there were a lot of personal research in the bunker of the palace.

Among them, there are many "God's Relics" from the previous rounds of civilization hidden in it.

For this operation, it is important to capture the traitor "Mushishi" in the gang, but obtaining the "God's Relics" accumulated by the "King of the Earth Sea" for 200 million years is more in line with the original intention of the establishment of the "Fire Thief".

Priest Francis pinched his brows in a calm manner.

He was keenly aware of one thing - neither killing the old lizard nor saving Loki seemed to be in Microa's plan.

As a survivalist who worked his way up from the bottom of society, Francis was not surprised by this.

From the perspective of the Firebearers, they had no obligation to save Loki.

They had no internal motivation, nor external rewards that would make them work hard to save Loki. The Firebearers helped Alfred find the frost giants just to create enough chaos during the siege.

"Duke Loki from Scandinavia" was no different from a stranger to them.

(Similarly, when she could upgrade me to a higher sequence, she also deliberately suppressed my sequence level and only gave me the power of Sequence 8.)

(This is also because I have lost all bargaining chips after joining the church.)

The longer Francis dealt with the Firebearers, the more he realized that this was a group of believers completely different from the Saint Lords. Rather than saying that they are the people of the gods, they are actually more like a group of calculating businessmen.

Like businessmen, they need to squeeze out the value that each subordinate can create as much as possible.

This means that his starting point will not be too high. Even if he can be given the power of Sequence 7 or even Sequence 6, Microa will artificially lower it to Sequence 8.

After arranging the tasks, it is not difficult for everyone to find that time is indeed not their ally.

Microa wants to obtain the "ancient relics" hidden in the palace, so she must rush into the palace before the city is broken. Otherwise, thousands of giants plus millions of mobs will rush into the city. Even if everyone is a Tang Dynasty sword cultivator, they will eventually be drowned by the surging crowd.

Micronesia didn’t tell, and Father Francis didn’t ask. The two nodded tacitly to each other, and then the dark-skinned man opened the partition in the basement and took out a stack of papyrus and a wooden box with strange patterns on the top.

In the center of the wooden box are written several fair Persian words——

——"Mayan Crystal Skull"


Although thousands of years have passed since the era when alien gods ruled human civilization, there are still a large number of magical artifacts that once belonged to the gods left in the world during these thousands of years.

Each major pope has a special department to safeguard these "ancient relics" from the gods.

For example, the "Silent Sisters" of the Holy Bishop guard one of the three holy relics in the Holy Bishop, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

In the Priory of Thorns, there is another holy relic of the Holy Bishop - the "Shroud of Turin".

The "Fire Thief" under Micronia specializes in digging out valuable ancient relics or precious magical artifacts from the hidden corners of human civilization.

Part of it was presented to King Xin in exchange for strength.

The other part was taken in by Micronia and kept in the Fire Temple. Take it out and use it when a war breaks out.

Opening the wooden box, a completely transparent crystal skull appeared in front of you. The entire skull is made of colorless crystal, but if you look closely, there are no traces of any tools on it.

When Micronia took the skull out of the wooden box, bigger questions arose.

Compared with a normal human skull, the brain of this crystal head is obviously too large and too long. In terms of brain capacity, it is at least twice as large as that of ordinary humans.

Through the empty eyes of the skull, Francis could see that it seemed that a mysterious light group was still preserved inside the skull. Just staring at those empty eye sockets will make you feel a numbness in your eyebrows.

"This is a sacred object stolen by my followers from the temple of the Aztecs in the New World. It is an artifact that Amazon warriors have worshiped for generations."

"It is rumored that each crystal skull is a Sequence 0 'Original Sacrifice' under the 'Living Sacrifice Pathway' that can only be produced after being transformed by the True God. This thing contains the most primitive energy between heaven and earth at the beginning of the universe! "

"This is the food of the true gods of the outer world."

"Only psychic energy can destroy psychic energy!" Micronia pointed to the finely drawn map of the palace on the ground, "Mutu has survived in human civilization for 200 million years. No one can break the restrictions he has set up! Enter! After the palace, we have two missions.

1. Looking for the insect master. After finding him and his swarm of fireflies, we covered me and I was able to defeat them easily using the Crystal Skull.

2. Enter the underground palace.

After turning the page, she showed the floor plan of each floor of the Grand Palais in Paris to her subordinates.

"After entering the palace, everyone should not show off."

"Whether it's the "Swarm of Fireflies", the illusion created by Mutu using formations, or even the "King of Earth and Sea" Mutu himself, everyone is following me, waiting for me to use the crystal skull to break the restriction."

"I want to solemnly state that if we discover the soul box controlled by Mutu, we should not have any direct fight with them. There are still many traps waiting for us inside the palace. And the old lizard of the Illuminati is not dead. Immortal, only fools would choose to fight with them.”

"Take your things and leave immediately."

"Everyone understands it!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

However, at this moment, a violent shaking sound suddenly came from above the basement. After a brief silence, the dark-skinned man stepped forward and ran down again after a moment.

"grown ups"

"The city is broken!"

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