Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 131 3.53 Returning Home (2)

Loki reached out and touched Youmu's forehead, and a floating stone in Loki's heart finally fell. While fighting Leviathan, he slit his wrists and let Loki drink his golden blood. Loki was caught off guard and took two gulps. But just these few hundred milliliters of blood made this twelve-year-old child instantly look much older.

And these two mouthfuls of golden blood completely drove Loki into a state of rage and madness.

If Leviathan hadn't touched the trap left by Xiao Lu in his panic, Loki would have also suffered an electric shock. He didn't even know how long he would go crazy.

His blood contains a kind of energy that is completely beyond "spiritual energy" and even more terrifying.

The touch on his palm revealed that Yumu was no longer feverish at least. Emma, ​​who was sitting on the edge of his bed, moved a spot for Loki. Ever since she discovered Youmu, she seems to have loved the child very much, but that's understandable. She spent most of the time on Yum's back during the escape.

Without Yum, Emma would never have been able to escape from Leviathan's body.

"How is he?" Loki asked Lawrence Nightingale, the "Bishop of Light" on the other side of the bed.

During this journey, he carried a huge cross throughout the entire journey and trudged forward on the frozen ocean. He was the one who had the hardest time, but in the end, he was also the one who benefited the most.

Now from the outside, Lawrence is quite different from ordinary people. His appearance is very clean, and no matter where he is, there will never be any dust or stains on his white monk's robes.

At the same time, while observing carefully, a white holy light circle would appear behind his head from time to time. Make him appear majestic and mysterious.

"I recite the blessing gospel for him once a day. His soul, nourished by the holy light, is much better now."

Hearing Lawrence speak, Youmu slowly opened his eyes. His originally smooth boyish skin was now full of wrinkles, and the 12-year-old actually looked like a 40-year-old.

Not good enough, at least he didn't lose his life.

"You guys go out first, I'll have a few words with him alone." Loki sent Lawrence and Emma away from the room, then pulled up a chair and sat down next to Youm quite solemnly.

"When we were fighting Leviathan, I slapped you out of necessity. I want to say sorry first." Loki's eyes were magnanimous. He knew that Yom was doing it for his own good, but he could not accept this behavior no matter what. .

Youmu looked away. Don't know how to answer. In his opinion, if Loki didn't drink his own blood and fight Leviathan, he would die. He couldn't understand why the elder brother lost such a temper.

Because he did not know that all humans outside the American continent did not have the habit of "cannibalism".

"Now I want to ask you two very important questions!"

"1. Do you have the ability to swallow mysterious creatures like foreign gods and ancient gods alive to gain power?"

Youmu nodded.

"Besides, can you swim?"

Youmu nodded again.

Loki has seen Youmu's situation in the past few days and is anxious in his heart. His intuition told him that rescuing a Sequence 2 "Sun Sacrifice" could not be solved by relying on Lawrence's Holy Light spell.

He needed to tap into the oldest form of America's Chosen: eating.

Taking Youmu to the side of the ship, Loki pointed to the body of Leviathan not far away and said: "This thing just died not long ago! Although it is now soaked in seawater, I have an intuition."

"Its body should still be 'fresh' now."

"Yum, this is not easy to do, but in order to save yourself, I ask you to do it! You need to swim to the seabed several thousand meters deep, find Leviathan's head, and enter his body through its eye sockets. The brain then eats whatever part of its brain can be eaten!"

Ordinary people may think this sentence sounds sensational, but Youmu did not feel any surprise. He nodded and pretended to jump off the side of the ship. However, at this moment, Loki once again held his shoulder and made a follow-up explanation.

"This Old One will take your body to the next level! You may not even be able to break through Sequence 2, transform into Sequence 2, and become a true god!"


"I won't wait for you here."

It was quite difficult for Loki to say this, but he had to say it.

First, he saw the way Emma treated him these past few days. This science geek almost regarded him as a human-shaped "projector". Even when his body had not fully recovered, he kept asking him to cast the magic that was like traveling through the movie version, allowing her to see the obsidian pyramid. in the classic volumes.

Loki could feel that continuous use of magical powers would make Yomu very uncomfortable. But this kind-hearted young man resisted silently and did not complain.

Loki saw it and felt uncomfortable.

A week later, they will return to the Conqueror's Fortress where the Viking King "Sabertooth" O'Sullivan lives. At that time, the weak Emma will transform into the most powerful person in her fleet. If she asked to take Youm back to Constantinople, as a minor noble, she would have no room for bargaining.

It’s hard to imagine what a miserable life a Sequence 2 “living sacrifice” like Youm would lead after returning to the Royal Academy of Sciences. Which of the famous guinea pigs in history was not worse than death, and finally collapsed and committed suicide?

He would never allow this to happen under any circumstances.

Even if he takes ten thousand steps back, even if he tries his best to break up with the O'Sullivan family and keep Youmu by his side, will this young man be able to live a happy life?

To this day, Loki cannot forget the sweet golden blood. And the violent power he gains after drinking blood! That is a kind of divine power that is enough to kill a god! Even in the face of the powerful Old Ones, Loki, who had drunk the golden blood, dared to shake the tree like a fly, pulled out his axe, and fought with them.

If Youmu is kept by his side, let’s not talk about whether he is capable of raising a 12-year-old child. Even if he has this spare time, if he encounters a powerful enemy again in the future and cannot solve it with his own abilities, he will definitely take up Youmu's idea! Sooner or later, this innocent and pitiful child will be killed by himself.

Loki also couldn't allow this to happen.

For these two reasons, Youmu must leave his side!

There is no other choice!

Youmu, who was standing on the opposite side, accurately received Loki's thoughts. He could feel that this elder brother was a good person. During the adventure of several people teaming up, they were in danger several times, but this big brother always cared about his safety.

Even when he asked himself to leave at this time, it was for his own safety in the future.

Ruffing his hair out of habit, Loki reached out and took out a waterproof parchment roll from his arms. He has roughly drawn a map that exists in his memory according to the memory in his brain.

The route from "Iceland" back to Youm's home continent of South America is actually far less complicated than imagined.

Although the words "swim back" are quite scary to say, when you really think about it, the distance he swam was not that long. He only needs to cross the Denmark Strait, swim to Greenland, and then cross the Davis Strait, and he will have entered the territory of "Canada" a thousand years later.

Then, he only needs to go all the way south to return to his warm and humid hometown. For ordinary people, this journey may be quite long. But for a demigod like Youmu, who has the same physical fitness as a Tyrannosaurus rex, even circling the earth is not difficult.

"Go quickly while it's fresh"

The moment of parting was always a bit sad. Loki gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the young man's eyes and continued, "You are quite a big man. Don't cry all the time! In a few years, I will drive a fleet to the American continent to see you." !”

"Don't die for me. When I really set foot on that land, I will find you even if I demolish your pyramid!"

"Brother, I will definitely live well!" Youmu replied seriously.

He took off his leather jacket, revealing the "Stairway to the Sun" tattoo on his back, took one last look at Loki in the windless night, and jumped into the vast sea with a pop.

Loki was not worried that he would drown. Putting aside the fact that he is a demigod, there is a high probability that there will be no problems.

Even if he really drowned, this ending would be much more merciful than if this kind and innocent boy entered human society with a face of ignorance.

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