Seeing these eight words, Loki almost spit out his blood.

"It is four inches in diameter, with five dragons twisted on it. On the front is engraved with eight seal characters written by Li Si: "If you are ordered by heaven, you will live forever and prosper." It serves as a token of the imperial power and legitimacy."

In the last life, idle netizens often asked, "If you pick up a jade seal passed down from the country, how much can it be sold for?" Having seen this kind of sand sculpture problem a lot, Loki naturally remembered this treasure that was lost in the long river of time.

The first appearance of the Jade Seal of the State was 1,600 years ago in the 8th century BC. At that time, it was just a piece of jade called "He's Bi". This piece of rough jade was later obtained by Qin Shihuang in 220 BC and made into a national jade seal after two stories: "Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade" and "The jade is returned to Zhao".

The eight words "If you are ordered by heaven, you will live forever" were exactly what Qin Shihuang ordered Prime Minister Li Si to carve on the jade seal.

Qin II died, and in 206 BC, the imperial seal was passed to the Han Dynasty. After living peacefully for more than a hundred years, in 8 AD, a great event occurred in the Han Dynasty: Wang Mang usurped the throne.

"Wang Mang asked for the imperial seal, but Wang Zhengjun smashed it into pieces in anger and later filled it with gold."

This is where the gold comes from, as discordant as a dog-skin plaster in the corner.

Until the Han Dynasty, although the jade seal passed down the country encountered bumps, at least it lived smoothly. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 191), the famous historical event that appeared in the first chapter of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the "Ten Changshi Chaos", broke out. The Chuanguo Jade Seal, which had a lifespan of 411 years, was lost to the prodigal son Liu Bian when he was on the run in the late Han Dynasty.

According to the speculations of many historians, the "real" imperial seal should have completely disappeared at this time.

Although many allusions in later generations have recorded that Sun Jian of the Wu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms era once obtained this treasure in a well, the one in Sun Jian's hand at this time is most likely a replica that he searched for the eunuchs in the palace and based on their descriptions.

At this time, a square seal that was "seriously suspected" of a national jade seal was placed in front of Loki, and waves arose in his heart.

The Jade Seal of the State This is actually the most precious treasure of the Red Kingdom, the Jade Seal of the State!

How could I see a national treasure of this level and not take it away? !

Once this thought arises, it never goes away. As a native of the Red Kingdom in my previous life, there was no reason not to take away such important weapons of the country.

(Damn it, a dead bird is lying in the sky, and its head is no bigger than the mouth of a bowl! If this toy is a real jade seal passed down from the country, I will be able to touch it with my own hands. It will be a waste of my life!)

Reaching out and stuffing the jade seal into his arms, Loki looked back. As the saying goes: What goes up will lead to results. During this period, the companions around me were not idle either.

The busiest person is naturally Gore. As a Viking, he only has eyes for gold. Therefore, his destination is the ancient Egyptian gold mountain where all kinds of gold are displayed.

Ancient Egypt is the oldest among the four ancient civilizations. It is a pity that the ancient Egyptian kingdom perished 800 years ago (30 BC) and was incorporated into the territory of Rome. This ancient civilization, which originated in 5000 BC, came to an end after lasting for more than 5,000 years.

Gore Sr.'s first target was a golden scepter decorated with the emblem of a dog's head. Picking up the scepter and weighing it, he immediately abandoned the hammer that followed him.

The top of this scepter is inlaid with a black head of Anubis. The head made entirely of gold is extremely heavy, making the scepter similar to a hammer in terms of weight and strength when swung.

Old Gore chuckled, but his eyes were immediately attracted to the second treasure.

It was a three-finger armband decorated with a golden scorpion.

The scorpion's eyes are made of rubies, which glow eerily under the dim candlelight. He gently picked up the armband and put it down on his left forearm. With a soft click, the armband caught his thick left arm, and the scorpion changed from a standing position to a prone position through some unknown mechanical principle. On Old Gore's arm, the black tail spike extends from his left hand like a hidden sword, which looks very cool.

Show a satisfied smile and continue looking for the next trophy.

His eyes fell on a Pharaoh's brocade robe made of gold and silver threads.

Emma's interest is not in the gold and silver. She was born into a wealthy family in Constantinople and had been used to seeing these things since she was a child. Her point of interest lies in the dozen or so black stone monuments erected in an open space.

This kind of black stone tablet was once seen by Loki in the Louvre Museum in his previous life. That is the world-famous "Code of Hammurabi". This kind of creation from the "Old Babylonian Civilization" in 1600 BC is rare in the world, and after thousands of years of archaeological excavation, only one has been discovered.

I didn’t expect there to be so many in this black pyramid!

The whole body of the Black Stone Monument is made of basalt. It is engraved with dense cuneiform characters, and the largest one is nearly 10 meters high. Emma stood under the black stone monument, holding Youmu's head and asking him to "scan" the entire stone monument from top to bottom. At this time, she already knew that this boy had the ability to "travel through" memories. It is simply too late to copy so many black stone tablets by hand.

If you want to take away this information, you can only rely on this function of Youmu.

Lawrence, the ship's doctor, wandered through it and found nothing he needed. As a sect that has emerged in the past hundred years, the Holy Bishop's lifespan is too "young" and is not qualified to be "included" in this underground city.

Lawrence's goal was to find a place to place the huge cross behind him. According to the teachings of the Holy Bishop, he needs to find a sacrificial place in this building, insert the Holy Cross into the ground, and swear the existence of the Holy Lord to the ancient gods.

You will have completed the first step in evangelism.

He walked forward slowly, towards the darkness ahead.

Loki saw this and hurriedly followed. When you first see Jinshan and various treasures, you will feel very shocked. But there are dozens of gold mountains in this room, each more than 20 meters high, and there are at least thousands of exquisite treasures from various civilizations piled on them.

After just ten minutes, he already felt numb.

There is no doubt that this hall is where the lizard people store "souvenirs" from various civilizations. This behavior is easy to understand. In all literary works about the end of the world, saving the treasures built in human civilization is a top priority.

From the entrance to the inner hall represents the timeline of human civilization from near to far.

The "Jade Seal of the State", which was lost by the late Emperor of the Han Dynasty in 191 AD, was the first treasure Loki saw, and it was placed almost at the door. The several golden mountains behind it are the "Ancient Egyptian Civilization" where Old Gore is located and the "Old Babylonian Civilization" where Emma and Youm are located.

Both civilizations existed between 3000-1000 BC.

Following Lawrence, Loki felt that the further he advanced towards the inner temple, the more ancient the creations he saw along the way.

After walking nearly 200 meters, he saw an ancient bronze tree nearly 50 meters tall. The leaves on the ancient tree are as thin as cicada wings, and there are many vivid bronze giant birds carved on them, which are lifelike. Moving forward, he saw a smooth crystal skull and the crystal skeleton of an unknown beast.

At the end of the hall, Loki and Lawrence paused.

This is a ring-shaped secret room. There is no golden mountain here, but 12 black stone statues! Each of the dark stone statues is about 20 meters tall. The dim candlelight could not illuminate their faces. Lawrence raised his staff and softly recited the gospel prayer, and a white light rose into the air. Loki immediately saw the statues in full view.

These are 12 tall lizard men! They hold either books or seals in their hands, with different shapes and lifelike shapes.

This is this!!

Loki's eyes widened. The astonishingly large murals in the previous hall could not accurately represent the appearance of the lizard men, but now he saw these statues that were so detailed that even the pores were carved out. He immediately held his breath.

He is very familiar with the faces of each of these lizard men! This is a group of big names who often appear on television and online media in the 21st century.

These big shots are the rulers of the human world.

The most eye-catching one is the woman holding a scepter. This is the queen of a large country, respected by all people.

In addition to this person, there are also the Minister of Defense of the Lighthouse Country, the CEO of the Federal Reserve, a well-known rich man in a coastal city, and a European virologist whose face is known to everyone, etc.

If these well-known big names in later generations did not have plastic surgery according to the lizard man statues in front of them, then the answer seems to be ready.

In the 21st century of the previous life, the 12 lizardmen in this hall were still active in human civilization, putting on human skins and continuing to live the lives of leaders openly!

After living together with Leviathan for tens of thousands of years, they turned out to be just like this beast, living for thousands of years and becoming immortal!

The holy light emitted by Lawrence also illuminated a "mound" among the 12 statues.

In low light, this black "mound" looks inconspicuous. But when the light rose, Loki walked in and discovered that the mound was not made of gold, but a metal similar to black glass.

He was very familiar with this metal. It was the material used in the broken weapons in the hands of the fallen Titans in the Sunken City. At that time, he transported nearly two tons back from the submerged city. All were forged into weapons, and even many of the kitchen knives in Hanshui Village were made of this material.

In this black pyramid, there are dozens of golden mountains, but there is only such a small pile of them. Could it be that this thing is very precious?

On the black mound, there are not many precious treasures dotted like in the corridor outside the house. There is only a bright yellow sword stuck at the top. Loki narrowed his eyes and observed for a moment, then climbed onto the mound using his hands and feet.

He could feel his heart beating hard. Reaching out to hold the hilt of the sword, he felt the exact same touch.

This is actually a stone sword made of the same material as [Demon Sealing Blade]!

But the one in his hand at this moment is an out-and-out giant sword. In terms of size, it is almost at least twice as large as the Demon-Sealing Blade. The heavy sword has no edge and is engraved with the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and vegetation on one side of the sword.

On the other side, a very primitive seal script was used to write about the unification of the four seas and the strategy of governing the country.

Not just the blade. On the thick bronze sword hilt, two different gods are drawn in two different directions.

One person’s name is: Earth God

One person’s name is: Grain God

Below the gods of earth and grain, the 2-foot-long hilt has written instructions on wheat, rice and farming and animal husbandry.

Loki's heart beat harder and harder. His mouth felt dry and his consciousness was even a little dazed.

According to the oldest legend in Chinese mythology, after Emperor Xuanyuan defeated Chi You, the gods of earth and grain gave him a unique sword. Because there is no emphasis on killing, but civilized etiquette is engraved on it, hence the name: "Sheji".

The word "Sheji" later became the collective name for the two oldest gods in Chinese civilization, "Earth God" and "Grain God". The ancient kings of the Shang and Zhou dynasties did not respect heaven and earth, but only respected the country.

Because the Yellow Emperor's surname was Xuanyuan, later generations also called this sword "Xuanyuan Sword"!

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