People in One Piece are so good-looking

Chapter 173 Things are different now

He told the truth.

The previous few voyages were basically smooth, but this time it was a rare disaster and encountered a menacing ocean storm.

In the face of the terrifying wrath of nature, the warship was as fragile as a piece of paper. It could only choose to avoid it temporarily and take a detour, which was delayed for more than ten days.

Nuo Xia was feeling uneasy on the way here and was already prepared to bear Tao Tu's wrath. Fortunately, it seemed that the reaction of his immediate boss and his wife was much better than he expected.

"It's good to know how hard it has been for me during this time."

Taotu snorted softly, "One person is doing the work of two people, and my legs are almost broken... I will stay on the warship to rest for this combat mission later, and you will be responsible for it."

"No problem, just leave it to me."

Nuo Xia took over without hesitation and asked, "By the way, who are we going to deal with this time?"

When he first arrived, he was captured as a young man. He didn't even understand what was going on. He actually needed Taotu to lead three warships and go out in person.

"You will understand after reading it yourself."

Taotu took out a document from the bedside and threw it over.

"The White Pigeon Pirates, the Explosive Pirates..."

After quickly browsing the relevant information, Nuo Xia suddenly frowned and noticed something strange, "Two pirate groups that have obviously entered the Grand Line will suddenly return to the West Sea at the same time and launch an attack on an unknown small branch? "

He has only been to Xihai once, and everything here is quite unfamiliar, but he is quite familiar with the 329 branch that was attacked.

That's right.

Branch 329 is based in Guer Island, the hometown of Zhizi and Tina.

And the Colonel Bacco who sent the signal for help was the slippery and sophisticated guy with whom he had two dealings with Peach Rabbit's body.

In his impression, the total strength of this branch was less than a thousand people, and there were not even a few decent standard warships.

That Colonel Bacco's behavior was also quite lazy. He basically just took it one day at a time. How could he suddenly provoke such a powerful enemy?

"Probably seeking revenge."

Taotu saw his confusion, leaned back slightly, put his feet on Nuo Xia's shoulders, stretched his slim and soft body, and said lazily:

"You may not know much about Colonel Bacco. This guy has been in the limelight for the past six months, and his reputation has spread throughout the West China Sea."

"Huh? What do you say?"

Nuo Xia sniffed subconsciously and didn't smell any peculiar smell. It seemed that Taotu had just bathed and changed clothes before setting off. He was immediately relieved and said in confusion, "In my impression, that guy is not a good naval officer." .”

Taotu noticed Nuo Xia's little movement, kicked his chest angrily, and then threw another document on the bedside directly into his face as the latter laughed.

"Turn it over yourself."

"...Brigadier General, I think a good man like me should be cherished like a treasure, instead of being wasted like you all day long."

Taotu was too lazy to talk to him, and raised her two long, slender, white legs and put them on his shoulders comfortably.

Damn it.

The first level of officialdom suppresses people to death, so I can let you abuse and bully them during the day...

Wait until night comes.

Hum hum, it's time for me to turn my offensive!

As a man, he has accumulated unreleased anger for more than ten days. Once it explodes, it will be quite terrifying!

He was thinking so angrily in his heart, but he carefully searched the file. It only took him more than ten seconds to find the file records related to Colonel Bacco.

"On July 31, 1511 in the Hainan calendar, Colonel Bacco of the 329th Branch Base encountered the Gale Pirates on the road. He personally beheaded the captain who had a bounty of 23 million Baileys, the head of "The Gale Swordsman" Ross, and the Gale Pirates' military heart There was great chaos and was easily defeated.”

"On August 21st, thousands of fishermen in several fishing villages along the coast of Musi Island were massacred by the Bacardi Pirates. There were only a few survivors. Colonel Bacco arrived after hearing the news. He was furious when he saw what happened. When the pirates were about to leave, they stopped them and killed on the spot the pirate captain, 'Shadow Hunter' Bacardi..."

"On September 23, the captain of the Porcupine Pirates, who had a bounty of 30 million beli, and the Captain of the Grass Carp Pirates, who had a bounty of 32 million beli, were killed by Colonel Bacco's sword on the same day..."

"October 12th..."

The content after that is generally the same.

Nuo Xia made a rough calculation.

In just about half a year, Colonel Bacco defeated more than a dozen large pirate groups, and the captains of these pirate groups were basically pirates with bounties exceeding tens of millions.

There are as many as six people with bounties exceeding 30 million beli.

It's simply outrageous... What is this concept?

If it were a colonel from the headquarters of Malinfando, or even a colonel from one of the G-headed branches of the Grand Line, he wouldn't be too surprised if he could do something like this.

But this is Bako!

Not to mention the bad impression the other party left on him, in the final analysis, this guy is just a colonel from a small branch in the Four Seas. If he is transferred back to the headquarters, he will be demoted three levels, which is equivalent to a captain!

When did you have this kind of strength?

It’s really been three days since we saw each other, we should look at each other with admiration... No, do as the Romans do, that’s what we should say differently in this world.

Well, how should I change the words?

When you easily knocked away Wang Lufei and Liu Suolong with a stick, should you be prepared to be counter-attacked by the opponent the next time you meet?

"No wonder you said that he was in the limelight and his reputation spread throughout the Western Sea."

Nuo Xia put down the file, raised his head and looked at Taotu, and said with his tongue:

"With such an astonishing record, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to continue serving as the colonel of a small branch. With so many military exploits, it's time to be promoted to a level or two."

"Of course."

Not knowing whether it was intentional or not, Taotu began to use her toes to playfully rub the sides of Nuo Xia's neck, causing the latter to itch:

"In fact, his name has already spread to the ears of the senior management of the headquarters. According to the wishes of the superiors, at the end of this month at most, he will be promoted three levels in a row and transferred to our first position with the rank of colonel. Branch base.”

"Eventually before I was transferred, the station was attacked and retaliated by pirates in a crazy way?"

Nuo Xia calmly activated the effect of "Armor of Thorns", "If we go by what you just mentioned, Brigadier General, he is being sought for revenge."

"Well, the reason is probably that I didn't run away like this. I only reasoned and guessed it on the way before setting off."

A faint itching sensation came from between her toes. Taotu frowned slightly and glanced at Nuo Xia's neck. She was a little confused, but she continued to explain:

"In the pirate group he defeated last month, there was a cadre named Black Pigeon Arkin. He is likely to have a close blood relationship with the captain of the White Pigeon Pirate Group, White Pigeon Durkin, who launched the massive attack this time. , most likely they are brothers or something else...I'm not sure, hiss..."

She was really itching unbearably, so she finally gave up teasing Nuo Xia and retracted her legs.

"Reasonable speculation. Only in this way can it be explained why these two pirate groups who had entered the Grand Line suddenly turned around and returned home regardless of everything."

Nuo Xia saw this scene in his eyes and said calmly, "It's just obvious that they have not thought clearly about the consequences for those who dare to attack our naval branch base."

His tone was calm.

It's like saying something trivial.

White Pigeon Durkin, who killed a woman, had a reward of 66 million Baileys, and a reward of 70 million Baileys.

Let alone the Western Sea, even in the first half of the Grand Route, it is definitely a big pirate that can dominate one side. It is reasonable that the famous Colonel Bacco cannot deal with it.

But it's a pity.

It happened that at this time, I came to the West Sea.


Gur Island, where branch 329 is located, is not too far away from the first branch in the West Sea.

With the warship sailing at full speed, just a dozen hours later, Nuo Xia and Tao Tu, who came to the bow of the ship, saw the outline of Gur Island in the distance across the snowy sky.

The shape of the coastline was so familiar and friendly that Nuo Xia inexplicably recalled the time when he came to this island under the identity of Peach Rabbit, went to Zhizi's home, and persuaded her to return to the headquarters to resign.

At that time, I was just an ordinary recruit who had never made a name for myself. In front of influential figures such as Peach Rabbit and Blue Pheasant, I could only look up in envy because of my namelessness.

And now.

Everything is different.

He is about to enter the threshold of twenty years old, and now he is the leader of the younger generation in the department, the youngest rear admiral in the history of the Navy, and the dignified deputy base commander of the first branch of the West Sea.

Even Taotu, who was unattainable at the time, has been captured and became his lover.

Things are different now...

Nuo Xia sighed in his heart, and turned his gaze from the coastline of Gur Island to the military port on the north side. Sure enough, he discovered a large number of pirates launching a fierce attack on the branch base.

Judging from the situation, the pirates are clearly at the absolute upper hand at this moment.

All the defensive forts outside the port had been destroyed, and the navy, which had lost its home firepower advantage, could only huddle in the fortress and struggle to make the final defense.

"If we come an hour or two later, I'm afraid the base will be completely breached."

Taotu sighed softly, glad that she had left in time. After glancing into the distance, she turned around and walked towards the cabin, leaving a simple sentence:

"Follow the previous division of labor. I'm going back to rest. I'll leave it to you to deal with those pirates."

"Go ahead."

Nuo Xia nodded slightly.

This scene fell in the eyes of the surrounding navy, and they immediately looked at each other with some surprise and uncertainty in their hearts.

We are about to enter the battlefield ahead. Facing two pirate groups returning from the Grand Line, Major General Gion actually acted as a hands-off boss at this critical moment and left all the work to the new arrival. Deputy base director of Nuoxia?

"The strength of Major General Gion is obvious to all. As long as she takes action, the two pirate groups will definitely be defeated and surrender."

Some people couldn't help but mutter, "I just don't know what Major General Nuo Xia's strength is, and whether he can achieve this level..."

In terms of appearance, Major General Nuo Xia really had nothing to say, so they could not feel any resentment towards the deputy base commander who was late for a long time, but this was a battlefield, and no matter how good-looking his face was, he could not be used as food...


Since the spread of news in this world is relatively closed, a considerable number of people did not pay attention to the war that took place in the Kingdom of Alabasta a few months ago.

And even though some people had read the report, they still did not connect the Major General Nuo Xia in front of them with that major incident.

Otherwise, they would just be like those direct subordinates who followed Nuo Xia from their headquarters and began to silently mourn for the unlucky pirates in their hearts...

"Major General, we have entered the artillery range!"

On the bow of the ship, a lieutenant colonel responsible for coordinating the firepower of the fort suddenly turned his head and asked Nuoxia somewhat eagerly:

"Hurry up and give the order. As long as you say a word, we will immediately launch an artillery bombardment and provide fire support to the brothers of the 329th branch!"

"No need to fire."

Nuo Xia estimated the distance, shook his head slightly, and said softly:

"The close combat has already begun over there. The landing point of the artillery shells cannot be accurately controlled. If a large-scale bombardment is launched rashly, it will help the pirates to blow up the fortress defenses, which will be counterproductive."

"Then... what should we do, Major General?"

"Continue sailing at full speed. What you have to do later is to seal the perimeter of the military port and don't let any fish slip through the net."

Nuo Xia stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, and the cloak of justice behind him rustled in the wind. His tone was calm, but with a trace of undeniable majesty:

"As for other things, just leave it to me."


Not only the lieutenant colonel, but also the surrounding navy were stunned when they heard this.

Before they could recover, they felt the light in front of them flicker suddenly.

And the next moment, Nuo Xia's figure had disappeared from the spot, rising into the sky with moon steps, and shooting towards the distance!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

He was extremely fast, and almost in the blink of an eye, he crossed hundreds of meters of sea, getting further and further away from the sight of many navy, and headed straight for the military port several kilometers away.

Major General Nosha, what are you doing?

While being surprised by Nuo Xia's Yuebu accomplishments, the soldiers at the Xihai First Branch Base also felt a sense of uncertainty in their hearts.

No way... Recalling the instructions given by Nuo Xia just now, many people suddenly seemed to realize something and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

——Rear Admiral Noxia, are you planning to kill all the pirates on the shore by yourself before the warship arrives?

It’s a bit too exaggerated!

The enemies on the opposite side are not ordinary pirates in the Western Sea. They are strong men who have the confidence to step into the Grand Line. The total bounty offered by the captain exceeds 100 million beli!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The pirates, who were having a fierce battle with the defenders and were getting more and more excited as they fought, noticed the figure flying from the sky and the three white warships approaching at full speed from the corner of their eyes.

They didn't take it seriously, but many pirates grinned with bloodthirsty and ferocious smiles.

After fighting for so long, have the navy's reinforcements finally arrived?



I will start adding more updates tomorrow and try to keep updating 6,000 words every day until the end of the month. Please supervise and supervise!

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