People in One Piece are so good-looking

Chapter 146 The ambition of graduation and awarding [4/4]

Chapter 146 Ambition for Graduation Award【44】

Half an hour later.

The sumptuous dinner was served, and five people and one dog occupied the area around the dining table. It looked lively, but in fact the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Nuo Xia and Tao Tu sat side by side, both of them blushing and immersed themselves in putting food into their mouths mechanically.

He and Zhizi were sitting on the other side. After the former whispered something into the latter's ear, the two old ladies began to snicker. From time to time, they looked at the opposite person with meaningful eyes. Two people.

Only Tina didn't notice this abnormality and ate happily. From time to time, she would turn her head to spread out a little bit and feed it to Dingchun who was squatting next to her and wagging her tail...

The Spring Festival welcomes all comers, with an expression of enjoyment on his face, which makes people understand why this guy's body size has increased so much in just a few months...

five minutes later.

"I'm stuffed!"

Nuo Xia, who didn't know how to eat, finally finished everything on the plate, pushed away his chair and stood up, bowing to Zhizi, "Thank you for your hospitality, Lieutenant General! It's getting late, I'll go first. Come and visit me next time when you have time..."

"Sit down for me." He said calmly.


Not long after her butt touched the air, Nuo Xia decisively sat back down at the speed of light.

"After eating so much, it's not enough to fit between your teeth, so you just say you're full?"

Zhizi also sneered, "Tina, go and fill up the plate for your brother who never blushes when he lies."

The opportunity for revenge finally came. Tina picked up the plate happily and successfully built a hill in front of Nuo Xia in just a few seconds.

"Gion called me to plead for you before. I thought it was out of pure comradeship..."

He tapped the dining table with his skinny knuckles, stared at Nuo Xia and said calmly, "I didn't expect it to get to this point. Tell me, when did it start?"

"Not too long..." Nuo Xia hesitated, "After all, the Brigadier and I have only known each other for more than half a year..."

"Indeed, regardless of the time we first met, you captured the Flower of the High Mountain in our headquarters in just half a year."

He narrowed his eyes and looked at him with a half-smile, "When Zefa praised you to us for the first time, I didn't even notice that you are so capable..."

"You are over-praising, over-praising..."

Nuo Xia was stared at so hard that she laughed dryly and couldn't even speak clearly. "Actually, the progress is not as deep as you think. The relationship between me and the Brigadier has not been confirmed yet..."

"Lying." Zhizi sneered, "He even said that you are more skilled at kissing than her. You can tell at a glance... Why are you kicking me?" She glared at He and continued, "How can we even have a relationship? Not established?”

"Really not, Sister Zhizi."

Peach Rabbit sighed quietly.

"Eh?" Zhizi was stunned, "I know how proud you are, girl. If you didn't agree to this kid's confession, how could you let him hug, kiss and touch you..."

What are these words? What on earth did Sister He say with such embarrassment? Taotu bit her lower lip and lowered her head, her face so red that it almost reached her ears...

"Because I don't want to be the one to confess, I made an agreement with the brigadier that I have to wait until she takes the initiative to confess to me and I agree."

Seeing this, Nuo Xia took over the words bravely, "So to be precise, the relationship has not been established yet..."


Two sounds of spitting rice sounded at the same time. He and Zhizi looked at him in astonishment, full of disbelief: "You...what did you say?"

You are really destroying the image of a calm and calm wise man in my heart...

Nuo Xia cursed, wiped the rice grains from his face, and sighed:

"You shouldn't be so surprised, you two bosses. Although there is some suspicion of bragging, I must point out that I am also very charming. Girls who want to confess to me can line up from here to the port... No, you Why are you kicking me too?"

The proud little rabbit snorted and turned away.

"It's really yours..." Zhizi didn't know what to say for a moment. After shaking his head slightly, he looked at Taotu again, "Bad girl, you actually agreed to this request? When are you going to confess to him?"

"You have to wait until his military rank surpasses mine." Taotu pursed his lower lip, not looking at Nuo Xia, "And there are restrictions, he must become a lieutenant general when he graduates, otherwise he will have to be honest in public. I confess."


Zhizi and He were stunned at the same time. He looked at Nuo Xia sympathetically and said, "I understand, then this agreement is a waste of paper. In the end, you have to confess first."

"You have so little confidence in me?"

Nuo Xia was angry and counted on his fingers, "Do you know that I have been catching pirates day and night for the past few months, and I have almost accumulated a mountain of military exploits. With my current strength, even now If you apply for the graduation examination, the Lieutenant General will also have a good chance..."

"Stop being so delusional, kid."

He took a sip of tea and said calmly, "Sakaski was also extremely amazing in that class. After graduation, he had to work hard for a year before he was promoted to lieutenant general. At the same time as him, Polusa Lino, it’s more than half a year later.”

"I think I can break this precedent..." Nuo Xia groaned.

"In addition, the graduation assessment is not something you can apply for whenever you want. There are only two opportunities a year."

He glanced at him and said, "But you are in luck this time. Before the end of the month, the graduates of the last elite camp will have their graduation assessment collectively. If you don't want to delay it until the spring of next year, you can join them." join."

"Before the end of the month?" Nuo Xia was slightly startled, "Isn't that next week, so soon?"

He did plan to apply for graduation early this year, and he had to meet the 180-day deadline for completing side tasks, but he didn't expect that he would have to do it this early.

"What, are you scared?" Zhizi raised his chopsticks and picked up some vegetables for Taotu, speaking neither salty nor bland, "Are you worried that failing the test will affect the awarding of the title?"

"How is that possible? It's just a graduation exam..."

Nuo Xia only hesitated for a second or two, and then decided with a fist, "Since I can't apply for the graduation examination alone, I am determined to participate this time!"

He is already extremely proficient in the six styles, has a small proficiency in the two-color domineering, and has rich combat experience and training skills, far exceeding the upper limit of what an elite battalion recruit should have.

Continuing to stay in the elite camp is just living in the comfort zone, which is meaningless.

It’s time for the invincible Lord Romanov Nosha to step out of the protection of his teacher and truly enter the stage of this world!

"If you can achieve the highest evaluation ever in the assessment, maybe you will graduate as a lieutenant general, which will be really exciting."

Zhizi looked at Taotu, then at Nuo Xia, and said with a smile, "Work harder, kid. I look forward to the day when you graduate and receive the title. No matter how busy I am, I will still find time to watch it."

"The same goes for me." He put down the tea cup calmly.

Tsk, this pressure has come in advance.

"I'll do my best..."

Nuo Xia grimaced and was about to say something, when suddenly he felt his right hand under the table was held by something cold. He was slightly startled, turned around and saw Taotu winking at him, showing a slight smile.

Is this encouraging and comforting yourself?

Nuo Xia felt warm in her heart. Before she could be moved, she heard Taotu snort coldly:

"After dinner later, come out and fight with me. I'm not convinced, but I want to see for myself whether your current strength is really that of a lieutenant general!"


[I accidentally discovered that some pirated websites actually have book review areas, which are quite lively, as if thieves are having a meeting, and everyone speaks with such shamelessness, I am amazed]

The fourth one!

I took some time out at noon and finally finished last night's writing. It's a new month, and the monthly tickets you have should have been refreshed. Please give me a try!

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