Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 69 69, Brand new chainsword

The chosen champion opens his consciousness, embraces the power of the devil, and feels the fullness of power within his body.

This wonderful space battle should have been presented to the Blood God, but it was completely ruined by the extreme atrocities of the Primarch.

The ceremony that was supposed to be dedicated to the Blood God was forced to be suspended, so he had to use the blood and skulls of the Imperial soldiers in close combat to regain his dignity.

Blood is sacrificed to the blood god, and the skull is sacrificed to the skull throne!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, and the original bodyguards kicked the heavy metal door together.

With a bang, the brute force carrying powerful kinetic energy kicked the entire metal door away.

The divinely chosen champion who was waiting for the arrival of the expeditionary legion in the core area launched a surprise attack the moment the metal door was broken open, trying to catch the opponent off guard.

The eyes of the God-chosen champion flashed with excitement and madness. In this desperate attack, even the Blood God seemed to be delighted by his bravery, and his strength was displayed like never before.

His strength is so strong, his speed is so fast, his timing is so precise, he...

A big hand suddenly appeared in his field of vision, grabbing his head easily, and hitting his head against the wall with unimaginable force.

His helmet shattered, his solid head shattered into pulp, and his body was thrown away like garbage.

"keep going."

The original body's voice was so calm that there was no fluctuation at all.

He didn't even realize there was anything special about his attack.

"Your Highness, there seems to be something wrong with this weapon." Suddenly, one of the original bodyguards said.

The spiritual energy that was so rich that it was almost substantial escaped from his hands, and he carefully picked up the demon blade on the ground and presented it to the original body.

"Is there a demon's weapon?" Duker showed an interesting expression on his face and held the demon's war blade in his hand without any care.

In an instant, he heard a crazy roar echoing in his mind, and the violent emotions bombarded his soul like a bomb - the demon residing in the weapon screamed crazily, and he wanted to completely destroy the soul of the original body. Erode his soul and take away his will.

Under the erosion of massive subspace negative energy.

Not only did Duker have no disturbance in his heart, he even wanted to laugh a little.

"Is this the only darkness in your heart, devil?"

It seemed that he heard the plain questioning voice of the original body, and the demon's scream was paused.

Then, with the devil unprepared, endless malice was poured back into the devil's will.

This is not the negative energy of subspace, but pure evil thoughts originating from the depths of human hearts.

In this world, everything has two sides. If you want to become a transcendent existence, you must endure consequences that are unimaginable to mortals.

Primarch No. 2 lost control because of this, the two Gods of Gorma merged with the Orc network, and the Emperor imprisoned himself on the Golden Throne for eternity - even the Four Gods of Chaos, if it weren't for the existence of these dark sides, they would They are also supposed to be the gods of life, courage, wisdom, and love.

Along the way, the darkness that Duker endured was by no means less than the power he gained.

At this moment, human evil thoughts, which were comparable to the power of the original body, exploded unreservedly in the devil's consciousness.

The Demon Glaive suddenly let out a scream with strong emotions, sometimes hatred, sometimes resentment, sometimes despair, and sometimes sadness.

He seemed to be lost in malice and was suffering endless torture. Scarlet blood continued to overflow from the surface of the demon blade, as if he was crying.

Duker looked at the war blade in front of him that was weeping blood because he was lost.

He originally wanted to use his power to directly grant the other party eternal annihilation.

But after thinking about it, absorbing such a little devil was like eating an enoki mushroom to him. It could neither satisfy his hunger nor provide much nutrition.

Then Duker looked at the hunter-type chain sword in his hand - after the original body resurrected from the throne and picked up this chain sword, it has been accompanying him on the galactic expedition. Because it was contaminated with the blood of too many great demons, , which even gave birth to a unique machine soul.

"This chain sword is quite easy to use, so I might as well feed it to the machine spirit."

Duker had this idea temporarily, and it was also his first time to take such an operation, and he didn't know if it was feasible.

However, his mobility has always been very strong. Even if he failed, it would only be the loss of a little devil's soul.

There are more demons than humans in the galaxy right now, so don't even worry about them.

The fire of the soul ignited in Dukel's hand, melting the demon's war blade that was still weeping blood into juice. In the burning of the soul flame, the demon's soul let out a painful wail, and then the original body absorbed the soul, and then Infused into the chainsword.


The machine soul was happy, and the chain sword started spontaneously, buzzing with excitement.

This scene could be called a supernatural event in the previous life, but in this world it seems ordinary.

Duker even saw the pilot dead on the battlefield, relying solely on the spirit of the machine to maintain the Dreadnought Mecha fighting against the demons.

The machine soul is really amazing.

Duker's impromptu attempt was unexpectedly successful. After the infusion was completed, the chain sword changed a lot - not only did it become heavier and smoother, the two-meter-long sword body also transformed into a Bloody red.

It seems that it has inherited the characteristics of the devil, and blood is constantly flowing out from between the jagged teeth of the single molecule.

These are not real blood, just a psychic illusion.

In terms of appearance, the current chain sword is much more ferocious and domineering than before.

Under the nourishment of demon souls, the machine soul becomes more emotional and possesses certain demonic characteristics that cannot be said to be good or bad. Perhaps in the future, after drinking the blood of more powerful enemies, it may grow into a A unique living entity.

Then, like a child with a new toy, the primarch enthusiastically wielded his brand new chainsword and slaughtered all the followers of Khorne on the daemon flagship.

The flagship was swept away, and the Chaos Fleet's plan to raid the expeditionary legion was completely ruined.

In the deep space, the imperial fleet frantically pursued the remaining demon fleets, blasting them into brilliant sparks one after another in the uninhabited deep space.

This pursuit lasted for nearly a week, and it was not completely over until the radar signal could no longer capture any information about the demon fleet.

At the same time, after the demon fleet was cleared, the human world in the galaxy also took the initiative to send signals to the expeditionary legion.

After receiving the report from the intelligence department and returning to the Soul Fire, Dukel immediately ordered the expeditionary force to lock on to the location of the signal and go to rescue those trapped in a desperate world.

The expedition fleet set sail again, heading towards the planet that sent the signal.

When Dukel came into this world, his eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously.

Good guy, it's really chaotic, and every corner is filled with strong subspace negative energy.

In this huge world, there is no one as far as the eye can see.

Blood has almost soaked the earth of this world, and the smoke ignited by the war is still floating in the sky.

Corpses were hung on steel or other sharp objects, and blood continued to drip along the toes of the corpses as if it would never solidify.

Under the erosion of the negative energy of subspace, some steel creations have even grown flesh and limbs at this moment. They are like weird animals, crawling among the ruins of mankind.

If he hadn't confirmed that there were survivors here, Duker would have wanted the Soul Fire to throw down a cyclone torpedo, burn the planet's atmosphere with monstrous flames, boil the planet's oceans into steam, leaving only bare rocks - —Carry out a complete cleansing and annihilation of this world.

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