From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 287 One hundred million, one hundred million

How much money will the Dubai royal family spend on their appearance?

Prince Said, the fifth prince of Dubai, gave the answer!

One hundred million!

The distinguished Prince of Dubai, with a large team of people, landed at Ndele Airport on a luxury 737 three days later.

In front of many media, Prince Said boldly announced that he would donate US$100 million to the Central African National Park on behalf of Dubai, the Garden of the Middle East.

It is hoped that the Central African government can use this money to build Ndele into an advanced Afika tourist town.

And he said a little aggrievedly that he loved Namor too much, so he hoped to build a private manor in Ndele, hoping that Namor the Lion King would occasionally visit there...

Enthusiastic young Chinese and African girls lined up to bring flowers to the Prince of Dubai and sang local songs praising the great hero.

Then Linda was appointed as the representative as one of the few "international students" who could speak English in Ndele. She accepted the check from the prince, and then faced the media with a round of flattery that made people's teeth hurt.

Immediately afterwards, the Princess of Monaco came on stage to offer her high respect, and successfully obtained a 2 million charity fund donation from the good-looking prince.

Although this so-called donation of US$100 million is to be spread over three years, and is allocated in the form of an aid fund, and comes with some innocuous political clauses, this is already a powerful dose for Ndele. booster.

With Qiao Jia here, no one dares to think about this money. They are destined to be used in reasonable places.

Everyone was very satisfied, and Said was the most satisfied. He did not expect that he would meet so many media here, and even members of the European royal family applauded and cheered for his actions.

The only bad thing may be the few captured Middle Eastern buddies.

Originally, according to Prince Said's idea, it was best to place the flogging execution in a public place. He wanted to personally hold the whip to show the world the selflessness of the Prince of Dubai.

But Joga blocked his idea and changed the venue to the Park Service.

According to Qiao Jia, the prince needs to show a tolerant image to the outside world. If he wants to fight, it is best to fight in a hidden place. You just spent 100 million to buy a 'loving' image, and you can fight it yourself every few hours. How bad would it be to destroy it?

After hearing this, Said felt that it made sense, and then he urgently negotiated with his public relations person and overturned the previous plan.

Of course, you still have to fight!

Linda stood next to Qiao Jia with a happy face, looking at the 'execution site' of the Park Management Department...

Prince Said, who was looking cheerful outside, had a serious look on his face and increased the 4 lashes for "attempted poaching" to 10 lashes on his own initiative.

Then he swung the rattan whip that still smelled of grass and wood, and angrily smashed the back of an unlucky guy to pieces.

Linda looked at the unlucky guy who couldn't scream in pain. She stuck out her tongue and approached Qiao Jia and said, "Sir, is there really no problem with us doing this?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and said, "What's the problem?

They made a mistake, and in the end they even brought up the prince to avoid punishment, but we only enforced the law impartially and objectively gave the prince a chance to 'identify himself'.

The 100 million given by the prince expresses his enthusiasm for this land. Don't get it wrong.

This is not a deal, this is us making friends with the prince..."

This is where Qiao Jia is smart. When he adopts a business-like attitude, even if Prince Said gives 100 million, he still has to say 'thank you' to him.

Because Qiaojia did objectively maintain the reputation of the Dubai royal family, which can be regarded as "giving face". After all, he did not ask for money.

But if you take the money and stop fighting, then the matter becomes a transaction, which is another matter.

The most important thing is that Joga will not touch a cent of this money, and will all use it to build Ndele. In this way, not only will the Central African government be grateful to him, but Prince Said’s people will have no reason to hate him.

Linda looked at Qiao Jia who was talking nonsense like he was a ghost. She stuttered and said, "Is this really okay?"

Qiao Jia looked at the petty Linda, waved his hand and said: "His Royal Highness will be tired after two more fights. Then go up and persuade him, and then express your admiration for the majesty of the prince, and cry about the poverty in Central Africa." …

Your looks are too bad, but the prince wants to save face, so it’s okay to donate one or two million to buy food for you. "

Linda's eyes almost dropped when she heard this. She said in disbelief: "Is this okay?"

Qiao Jia was bathed in the screams of the unlucky man, and said with a smile: "Princess Charlene is preparing backstage. She has several bottles of eye drops that have not been used up yet, and she is about to go up and 'ask' for a few million more.

You are indeed not good-looking, but I will give you a chance..."

When Linda heard this, she gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, put some cooling oil on her hands, then rubbed her eyes desperately, and then pinched her thigh hard, her eyes filled with tears like a kind-hearted girl who couldn't bear to see it. Until the prisoner suffers.

When the prince's whip was no longer so powerful, Linda took the opportunity to howl...

"Your Highness, please stop..."

Beating someone is a strenuous job, and Prince Said was indeed a little tired at the moment.

Linda, her eyes red from crying, appeared at this moment, just in time for him to stop.

When the prince's media publicist saw this situation, he waved his bodyguard out of the way, and then pulled the photographer to ask him not to miss every detail.

After the prince showed his prowess and integrity, it was a good time to show his compassion.

Regardless of whether this thing can be broadcast, if it is broadcast within the royal family, it is also a good material that can win applause for the prince. The royal members of the Middle East are good at this, especially those princesses who are trapped in Dubai with nowhere to go. Princesses prefer it.

Qiao Jia looked at Prince Said who wanted to show off his grace, but was made to sneeze twice in succession by Linda's afro in his arms. He smiled and made a chop on the neck of Princess Charlene who was peeking her head in the distance. , indicating that her play was cut.

When Charlene, who had changed into a plain white uniform, saw this situation, she rolled her eyes hugely, then pulled Nice, who had been accompanying her, and said seriously: "Your boyfriend is a bastard!"

Nice didn't mean to be angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "If there are more bastards like this in the world, the world will definitely become a better place."

Qiao Jia didn't know what the two women were talking about. He watched Prince Said shed tears because of the cool oil on Linda's face. He took the lead in applauding and expressed the highest respect for the prince's kindness, uprightness and compassion.

Then after the prince and many entourage left and followed Linda to visit the poor life of the locals, Qiao Jia said to Ayo who had been standing by: "Don't be stunned, go up and finish the whipping.

Those who have been beaten by the prince will be ignored, and everyone else will be whipped four times. Don't let people think that the prince is partial. "

After hearing this, Ayou walked over with a grin on his face, picked up the rattan and shook it, then slapped a guy hard on the back...



At the same time, two Super Tucanos carrying five aerial bombs appeared in the sky above the territory of Setaka.

A Toucan dropped five 250-kilogram aerial bombs at a maze-like diamond mine.

With the loud noise, the mature diamond mine suddenly turned into ruins.

When Arawad, the current boss of Setaka, led his men to the diamond mine to check, they were blocked by an off-road vehicle on a narrow road.

When Arawad wanted to give the order to fire, a Super Tucano in the sky warned them with its cannon, and then showed its belly towards him. The five round aerial bombs told him clearly, 'You Will die at any time. ’

'Rhinoceros' pushed the door open and got out of the car with the nervous Man Luo. He pushed away several soldiers with ferocious expressions against hundreds of gunshots and walked up to the boss of 'Setaka', Alawad.

Looking at the angry Arawad, ‘Rhinoceros’ pointed at his terrible nose that still had half of it, and said with a ferocious smile: “You should remember me, I killed 46 of you in Bangui three years ago.”

Saying "Rhinoceros", he looked at Alaward, who raised his chin and stared down at him angrily. He said with a ferocious smile: "Our boss asked me to give you a message..."

The super toucan in the sky prevented Arawad from making any move. He looked angrily at the 'rhinoceros' that was almost close to him and said, "Who is your boss?"

‘Rhinoceros’ grinned and said: “Our boss is the owner of the Central African Park, the king of Sangha Town, and the leader of P·B Company.”

Saying 'Rhinoceros', he looked at Aravad who had realized something, and said with a ferocious smile: "Our boss asked me to tell you, the next time he thinks of you, he will only want to see your head on his before!"

After saying that, 'Rhinoceros' stared at Alawad's eyes until he unnaturally avoided his gaze. 'Rhinoceros' said with satisfaction this time: "Go back to your home, otherwise even if the boss doesn't want to After you, the 'anteater' will also come to you.

The 'anteater' is back, don't let it get the chance to skin you! "

Alawad, who was still on the hardtop just now, heard the name of 'Anteater' and subconsciously shuddered, then stared and said: "This is impossible..."

'Rhinoceros' sneered and shook his head, grabbed the hand of the driver in the car next to him that was touching the gun, pulled it out, drew a knife and cut the driver's hand between the middle finger and ring finger, then skillfully turned the blade and cut it off took half of his palm.

Listening to the driver's screams, 'Rhinoceros' raised his head and sniffed, then threw a mobile phone to Man Luo, who was nervous beside him, and motioned for him to turn on the video mode...

Looking at the livid Alawad, ‘Rhinoceros’ said with a ferocious smile: “Say something, or I will bring something back.”

As the most powerful warlord in Central Africa, Alawad was so angry that he was going crazy.

But the names of the Super Toucan and the 'Anteater' above his head still kept him calm.

He knows 'Rhinoceros'. This guy is a madman, and a madman who is not afraid of death. 'Anteater' is even more of a madman among madmen!

Facing the threat from the madman, Alawad looked at the camera in Manluo's hand, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry!

I promise that my people will not enter P·B Company’s territory in the future! "

'Rhinoceros' turned the dagger in his hand and looked at Alavard, who had an extremely ugly face. He seemed a little disappointed with him for admitting defeat so simply. It wasn't until he noticed that Manluo's legs had begun to tremble that he shook his head regretfully... …

Patting Man Luo on the shoulder, 'Rhinoceros' grinned and said, "Let's go."

Alaward watched the 'Rhinoceros' drive away in the off-road vehicle. Just when he was about to vent, the Super Toucan in the sky pounced on his other diamond mine with a terrifying roar.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The huge roar and flames instantly woke up the warlord. He pushed his guard away forcefully, took out his satellite phone and dialed...

"Harlot, I need help, manpower, weapons..."

“Hey, hey, hey, let’s be clear, what’s going on?

I heard that the 'Ndrangheta people have prepared a batch of weapons for you. What else do you want? "

“Harlot, my mine was destroyed and my diamond business was ruined this year.

The arms dealer named Aaron is too slow. I need weapons, weapons that can shoot down fighter jets. "

"You really know how to fucking joke, do you know how much an air defense system costs?

Let me tell you, not even one carat of diamonds will be missing this year!

I will find a way to contact a group of Chadian mercenaries and send you a few Chieftain tanks and a few armored vehicles.

These, plus the arms sponsored by the 'Ndrangheta, are enough for you to fight against Bangui. "

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