From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 276 The Royal Family Arrives

At noon the next day, everyone in the manor gathered at a small private airport.

Qiao Jia took his younger brother and Tong Tong to visit his two planes.

The appearance of the Piper PA-42 is actually quite advanced, but the huge propellers on both wings indicate that it has always been a fixed-wing propeller aircraft. There is a huge difference compared to those business jets.

Especially when Gami's blue Bombardier business jet landed on the airport runway, the contrast became more and more obvious.

Holding his brother's shoulders, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "In the future, we will also build one of those things. All we need to do is say hello to where we want to go. Even if we fly from one end of the world to the other, we can start in the morning and arrive at night."

Qiao Liang grinned and said: "No need, just buy a plane ticket somewhere. Buying that thing is just a waste of money."

As Qiao Liang looked at the gaze cast by Jia Mi next to him, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Of course, it's okay to be extremely rich. After all, work requires it."

Qiao Jia squeezed Qiao Liang's shoulders hard, making him straighten his back, and then said with a smile: "You get nervous when other people look at you, she is not a tiger?

The rich people in this world are actually just that, you don't ask them to do things, just be natural. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed at Tong Tong, who was holding a camera, coaxing the little prince and young master of Monaco to take a blessing image, and said with a smile: "Tong Tong is fine like this, just for fun. If you are nervous, these guys People don’t know how to treat you anymore.”

Qiao Liang smiled "hehe" and said, "Brother, I'm not nervous, I just don't know what to say? They are your friends, and I'm worried that I said the wrong thing..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "If they really treat me as a friend, even if you do something wrong or say something wrong, it doesn't matter to them.

They don't regard me as a friend, and I don't care if you offend them. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the Bombardier that slowly stopped and opened the door. A handsome man with a beard led a beautiful woman and two teenage girls off the plane...

"Despite their grandeur, in terms of bank balance, their whole family together may not have as much money as you and I."

After speaking, Qiao Jia patted his brother hard on the back and said very seriously: "Just treat them as ordinary people, socialize with them if you can adapt, add a friend to take photos and post them on WeChat to show off.

If you can't adapt, just treat them like air, ignore them, and do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Remember, in Afika, your brother and I can talk much more easily than they can! "

Qiao Liang watched Tong Tong holding two plastic flowers and shouting "Welcome to Afica", and rushed over to take a photo with the Swedish prince Carl and his family, who looked like elf princes. Afterwards, he expressed regret for their lack of prestige...

Watching my brother naturally lead his sister-in-law to interact with people, if the expensive planes in the background were removed, the overall feeling would not be much different from that of a neighbor dropping by for a visit.

Watching the eldest sister, Camilla, pull the Queen Princess off the plane, she pulled Nice, Tong Tong, Charlene, and the Princess of Sweden to form a ladies group, and they laughed and talked together...

Qiao Liang patted his head hard, and then walked behind his brother. Seeing that the average-looking husband of the queen prince didn't seem to like to talk much, he took the initiative to walk over and say hello, and then naturally talked to the only one. The fitness instructor with a high school degree chatted together.

Only then did Qiao Liang realize that he was not the only one who was nervous. Daniel, the fitness coach who was married to the Queen, was also nervous. In this way, two men with slight social fears were able to chat very well.

This thing is that they had the same aura and met each other late, and then Qiao Liang was introduced to his family by Daniel without any need for Qiao Jia to lead him.

His wife, Crown Princess Victoria, 7-year-old daughter Estella, his handsome brother-in-law Prince Carl, and Prince Carl’s wife and two daughters.

Surprisingly, compared to Tong Tong, who was jumping up and down, Qiao Liang, under the guidance of the honest and kind-hearted Daniel, made contact with the Swedish royal family more smoothly, and even made faster progress than his brother Qiao Jia.

At this time, Qiao Liang discovered that these so-called royal families were indeed just ordinary people in private. The only thing that was a little different was that they always seemed to be able to maintain a relaxed state.

Qiao Jia liked his younger brother's current state very much, and he did not interfere with him. Instead, he was pulled by Eric and Chris, and formed a small gang of men with Prince Carl...

Of course, Eric can only count half of it.

Prince Carl was also a nightclub guy when he was young, and his wife even took a photo album. Although this guy already has two daughters, he still loves exciting and exciting things.

After introducing each other, Prince Karl shook hands with Qiao Jia familiarly, and then said with an expectant expression: "We are really going to catch lions, right? I brought my own shotgun, maybe we can catch some other than lions thing."

As he spoke, Prince Karl approached Qiao Jia and whispered: "I have always wanted an oryx specimen. I joined a hunting club, and some people there were very annoying..."

Qiao Jia listened and said with understanding: "I understand, it's just an oryx. After we catch the lion and deal with the media and people from the animal protection organization, we will quietly go to the grassland for a walk.

You may not believe it, but although I opened a hunting guide company, I have never actually hunted because I have an animal protector working for me. "

Prince Carl showed a sympathetic expression and said helplessly: "Eric knows my situation. Ever since my sister donated all her furs and established an environmental protection fund, I have never used my shotgun again." pass.

God is my witness that if I had been born in Afika, I would have been a good hunter. "

Qiao Jia feels that Prince Karl is really easy to get along with and has a very fun personality.

This guy claims to be a good hunter, just like bragging between friends, and he's just waiting for someone to expose him.

Sure enough, Eric squinted at the handsome Karl, then touched Chris next to him, and said in a strange voice: "What is this guy's ranking in the club? He actually claims that he is a good hunter?"

Chris touched his chin, recalled it solemnly, and said: "As far as I know, his record is 83 rings, ranked 194th, and our club only has a total of 200 people, haha..."

Seeing the depressed expression on Prince Carl's face, Chris high-fived Eric and said with a smile: "We should give this guy some color and let him know who is the real good shooter.

I brought my WA2000 and was about to ask Jackal to help me adjust it. Where is yours?

If you don't, then my baby will be the champion, haha..."

When the two of them were mocking him, Karl pulled Qiao Jia and explained: "Our shooting club is full of masters. You know, I don't have enough time, so it's not a shame to be ranked lower."

As he spoke, Carl heard what Chris said, and he suddenly shouted a little unhappy: "Hey, it is a crime to shoot those poor animals with a weapon worth 200,000.

If you all use that kind of gun, I refuse to recognize your achievements! "

Eric spread his hands and said in an extremely unbeatable tone: "A gun is also part of strength. I spent money on it, so I should use it."

Eric glanced at Qiao Jia a little guiltily as he spoke, confirming that he had no intention of competing with people like him, so he made a banknote gesture towards Karl and said: "5,000 yuan per person, let's compete when we get to the place. , winner takes all.

How about it, Your Highness, don’t let me look down on you, you can’t even get out 5,000 yuan, right? "

Carl's troubled expression disappeared the moment Eric arrogantly proposed the bet.

The guy grinned, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile: "I bet, with this money I can buy a new car.

Hehe, I saved my pocket money for more than half a year and went to Finland to find a master to modify a shotgun. You are screwed, haha..."

Eric had more confidence in Qiao Jia's gun than he did in himself, but looking at the prince's arrogant look, he was still a little curious and said: "Who helped you modify the gun?"

Prince Karl glanced at the group of ladies not far away, then motioned for Chris and Jorga to come closer, and whispered: "Do you know the wanted judge sniper in Finland?

I found Cliff Jorgensen, the gunsmith who helped him modify the gun, and spent 43,000 euros to modify a Sako TRG M10.

The hand-rifled 23.5-inch barrel is worth 16,000 yuan, and I spent an additional 3,000 yuan to get the charming snow camouflage paint.

Guys, my baby is more expensive than the jewelry my wife wears. Remember, even if you are jealous to death, you must not reveal the secret. If my wife asks, tell me that the gun only costs 4,300 yuan.

Also, they must not let them know who the gunsmith I am looking for is? "

Eric looked at Prince Carl's proud look. He pointed at Qiao Jia and said: "Brother, the jackal in front of you is the best gunsmith. He made the WA2000 in Chris's hand. The one I use He also built the record-breaking AWM.”

Chris didn’t know that the ‘Iceman’ was fighting in the woods under Qiao Jia’s hands, and he didn’t know that Eric was a friend of the ‘Iceman’.

Looking at the shocked Karl, Chris grabbed the prince's arm and said: "I'm a little interested in that Cliff Jorgensen, that guy is the logistics of the judge's sniper 'Iceman'.

The ‘Iceman’ killed the Supreme Prosecutor General in Norway from 1,900 meters away, using the Sako TRG he provided.

‘Iceman’ is wanted across the world, why isn’t this guy in jail?

Do you have his phone number? Give me one and I'll order a Sacco too. "

Prince Carl proudly made a gesture of money and said: "You can't always make money from me. For an information fee of 5,000 yuan, I will give you Cliff Jorgensen's phone number.

The old guy is now restricted in his range of activities, but this has made him completely calm down. Buying a gun from him will definitely have room for appreciation. "

Eric watched the two guys ignore the real Buddha in front of them and discuss an old man instead. He resisted the urge to tell them the news that the 'Iceman' was now in Central Africa, and shook his head in disdain.

Looking at Qiao Jia beside him with a thoughtful look on his face, Eric touched his arm and whispered: "You have to help me, I didn't bring my own gun.

If your brother wants to build a drone, I can help him. I am a real communication electronics expert. "

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