From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 244 I will be the boss, do you have any objection? (Additional updates, please subscribe, pl

Bearded Waters was so depressed that he almost wanted to hit the wall...

As an elite member of the Ranger Reconnaissance Force, when had he ever suffered such a loss?

The winning and losing points on the battlefield, but this feeling of being overwhelmed from the beginning to the present made him too irritable.

After hearing Joga's teasing, Waters said angrily: "The Rangers don't need to prove anything. Whatever we need will be taken from the battlefield."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and then he had a good impression of Waters.

Because of Sanderson's existence, Jorgia went out of his way to check the Ranger sequence.

The Rangers are indeed a T2 sequence, but the Ranger Reconnaissance Troop is indeed a T1.

But in the past, Sanderson always smiled and said nothing when faced with misunderstandings from his boss, so Qiao Jia misunderstood him for a long time.

Now Waters had the same reaction, which made Qiao Jia realize that these guys cared more about the 'Rangers' rather than which sequence they were in.

Probably just like the Marine Corps always preaches 'always loyal', the 'Rangers' probably also have their own core cohesion.

Qiao Jia, an outsider, couldn't figure it out, but he was looking forward to cooperating with two T1-level special forces.

Although everyone is not happy to meet each other, so what?

Although Niger is a poor country, Defense Minister Lionel stood firm and won the "command power" for P·B Company.

Of course, everyone knows that it is impossible for the two teams of the United States and France to completely obey P.B.'s orders, but having this name is worth bragging about. After all, commanding such a team is usually the responsibility of the president.

There were 12 people from the French SAS. One of the leaders walked up to Qiao Jia, pulled down his mask, and revealed an old face full of stubble.

This guy looks a bit like Jean Reno, but his nose is bigger and his chin is slightly squarer.

After seeing Qiao Jia's appearance clearly, the Frenchman frowned and stretched out his hand to shake Qiao Jia's hand and said, "My people call me 'Comet'. Are you Chinese?"

Faced with this kind of problem, Qiao Jia was more sensitive. He shook his head decisively and said, "Let's change the topic."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed to the light-shielding bunker formed by two dead trees and a Polaris side by side, and said with a smile: "There are only 12 of you? What is your mission?"

‘Comet’ raised his hand to indicate to his comrades to maintain perimeter alert, and then followed Joga and Waters to the bunker.

Watching Antar take off the charged drone into the air again, and the picture on the monitor was still clear, 'Comet' looked at Waters, who was wearing a US military uniform, and then nodded to Qiao Jia Said: "If you have a computer here that you can use, I can apply for you to connect to our command system.

The footage captured by our drone is much clearer. "

Qiao Jia ignored this guy. He looked at Waters and said, "Where is your drone?"

Waters glanced at the 'Comet' who always held his chin high, and suddenly felt that this guy was more annoying than Qiao Jia, so he shook his head and said: "Our drone has returned...

But soon three Little Bird helicopters will arrive. They will bring me 7 comrades. One of them will send my two injured comrades back, and the other two will be in the air when we launch the attack. Provide support. "

When Qiao Jia heard this, he gave a thumbs up in admiration, then looked at the 'Comet' with contempt and said, "What about you? Apart from the two Rafales flying around in the sky to show off their power, what else do you have?"

'Comet' wanted to say that there was another armored force coming from his side, but when he saw Qiao Jia's sarcastic expression, he knew that the other party already knew that his armored convoy was blocked on the road.

After hesitating for a moment, Comet said in a deep voice: "Our mission is to capture a Dutchman named Neeskens, who has connections with Boko Haram and multiple terrorist organizations in Europe.

He took the initiative to contact us and said that he could drive out of the town with the film crew on the condition that..."

Qiaojia waved his hand to interrupt Comet's words and said: "I don't negotiate with terrorists. That Neeskens has connections with terrorists. To me, he is a terrorist.

My goal is to rescue the Nigerien students imprisoned in the town. You don't have to help me, but until I complete my goal, no one in the town will want to leave. "

When Qiao Jia was talking, Antar suddenly raised his head and said: "Boss, someone wants to try to find the vehicle..."

Qiao Jia stared at the 'Comet' that seemed to want to watch the excitement. He didn't even look at the screen. He pressed the communicator and said: "'Artillery', center of the town, six-shot salvo."

‘Comet’ was not at the scene of the battle before, but was escorted in by helicopter. He did not know what P.B had done before. He only thought that the Niger government had won a victory with the assistance of a mercenary group.

On the way, their team collided with Team E. Their snipers suffered a slight loss, which made them pay attention to Company P·B. Unfortunately, the intelligence support from the rear had not even had time to be sent to him, and was killed by Qiao. Jia found an opportunity to install it.

‘Comet’ didn’t know what Qiao Jia wanted to do, but soon heard a roar from the sky, and then six explosions sounded in the center of the town.

This kind of powerful weapon is the natural enemy of all special forces. ‘Comet’ subconsciously became nervous, and then said angrily: “This may accidentally injure the hostages...”

Antar promptly showed the picture on the tablet, which showed several people lying in the center of the town where the largest concentration of pickup trucks was...

"The hostages were certainly not sent to find the car, let alone with guns."

Qiao Jia looked at the stunned 'Comet', he reached out and snapped his fingers in front of him, and said: "As a principled military contractor, my first goal is to save those imprisoned students. , no one can leave the town until I complete my strategic goals.

I will blow up anyone who touches me, and I will do what I say! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took out a recording pen with a flashing red light and said with a smile: "Unless you think the lives of white people are more important than the lives of local students...

Tell your Rafales to move away and give up the airspace to my fighter jets. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Waters and said, "My two Super Tucanos and your two AH-6 Birds should have eliminated all escape routes, right?"

Although Waters was frustrated by Qiao Jia, he understood Qiao Jia's hint instantly...

The French guy has reached an agreement with a certain key person inside and wants to keep both the hostages and the key person in his hands. How can this be done?

We are all allies, and if we win, it’s okay for everyone to share the profit. After all, the bonuses are distributed by each company. But if you want to pick the peaches and get the big share, then you are overthinking.

What's more, the terrorist only contacted France, so there was obviously something fishy going on.

The biggest interest of Laos and the United States in Afica at this stage is the 'anti-terrorism interest'. Without Waters even having to say anything, the US military command that has been monitoring his channel sent him a clear message.

‘America does not negotiate with terrorists! ’

Seeing that Waters was firmly on his side, Joga grinned and shook hands with the awkward-looking Waters, and said: "We are all good brothers, and we are all here to help Niger's allies establish peace and stability. I I believe you will do your best to help us save those poor students.

According to my information, Boko Haram captured many students from nearby, at least 40 of them were female students from Catholic schools.

As long as you rescue them, I will ask each of them to write you a letter of thanks. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Waters, whose expression kept changing, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, what I have in my hand is just a recorder, not a bomb.

Since I established the company, I have believed that most soldiers have a sense of honor.

Right and wrong in this world are often unclear, and justice is often not absolute.

But I believe everyone should agree that ‘evil’ exists!

And fighting against evil is the responsibility of every soldier with a sense of honor!

If we can't protect goodness and beauty, then what are we here for?

Take away their minerals? Drain their oil? Or do you want to squeeze every last drop of their blood? "

Waters looked at the recorder in Qiao Jia's hand. He ignored the constant reminders from the command staff in his earphones not to speak. He took off his earphones with a strange expression and said in a hoarse voice: "Everything you said is right. I hope you can do it yourself!”

Qiao Jia looked at the 'Comet' whose expression kept changing due to Waters' actions, and he knew he had won.

So he raised the recorder in his hand and said with a smile: "I can send you one copy of the recording, and then I will wait for your review at my base in Central Africa.

Forget about those sons of bitches hiding in the back and giving orders, let's do something worthy of our conscience. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia patted Waters' arm and said seriously: "If you want to save that camera crew, kill all the terrorists and they will be saved."

Then Qiaojia looked at the 'Comet' and said: "You want the Dutchman named Neeskens, no problem, kill all the terrorists, as long as he is alive, let me chop him in two and he will be yours."

After speaking, Qiao Jia pointed to his chest and said: "I want to save those innocent students, so I want to kill all those terrorists!

You see, in fact, our goals are not conflicting at all. Let us say goodbye to those politicians for the time being and do what soldiers should do. What do you think? "

'Comet' didn't think it was good, but he knew better that if he shook his head, the recording in Qiao Jia's hand would bring him bad luck.

Once this thing was exposed, he would not be able to hold his head up even if he returned home from the army. His whole family would probably be beaten to death by Europa's Baizuo Net.

At this time, the headquarters of both the United States and France were paralyzed. Who knew someone would do something like this? How can anyone turn on their recorder when they come up? This makes us full of national interests. How can we use the conspiracy?

Hearing that there was no sound in his earphones, 'Comet' knew that he was on the grill.

The battle-hardened veteran shook his head and laughed, took off his earphones and stretched out his hand towards Qiao Jia, saying: "You are right, soldiers should do what soldiers should do!"

Qiao Jia listened, turned off the recorder, and said with a smile: "Then I will be the boss for a while, do you have any objections?"

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