From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 217 Grassland Resort

Qiao Jia's wish is not too complicated...

He just wants to have many animals in his special resort, so that guests and volunteers from all over the world can truly experience the peaceful coexistence between humans and animals.

Building a safari park and building some rooms in it is not what Qiaojia wants.

What he wants is the kind of resort where guests can show love!

Open to adoption when necessary, so that wealthy people can take time to see their 'children' every year, in order to subsidize the consumption of the resort.

Is there any animal that needs more help than the animals in the ‘rescue center’?

Chinese people have traveled all over the world, but Afika is still a restricted area for most Chinese people, because it is unsafe and also because it is unfamiliar.

A group tour of Afika, which is relatively reliable, costs at least 40,000 yuan. How many people in China can only watch Afika on TV in their entire lives? But in fact it shouldn’t be so expensive here!

In fact, not only adults should come and take a look here, but children should also come and take a look!

No matter how good the so-called wildlife parks in China are, they are nothing compared to here.

Some children of foreigners choose to work as volunteers in some rescue centers in Afika to increase their resumes when applying for college.

Children in China don't need it. They just need to fully experience this place. Even if they can't cultivate abundant love, even if they just understand the local poverty, it will help them understand the truth of the world.

Of course, it would be better if they could leave a trace of love here!

If you don't have money to donate, you can do volunteer work or something. Anyway, Qiao Jia doesn't mind their small contribution. After all, rooms and meals are charged.

This model was not invented by Joga. There are such animal rescue centers in Namibia, South Africa, and Kenya.

They open tours to attract donations. When volunteers from all over the world rush there, they will find that they have to pay for food, drink and accommodation there, and it is not particularly cheap.

Of course, if your parents are the primary sponsors, you get the presidential treatment when you go there.

If not, then you are the one who goes to show love at your own expense.

It is definitely wrong to say that you spend money to buy pleasure, because you can learn a lot there, see many animals that you can't usually see, and get close contact with them.

It is definitely more meaningful for young people to choose to go to such a place than to simply spend money to eat, drink and check in.

This model has been proven to be an effective fundraising method for public welfare organizations.

But now Qiao Jia wants to expand this model, with better rooms, bigger places, more animals, and more travel projects.

You can just spend money to have fun, or you can be a volunteer. This place can satisfy all your fantasies about Afika.

Qiao Jia had nothing to do anyway, so he took John and Ada to sit down and talk about their ideas.

John agreed with Qiao Jia's idea, but in the end he told Qiao Jia the dilemma he was facing, which was a warning to him that he would basically lose money if he did this.

But Qiao Jia really doesn't care about this now. He's not running a five-star hotel. How much money can he lose?

Not to mention the significance of the Global Hunting Guide Company, this is a business that is visible on the surface, has face and is meaningful, and is worth a little loss, not to mention that it is not necessarily a loss.

As long as he can monopolize the hunting quota, Qiao Jia cannot guarantee that he will never lose money in Central Africa elsewhere.

The grasslands here are so beautiful. As long as there is one advantageous project, his tourism company can stand on a high point and carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on other similar companies.

And Qiao Jia's requirements are not high at all. As long as they can be responsible for their own profits and losses, according to Eric, when there are more than five branches with similar monopoly nature, the 'Global Guide Group' can seek to be listed, and then Go spend the investors’ money.

Of course, as long as Qiaojia still needs money laundering business, listing will only exist in fantasy.

But again, 'I don't want' and 'I want but can't have it' are two different things. After all, the feeling is completely different, and the mentality when losing money is also completely different.

Qiao Jia briefly tested the attitudes of John and Ada and found that they were not enthusiastic about selling their 'Animal Rescue Center' because there was no question of 'selling' at all. They didn't want money, they just wanted to Someone needs to sponsor them to continue their animal protection career.

This is a couple who have found the value of life in Central Africa. Money is not the most important thing to them.

Obviously, they want to stick to their ideals alone, but ideals require money, and the small amount of funds from the Animal Protection Fund cannot guarantee the normal operation of their animal protection center.

And the olive branch extended by Qiao Jia, a 'rich man', became a life-saving straw for them to continue their ideals.

Compared to the sincere John and Ada, Qiao Jia was a little confused. He looked curiously at John, whose face seemed to have 'Come and take me in' written on it. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Why do I think you can't wait to take me in?" Dump me at the animal rescue center? What's in there?"

John shrugged his shoulders and said: "There is the value of my and Ada's life in it, and those things should not be measured in money."

As he spoke, John looked at Qiao Jia who looked unbelieving. He grinned with yellow teeth and said: "Well, to be precise, we can't support it anymore!

The situation in Central Africa has been very bad, and the progress of our work here does not satisfy some people, so our funding has been reduced in the past few years.

We will not sell the center because we are worried that if this is a business, the animals in the center will be used as bargaining chips.

Sir, 'protection' is the ultimate meaning there, not only to protect those animals, but also to protect our conscience and life values.

From a business perspective, I personally am not very optimistic about your resort plan.

However, I am not opposed to using animals to inspire love among tourists. After all, it is not bad to let animals raise funds for their own survival.

There is a saying that seems to say that only by letting people know more about animals can we better protect them. "

Qiao Jia had to admit that John was a very good lobbyist. After all, he described a business that was likely to suffer losses in a fresh and refined manner, which somewhat transcended the nature of the business.

In fact, it’s ‘Come on, invest more money, you are doing something more meaningful than making money! ’

But Qiao Jia still sticks to this, because this is also his ideal.

Although his ideal end point is a little different from John's, it doesn't stop him from throwing money here. The worst he can do is throw gold mines here for a week every year, and it won't kill anyone!

Nis and Ayo finished collecting firewood and lit the fire, and then sat next to Qiao Jia, watching him talk to John and his wife.

Nice found that Qiao Jia would be very patient when facing people like John and his wife, and he would be particularly easy to talk to.

This situation happened to the 'Professor' once, but compared to the 'Professor', Qiao Jia seemed to be more patient with John and his wife.

This is definitely not because they are willing to incorporate the 'Animal Rescue Center' into Qiao Jia's resort plan for free, but because Qiao Jia likes such good people.

Seeing Ada still trying unyieldingly to get close to the baby elephant, Nice cleaned the animal repellent on his body, then raised a large bucket of milk and called to the baby elephant.

The baby elephant put its big head on Qiaojia's neck and pushed Qiaojia's face with its soft trunk to let him see if he could pass.

Qiao Jia glanced at Nice, who had a smile on his face. He pushed the baby elephant's head hard and said, "Go quickly, go quickly, there is delicious food at mom's place."

The little elephant checked again and again, then stretched out his nose and touched Nice's body to confirm that there was no longer the smell that scared him. Then, like a carefree golden retriever, this guy jumped to Nice's side and grabbed it in his mouth. He picked up a huge pacifier, and while drinking milk, he used his feet to drive away the two fat dogs that refused to let go.

After the baby elephant finished drinking milk, Nice was about to touch the little guy's ears and establish some communication with Ada who had been beside him.

In the end, the white-eyed wolf just happily rubbed her face with his nose, then rushed to Qiao Jia's side, buried his head in Qiao Jia's arms, and kept kicking up dust as he stepped back. Tell Ada, who has been chasing behind it, "Don't hurt me."

The little guy rested his big head on Qiao Jia's lap, fanned his ears and nuzzled Qiao Jia's chin.

Qiao Jia grabbed its nose impatiently, rolled it up and stuffed it under his arm. Seeing the guy making a grunting sound of grievance, Qiao Jia shook his head and released its nose, then put his hand in. Behind its ears, caressing it made it make a happy humming sound.

Nice slapped the little elephant on the butt in a funny way. After discovering that the guy didn't feel anything at all, the girl wrinkled her nose and turned the two fat dogs in the right direction, allowing them to find new fun.

The baby elephant's swaying tail became their new toy. The two Rhodesian lion hounds pounced ferociously on the baby elephant's buttocks, scratching and biting them. Unfortunately, their small milk teeth had no effect on the baby elephant. Within a few rounds, he was slapped by the elephant's tail and screamed.

Ada tried to get close to the baby elephant several times to try to establish communication but failed. She finally gave up her idea and sat next to Niss.

Glancing at Ayo who was standing on guard not far away, Ada said to Nice: "You don't look like tourism investors."

Nice nodded matter-of-factly and said: "We are indeed not, only our boss is."

Ada was a little surprised by Nice's frankness, she smiled and nodded and said: "That's right, professional tourism groups don't like this place at all, because it can't bring them any benefits.

What is needed here is people with ideals..."

As she spoke, Ada changed the subject, pointed at the two Rhodesian lion hounds, and said with a smile: “They are great hounds, and if trained properly, they will be very good helpers.

I have some information there that might be able to give you some help. "

Nice was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I thought the main task of a veterinarian was to treat animals."

Ada shook her head and said: "No one is born to be a veterinarian. I used to be a dog trainer at the Virginia Military Dog Training Center. Unfortunately, my partner died in a mission, and then I realized that I should do something more meaningful. .

That's why I came here with my husband! "

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