Chapter 706 Ultimate Fear

Xu Jiawei was still very courageous. After confirming that the soul guidance core of the electromagnetic gun could not be copied by them, he invited Tian Hao to the palace for a dinner that night.

Titled Douluo who belonged to the royal family also showed up to attend the dinner, and looked at the thing from time to time. They didn't look like a human being.

"Sir, the special metal used in this armor is unusual, isn't it?"

Fu Gongfeng, who was specially arranged to be next to Tian Hao, couldn't help but ask. He saw that it was a special metal, but he couldn't tell which special metal it was.

"This is the first-generation dark alloy that I recently researched. It combines the advantages of multiple special metals and complements each other's shortcomings. It is more powerful than a single special metal."

Tian Hao seemed very candid, and he had no intention of hiding anything in this regard.

And this thing can be guessed by careful observation, but it is better to tell the truth frankly, so as to establish the character of a pure scientist.

"Can special metals really be fused?"

Fu Gongfeng was very surprised. Although he had a rough guess after seeing the electromagnetic gun soul guide core before, he was still extremely shocked and surprised after receiving this confirmation.

There are many types of special metals, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some people have previously proposed to obtain better special metals through fusion, but they have never been successful.

Special metals are different from ordinary metals in that they contain energy. Energy hedging cannot be fused at all, and no one has succeeded in doing so for thousands of years.

Not only on their side, but also on the Sun and Moon Empire, there is no one who can fuse special metal alloys.

"It's possible, but it's just more difficult. The key is the purity and ratio, as well as the fusion of the energy inside. Just like the martial soul fusion technique, special methods must be used to reconcile the energy inside, so that the energy can be integrated first. Metamorphosis, and then drive the metal itself to fuse..."

Tian Hao still seemed very candid, but he only talked about the theoretical level, not the specific methods.

Although Fu Chongfeng was itchy, he was wise enough not to ask about this secret and continued to ask other questions.

He has been stuck as an eighth-level soul mentor for a long time. He has never been able to find an opportunity to break through, and he has accumulated a lot of doubts in his heart. At this moment, he happened to be looking for advice from this person.

Regarding Fu Chongfeng's request for advice, Tian Hao answered whatever he could based on Yang Erlang's experience. If he couldn't answer, he said he still needed to study.

Seeing the lively exchange between the two, Xingluo Emperor Xu Jiawei, who was sitting on the main seat, waved his hand. The dancing maids and musicians left quietly, and everyone listened attentively.

Even though they are not soul engineers, they still understand each other somewhat and can understand the meaning of what the other person is saying.

"Sir's soul guidance system has a unique style, and it seems to be developing to a subtle level."

After asking for advice and benefiting a lot, Fu Chongfeng turned the topic to the core point, and everyone present was also attentive.

"That's when I accidentally discovered the mystery, which I call the microscopic world."


Fu Gongfeng was so full of curiosity that he even took out a small notebook to take notes, write them down, and then go back and think about it carefully.

"The world we see with the naked eye is what I call the macroscopic world, including the earth under our feet, the sun, the moon, the stars, and all things in the world. But at the microscopic level, it is another scene. For example, our human body is made up of tiny particles. It is composed of a level that is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. This is the microscopic level.

The micro level and the macro level are interdependent and influence each other, two sides of the same body..."

Tian Hao was very serious in his deception. This was a pretty big bait. If you don’t believe it, these people wouldn’t take the bait.

After this wave of deception was over, Xu Jiujiu, who was sitting next to Tian Hao, said thoughtfully: "It's like the country and us as individuals. The country is at the macro level, and we as individuals are at the micro level compared to the country."

"That's understandable!"

Xu Jiujiu nodded approvingly, this child is still very savvy.

"After discovering the existence of the microscopic level, the world has become a different look in my eyes. The essence of all things can be intuitively understood. Even the cultivation of soul masters and the shaping and operation of soul guides are reflected in detail at the microscopic level. .

Based on this, I have further improved the soul guidance system, and now have the sophisticated soul guidance core system, which is smaller in size, lower in cost, consumes less energy, and can be more powerful.

However, in order to make this kind of subtle soul guidance core, there are extremely high requirements for the purity of the material. Even if I want to purify it, it is still very difficult. "

As Tian Hao explained, he took out an electromagnetic pistol and disassembled it out of thin air, revealing a soul guidance core the size of a peanut.

"Sir, how refined is the soul guidance core you have made now?"

Fu Gongfeng became more and more curious. He had only seen that the soul guidance core was more subtle than what could be seen with the naked eye, but he could not tell to what level it was.

"Lend you a hair!"

Tian Hao looked at Fu Chongfeng, who was almost bald, and couldn't bear to speak to him. He turned to look at Xu Jiujiu, who had golden hair.

After refusing for a long time, he pulled out a strand of hair and handed it over.

"After discovering the existence of the microscopic world, I knew that the existing unit of length was no longer sufficient. I divided one meter into one hundred segments, each segment being one centimeter. Then I divided one centimeter into ten segments, each segment being one millimeter. , under the millimeter, I divided it into a unit of micron. One thousand microns is one millimeter.

The diameter of this hair is about 0.05 millimeters, which is fifty microns. I can draw a one-micron array pattern by my own ability alone, but with the help of some external forces, I can break through the micron limit and achieve A level of 0.1 micron.

At that time, I understood that micrometers are not the limit of the microscopic world. On the basis of micrometers, I divided into deeper nanometer units. One thousand nanometers is equal to one micrometer.

The formation pattern of this soul guidance core is at the level of one hundred nanometers. If it can be further refined to the level of ten nanometers or even one nanometer, more soul guidance formations can definitely be burned in the same volume.

As for whether one nanometer is the limit of the microscopic world, I don't know yet, and I need to continue to study it. "

Using his soul power to hold the hair, Tian Hao explained the division of length units at the microscopic level.

"The difference is five hundred times, I really haven't sensed its limit yet."

Fu Gongfeng cried and laughed. His previous guess was correct. The soul guidance core of the electromagnetic gun was far more subtle and complicated than what he could see or imagine.

Everyone else was shocked by this. A hair was already very slender, but the pattern of the electromagnetic gun's formation was five hundred times thinner than a human hair. No wonder they couldn't see anything at first.

"Sir, could you please show us the world at the microscopic level?"

His wonderful eyes were filled with brilliance, and he became more and more interested in the microscopic world for a long time. He even had the urge to change his profession and become a soul mentor.

That is the future of this world. Compared with it, today's soul masters are simply weak, unless they reach the level of genius.

Xu Jiawei and others are also looking forward to this and want to see the world at the micro level.

“I took this piece of hair as an example, and this is what it would look like if I magnified it a thousand times.”

Tian Hao did not refuse. As he spoke, he output his soul power to create the shadow of his hair.

All the titled Douluo left their positions and came to take a closer look. Even Xu Jiawei, the Emperor of Star Luo, stepped down from his seat and watched the hair shape shaped by the soul power.

"My hair looks like this."

For a long time, his eyes widened in disbelief.

She imagined that her hair should be smooth and smooth, but when she zoomed in, it looked like old tree bark and layers of scales, giving it a ferocious feel.

"The world at the microscopic level is different from the world at the macroscopic level, and the microscopic world is the true essence and the basis for the operation of all functions of our body."

Tian Hao took back that soul power and once again emphasized the importance of the microscopic world.

"You rely on your understanding of this microscopic world to treat those people?"

The Medical Immortal Douluo Wang Xianer, who had been silent all this time, was thoughtful and roughly guessed the origin of this medical skill.

"I have not systematically studied medical skills. I have only read some medical books and pharmacopeias. Combined with my understanding of the human body at a microscopic level, those so-called difficult and complicated diseases are not a problem in my eyes."

Tian Hao still seems very candid, and the main theme of this character is sincerity.

“So how can we gain insight into the micro level?”

Wang Xianer asked, very interested in this.

Although she knew that asking about such a top secret was rude and even taboo, she still wanted to ask.

If she could know how to gain insight into the microscopic level, her medical skills would surely be improved to a higher level, allowing her to treat more people.

As soon as this question came up, before Tian Hao said anything, Xu Jiawei and others became nervous, for fear of offending that person, but at the same time they also wanted to know the key to the door to the microscopic world.

"Mental strength!"

After a moment of silence, Tian Hao said one word.

"Mental strength?"

Wang Xianer was puzzled. She was good at mental power, and she even had a head soul bone. Her mental power was considered powerful at the Super Douluo level, but her mental power could not detect the existence of the microscopic level. She even tried it just now. , still no gain.

"Soul power has two indicators: quantity and quality. The same is true for mental power. Today's soul master training only improves the quantity of mental power, but ignores the quality of mental power. Only by condensing mental power to a certain level can it reach the micro level. .

If it is condensed to the extreme, it can even materialize the illusory spiritual power, thereby interfering with matter at the microscopic level.

But that would consume a lot of money. It would be better to fuse with the soul power and use the soul power to interfere, which is more labor-saving. But in that case, you have to pay attention to the properties of the soul power..."

Tian Hao is still very candid, like a master scholar who doesn't hide much about his research results.

"Then how to condense mental power?"

After asking for a long time, she finally figured out that this Mr. Taotie is a true master scholar. He only has a desire for the mysteries of the world and doesn't care about other things. Even the results of his research will not be kept secret. .

"In summary, it is the tempering of life. The specific method is to use various stimulations that are strong enough to affect the mental level. It can be emotional fluctuations such as sadness, or it can be stimulations such as pain, and it requires years of tempering."

Tian Hao did not disappoint everyone, but the method he said made everyone shudder.

They can understand a little bit about using pain to stimulate the concentration of mental energy, but the years and months of hard work are very heart-wrenching.

What has this person experienced in the past to be able to hone his mental power to such a subtle level?

"Mr. Eater, I wonder if you have ever heard of the attribute of will?"

After being silent for a while, Xu Jiawei suddenly spoke.

Their family has inherited records of the golden age ten thousand years ago. They know that the attribute of will is the key to becoming a genius, and they have been studying it. Unfortunately, they have gained little. In addition to the changes in the world, the biggest reason is their own lack of talent.

But the person in front of him is obviously a real talent. Maybe the other party can develop this will attribute again.

"Attribute of will?"

There was doubt in his tone, as if he was hearing about the attribute of will for the first time, and he was smiling in his heart.

Xu Jiawei raised this point to prove that he had been deceived and hooked himself on the thrown fishhook.

"Our Star Crown clan has been inherited for more than 10,000 years. There was an era of geniuses 10,000 years ago. They mastered the power of will sublimated from spiritual power, thus possessing combat power comparable to gods, far beyond The power of the current soul master is at its limit.

And that kind of willpower can also interfere with reality and even directly attack and kill opponents. "

The power of will was briefly explained. In fact, they didn't know much about this aspect. The main reason was that the attribute of will was too illusory, much more illusory than mental power, and could only be understood but not expressed in words.

"Does murderous intent count?"

Tian Hao deliberately remained silent for a while before speaking and took out the Shura Demonic Sword.

With the appearance of the Shura Demonic Sword, a terrifying killing aura emerged, filling the entire hall, making everyone present feel numb and frightened, as if the horror of death was coming.

At the same time, this amazing power also awakened an old man who was in seclusion deep in the palace. He looked at the main hall in shock. He did not dare to stop. He immediately came out of seclusion and came to the main hall. He stood next to Xu Jiawei and stared at that person and that person. A sword.

"This sword is a trophy I obtained from Shrek. It has a strong murderous intent, and the power contained in it is more advanced than our soul power. I guess this is the power only possessed by the legendary gods."

"That should be left by Shura God Xiao Wu, one of the first seven monsters of Shrek Academy, who is married to Poseidon Tang San."

The old man standing next to Xu Jiawei let out a long breath and said, as the strongest person in the Xingluo Empire, he knew all the secrets of the royal family, and when the Xingluo royal family first came to the throne, they also had the background of the Dai family, so he knew everything about it. I know a lot about what happened years ago.

Furthermore, the matter of Poseidon Tang San and Asura God Xiao Wu is not a secret to begin with, and compared to other gods, Poseidon Tang San and Asura God Xiao Wu have stayed in the world for thousands of years, leaving behind many deeds. Even in terms of belief, many forces know that Poseidon Tang San and Shura God Xiao Wu are real.

Since this sword was obtained from Shrek and had such an astonishing killing aura, it must have been left by Shura God Xiao Wu.

After hearing the old man's explanation, everyone present looked at the Shura Demonic Sword with enthusiasm, and some even developed a sense of greed.

"Calm down, that kind of artifact is not something we can covet."

Seeing the greed of those colleagues, the old man reminded him. Although his words were soft, they were like thunder exploding in everyone's hearts, and their consciousness instantly returned to clarity.

Everyone who regained consciousness quickly activated their martial spirits, adjusted their state to its peak, and resisted the terrifying murderous intent. After nodding gratefully to the old man, their eyes turned to the sword again.

This time there was no fiery greed, only fear.

The power alone is too much for them to bear. If they hold it in their hands, they will be instantly corroded by the terrifying power and even be torn to pieces.

Seeing that everyone had regained consciousness, the old man looked at Xu Jiawei with a questioning look on his face.

Xu Jiawei understood and whispered what happened before, including that person's microscopic world theory.

"You can condense your mental power to the point of interfering with real matter. No wonder you can resist the erosion of that magic sword."

After listening to Xu Jiawei's story, the old man was amazed and sighed.

I was wondering before, how that weirdo could not be affected by that sword, but now it seems that he is really capable.

If you can hone your mental power to that extreme level, it is indeed not difficult to resist this kind of power.

At least it's okay to just hold it in your hand. If you want to use it, you probably have to become a god.

"Killing intention is indeed an attribute of will, the same as sword intention, gun intention, etc., but it is much more dangerous than the sword intention that those geniuses majored in thousands of years ago. If you are not careful, killing intention will erode your heart. Degenerate into an evil soul master, or even a murderous demon."

After briefly explaining the attributes of murderous intent, the old man was quite afraid of this power.

If you really want to be eroded by the murderous intention, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will still fall. You can't tell whether it will happen in the end.

Therefore, although murderous intent is a will attribute that can be achieved quickly, few people have ever taken that path, and even if they have, no one has succeeded.

That kind of power is too dangerous, not only to others, but also to the practitioners themselves.

"I didn't expect that will is a kind of power before, and it can also be cultivated and improved. Maybe this kind of power can help me break through the bottleneck of existing research."

With a tone of sudden realization, Tian Hao put away the Shura Demonic Sword, and the violent murderous aura that swept through the entire hall disappeared. Everyone who was nervous breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that their vests were soaked with sweat. .

That kind of murderous aura and intention was so terrifying, even if they were titled Douluo and their strength was suppressed by more than half, they were truly worthy of being left behind by the gods.

Unfortunately, it was too terrifying and beyond the reach of mortals like them. If it was something left by Poseidon Tang San, they could give it a try, but forget about what was left by the God of Shura.

"It's no different now than it was ten thousand years ago. Ten thousand years ago, there was an extra energy in our world that could assist the cultivation of will power. However, that kind of power decreased a lot with the disappearance of the Martial Spirit Kingdom ten thousand years ago. What's left is are distributed between heaven and earth and are difficult to sense.

Because of this, the kendo system that existed thousands of years ago will gradually decline or even disappear. We have been trying to revive the kendo system, but unfortunately it is difficult to achieve results.

This kind of micro-level theory has great potential, and it may be able to open up a path that is not weaker than the kendo system. "

The old man said seriously, attaching great importance to this micro-level theory.

He has almost reached the limit of his potential. He has been in seclusion for many years and still has not been able to break through that bottleneck. It is basically impossible for him to make another breakthrough on his own.

And this micro level might be an opportunity to help him break through his own limits. Not to mention becoming a level 99 Ultimate Douluo, at least breaking through to level 98 shouldn't be a problem.

In this way, you can live for a few more decades.

"Who are you……"

Tian Hao looked at the old man with his light bar eyes and understood that this should be the mysterious hall master of the Xingluo Empire Worship Hall, and the Medical Immortal Douluo Wang Xianer was the deputy hall master.

"My name has been forgotten for a long time. Not many people know it. You can call me your great worshipper."

Speaking of his real name, the old man couldn't help but sigh, and he didn't know how many of the old friends from back then were left today.

Time is not forgiving!

"Just now, the great worshiper said that there is a kind of power hidden in the world, which can assist the cultivation of will attribute. I wonder if I can talk about that power in detail."

Tian Hao nodded slightly and immediately mentioned that power.

He knew that that kind of power was the power of telepathy in the divine world, but he had to pretend it was so that he could carry out reasonable research on the telepathy in the divine realm as Yang Erlang, so as to avoid suspicion from his eldest nephew in the divine world.

"Of course you can."

The great worshiper did not refuse, and sat on the chair that Xu Jiawei had brought to him and said: "That kind of power is called telepathy, and its properties are very similar to will. It is said to originate from the divine realm and is a power belonging to the divine realm and the gods.

It appeared in our world thousands of years ago for unknown reasons, which greatly increased the entire soul master system, and even the soul beasts have improved a lot.

After that, our first genius, the Holy Spirit Sword Master, used it to create the kendo system and spread it throughout the world, allowing us humans to better absorb telekinesis and practice, and then evolve into a glorious golden age.

With the blessing of the sword system and the power of mind, many geniuses have appeared in our human race, and there are even peerless geniuses who can rival gods with mortal bodies, or even kill gods..."

The great enshrinement was very detailed. This is indeed a top-secret secret that should not be told. However, this person is probably a genius in this era. Perhaps they can use this person to promote their understanding of the power of mind and willpower. Research.

Not to mention recreating the golden world of thousands of years ago, it would at least allow them to go one step further.

Moreover, the microscopic world and new soul mentor system he created are full of potential. Even if he cannot become a god, he is still powerful enough to rival the gods.

Xu Jiawei even took out the video crystals inherited from his family and played back the battle scenes from the Soul Master Competitions thousands of years ago.

Everyone present listened carefully and watched carefully. They had only heard of this kind of secret before, but it was not detailed. Now that they heard such detailed secret from the mouth of the great worshipper, they couldn't help but yearn for it.

They are used to calling some geniuses the golden generation, but there was a golden age thousands of years ago, and their so-called golden generation was as numerous as dogs in that golden age.

It is really impossible to imagine how glorious and dazzling that era was.

This exchange and discussion lasted for two full days before both parties achieved satisfactory results.

The Grand Priest personally led Tian Hao to the secret treasury of the Star Luo royal family, where there were collections of the Star Luo Empire dating back tens of thousands of years, including items inherited from the Dai family that could be traced back to the golden age thousands of years ago.

There are ancient books and treasures full of traces of time.

"Didn't the cultivation methods of that era be passed down?"

After looking through all the classics in the secret library, Tian Hao just asked pretending to be confused.

"Erased by certain beings. They don't want us humans to become stronger."

The big offering was both angry and helpless.

"The ones behind Shrek?"

Tian Hao said in a thoughtful tone, and the great priest nodded gloomily.

"So as long as we continue to move forward, we will eventually face the gods in the divine world. Is this our ultimate fear?"

Tian Hao's tone was clear, and there was a hint of coldness in his voice.

“It can be said that maybe the God Realm itself does not want to see us become stronger and wants to enslave and suppress us as slaves.

Maybe it was the golden age thousands of years ago that frightened the gods of the divine world. It is said that many gods fell into the hands of the geniuses of our human race at that time. They would not be willing to see such geniuses appear again in our human race. . "

Nodding, the Grand Priest also had a bad opinion of the gods of the God Realm. This was also one of the fundamental reasons why the royal family of the Star Luo Empire was wary of Shrek.

In their view, Shrek Academy is an eagle of gods from the divine world that snatches away dogs to interfere with their human progress and even unification.

"We humans will never be slaves!"

He said something coldly, with a hint of murderous intent.

It is absolutely impossible for a human race to be a slave, even if food and shelter are provided.

The great priest was stunned for a moment, and as he muttered these words, the passion he had been immersed in for many years seemed to be rekindled.

"Perhaps you can open a new chapter for us humans."

After the bloodshed, the great worshiper felt even more emotion and recognition for this person.

No wonder they were able to create a brand new system. Their ideological awareness and boldness alone were beyond their reach.

Maybe this person can help mankind open up a golden world again, and geniuses will emerge again.

"I will take these things with me. Once your materials are in place, I will immediately start making electromagnetic soul guides for you."

Selecting a few useful treasures from the secret treasury, Tian Hao greeted the great worshipper and hurried back to the mansion, preparing to help Ali's mountain village super god martial soul system.

After sending the man out of the secret treasury, the great envoy came to the previous hall. At this moment, only Xu Jiawei, Wang Xianer and Xu Jiujiu were left inside.

"That one is gone?"

Xu Jiawei asked.


Nodding, the great worshipper sat on his seat.

"What does the great worshiper think of him?"

Wang Xianer asked. She had been observing the man before, but unfortunately she didn't see anything.

There was no way, all that could be seen was the iron bump, and there were no facial expressions or eyes. Even with her nearly two hundred years of life experience, it was difficult for her to see through such a thing.

"His soul guide armor is very strong, I am not sure it can be broken, and he also has the magic sword left by God Shura in his hand. I am afraid that nothing in this world can withstand the edge of that magic sword. It is an almost invincible person." solution exists.”

Telling his feelings, although the great worshiper did not fight with him, he could still sense something with his sensitive senses as a strong man.

At least he wasn't sure of defeating that one. No wonder he could single-handedly injure and kill so many strong men like Shrek.

"It won't be easy if Shrek has to submit."

Xu Jiawei was not surprised. The battle with Shrek alone was enough to prove the opponent's strength. If not helpless, would Shrek, who had always been strong and domineering, choose to surrender?

"Brother Emperor, I want to become my master and become a soul master."

Xu Jiujiu suddenly said, she wanted to become her teacher more and more and learn the brand new soul guidance system.

Xu Jiawei was speechless, quietly waiting for his sister's next words.

"Although those electromagnetic soul guides are powerful, since he can sell them, he must have defensive means in his hands, and there may even be stronger soul guides. That one is the future. We must keep up with Mr. The footsteps will give you the upper hand."

Expressing his thoughts, Xu Jiujiu felt that that person must have stronger means and research results, not just the kind of soul guide armor, but something deeper.

Although this was just her intuition as a woman, she believed in her own intuition. Only by following that person could she have a future, and she couldn't just be satisfied with the current electromagnetic soul guides.

I recommend a book written by my colleague, "Douluo: The Peerless Tang Sect, the Angel and the Rakshasa Returns". It was originally called "Douluo: The Black Angel of the Peerless Tang Sect, the Beautiful Rakshasa". The main character changes from male to female, and the writing angle is It's quite unique, if you are interested, you can go and have a look.

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