American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 663 664. I, Loki, am ethical

Surtur, the Fire Giant, the Fire Lord of Muspelheim.

Just like Laufey was taken away from the Box of Ice, Surtur was also killed by Odin at least once in his true form, taking away the Eternal Fire - the original flame in the world. Now his strength has also been greatly reduced.

Then he vowed to destroy Asgard.

Normally, Brother Hammer would just think it was the cry of a negative dog, but this time the prophecy nightmare reminded Brother Hammer of the legend of Ragnarok.

"When my crown is bathed in eternal fire again, I will regain my full power, and I will ask Odin for everything I have lost!"

"Okay, as long as you say so."

Brother Hammer is also at ease. This is not just his idle dreaming and hysteria.

Isn't he just a boss? Just brush him off!

So I gave someone else's nest a toss.

Surtur was killed by Odin, and without the Eternal Fire, he was just a fake.

There is also a Rainbow Bridge in Asgard. The nine realms are really like your own back garden. You can come and go when you want. If you don’t pay after playing, it’s not drifting. You can do whatever you want.

I have to say that, except for a "little" accident, what Odin has laid for Brother Hammer is truly an eternal legacy. As long as he doesn't commit a catastrophic death, Asgard will not collapse.

Brother Hammer made a big fuss in his lair, successfully defeated Surtur, and returned to Asgard with the loot.

That is to say, Surtur's "crown" in the shape of two large horns is actually the core of his body, the original flame crystal of Muspelheim, the essence of the first condensed flame element in the world, Surtur is the flame. A crystal-born fire spirit.

In fact, even if there is no eternal fire, as long as the crown absorbs enough heat, Surtur will be resurrected again, just like his previous resurrection after being killed by Odin, but only the eternal fire can restore his true body. .

"...who the hell are you?"

Brother Hammer came back victorious and was about to compete with Heimdall when he discovered that someone had been replaced.

It was a big bald guy with a tattoo on his head.

"Scorch, we fought side by side in Vanaheim." The tattooed bald guy is also a guy who doesn't conform to the law of becoming bald and getting stronger. He has no domineering attitude at all. He nods and bows to befriend the Hammer brother.

"Okay, where's Heimdall?"

"He was dismissed by Odin for dereliction of duty, but escaped before being tried. Now he is a wanted traitor."

Are you teasing me when you're so drunk?

The God King's beard has been shaved off, and Heimdall cannot possibly neglect his duties! It’s even more impossible to betray!

You might as well say Loki is up to something again... huh?

Brother Hammer had a dark look on his face, swung the hammer and flew away without saying a word.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute!" The big bald man shouted while chasing.

Warnima... looked at the huge statue of Loki erected at the top of the palace, Brother Hammer with a black face, and the last bit of luck was wiped out.

Look at the drama being performed in the Garden Square. Not to mention that the acting is quite "good", the actors' acting skills are really good.

If you ignore this plot.

This Loki became the hero who defeated the Frost Giants, defeated the Dark Elves, and saved Asgard. But Brother Hammer was really a stupid Onisan, the Three Warriors really became three idiots, and Sif became a fool. Sweet, Odin is the god who hugs Loki's lap, "Without my good son Loki, Asgard will not be a country."

And the "real" Odin was like a rich landowner, slumped on a sofa and kept cheering.

Ugh Doudou!

Brother Hammer was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.



"I'll do it." A voice suddenly appeared from behind. "Odin" trembled in fright and spit out a mouthful of wine.

Brother Hammer said that if this is really Odin, I will live broadcast the eating!

Asgardian language is profound and profound, but Hammer Brother gritted his teeth and glared at the slightly panicked "Odin", which was probably the inner roar like this.

"Oh, son, you are back, everyone. My eldest son, Thor, has returned victorious once again."

"Odin" raised his glass and used the cheers of the crowd to cover up his panic. He shook his mouth vigorously about ethics. He felt weak and annoyed in his heart. It had just been a good few days. I have never seen this good guy come back so diligently. Why don't you go spend time with his little girlfriend?

"Thank you, thank you." Brother Hammer secretly gritted his teeth and had to maintain his image: "Father, I saw the statue you erected for Loki. It's really good. It's much more handsome than him in person. Where's Loki? I need to give him a good congratulations."

"Loki...well, he has something to do. By the way, I gave him a secret mission. I will tell you more about it later."

"Okay, we have to talk carefully later, father, what do you think this is?"

Brother Hammer took off the loot from this boss fight from his back, the legendary equipment, Surtur's Crown of Flame.

"Oh, Crown of Surtur, um, very good, darling, I'm proud of you."

"I have been dreaming recently that Asgard fell into a sea of ​​fire and turned into hell. So I patrolled the nine realms, looking for answers, but found that our enemies are ready to move, but you, the King of Gods, Odin, have nothing to do with it. As a matter of fact, enjoy yourself all day long.”

"You rebellious son, being a father has a very deep meaning! You don't understand, it's just that your brain is full of muscles, stand down!"

"Okay, but before that..." Brother Hammer said and threw the Meow Meow Hammer away.

Then he stood behind "Odin", grabbed his head, and faced the Meow Hammer flying back.

"You traitor, do you want to rebel? I will execute you!"

"Okay, don't forget to find a good place for me to bury. I'll be waiting for you in the Hall of"

"Reverse... ok, I surrender, let go now!"

"Oh, my God." The nobles and people onlookers exclaimed. It was not that Brother Hammer had really killed his father and seized power, but that "Odin" had returned to his original form in a flash of glory.

"Loki, where is the father?" Brother Hammer said with an angry look on his face, "If I don't tell you, I will really kill you today." It is impossible to kill your father to seize power, but today you really want to kill your younger brother and have fun.

"You guy, can't you just let me feel comfortable for a little longer!"

"And let Asgard bury you with you?"

"You are simply being persecuted and delusional. You have convulsions even if you have a bad dream!"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is your father?"

Brother Hammer and Loki moved forward and back until Meowth Hammer pressed against Loki's chest, and Loki said angrily: "I'll take you to see him!"


"Thor Odinson."

When he came to Earth, Loki finally told the truth. He used magic to confuse Odin and threw him into a nursing home. However, he found that the nursing home had been demolished.

After trying hard not to be hammered to death by Loki, the stupid Doudou was suddenly wiped out by a circle of light, leaving only an address. Thor came over and felt a familiar aura.

He has never seen the person before, but this Juebi is a pretentious criminal.

"My name is Stephen Strange, and I have something to ask you."

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